いさぎよくsingle life ここちよくsimple life 


Top Putin Critic Given 25 Years for Treason


2023/4/21 level 8

Top Putin Critic Given 25 Years for Treason



A Russian court convicted a top opposition activist of treason on April 17 for publicly denouncing Moscow's war in Ukraine and sentenced him to 25 years in prison. It was the latest move in the Kremlin's crackdown on anyone who criticizes the invasion.





Vladimir Kara-Murza Jr., an activist and journalist, has rejected the charges against him as punishment for standing up to Russian President Vladimir Putin. He compared the trial to the show trials held during the rule of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin.

活動家でありジャーナリストのVladimir Kara-Murza Jr. ウラジーミル・カラムルザは、まるで虐待のようなその処罰を拒否したーロシア大統領プーチンに立ち向かうために。




Human rights organizations and Western governments denounced the verdict and demanded his release.




The charges against Kara-Murza, who has been in prison since his arrest a year ago, relate to a March 2022 speech to the Arizona House of Representatives in which he denounced Russia's invasion of Ukraine, as well as other speeches he made abroad.






Days after that invasion, the country introduced a law criminalizing spreading "false information" about its military. Authorities have used the law to stop criticism of what the Kremlin calls "a special military operation."





In a statement at the end of his trial, Kara-Murza said that he was jailed for "many years of struggle against Putin's dictatorship."




Kara-Murza was an associate of Russian opposition leader and fierce Putin critic Boris Nemtsov, who was assassinated near the Kremlin in 2015. Kara-Murza survived poisonings in 2015 and 2017 that he blamed on the Kremlin. Russian officials have denied responsibility.







Amnesty International have declared 41-year-old Kara-Murza a prisoner of conscience and demanded he be released immediately and without conditions.




British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly also denounced the sentencing of Kara-Murza, who also has British citizenship. The British government said it would consider taking action to hold people responsible for Kara-Murza's case.




The United Nations' Human Rights Chief Volker Türk criticized the sentence and Germany's Foreign Ministry demanded his release.



Kara-Murza's health has worsened in prison, leading to the development of polyneuropathy — disease of or damage to the nervous system — in both his feet, according to his lawyers.




Top Putin Critic Given 25 Years for Treason | DMM英会話 デイリーニュース

Explosive Thrown at Japan PM at Campaign Event:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ

また起きてしまいました。演説の前、岸田総理が背中を民衆に向けた瞬間に爆発物が投げられました。元安倍総理と同じじゃないですか。だから、このセンテンスが理解不能でした shows Kishida standing with his back to the crowd. 岸田氏は民衆に背を向けて立っているところを映す



2023/4/16 level 8

Explosive Thrown at Japan PM at Campaign Event


Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida was evacuated unharmed on April 15 after someone threw an explosive device in his direction while he was campaigning at a fishing port in western Japan. Police wrestled a suspect to the ground as screaming bystanders ran to safety and smoke filled the air.







Although no one was hurt, the scene was reminiscent of the assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe nine months ago.





Kishida was visiting Saikazaki port in Wakayama prefecture to support his party’s candidate in a local election, and the explosion occurred just before he was to begin his speech.




A young man was arrested at the scene after he allegedly threw "the suspicious object," Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said. Matsuno refused to comment on the suspect’s motive and background, saying police are still investigating.





TV footage shows Kishida standing with his back to the crowd. His security team suddenly points to the ground near him, and the prime minister turns around, looking alarmed. The camera quickly turns to the crowd as several people surround a young man wearing a white mask and holding what appears to be another device, a long silver tube.




As they collapse on top of the man, working to remove the tube from his hands, a large explosion is heard near where Kishida had been standing.





It wasn’t immediately clear what the explosive device was or how many the suspect had, but some reports said it was a smoke or pipe bomb.





No injuries were reported in the incident, which came * on the eve of a international meeting in Japan.



*on the eve は前夜とは限らないですね。



Abe's assassination in July 2022 — which shocked a nation that prides itself on public safety and strict gun laws — came as he delivered a campaign speech in the western city of Nara. Police have since tightened their protective measures following an investigation that found holes in Abe’s security.






Security has also been increased in Japan as *senior diplomats from some of the world’s most powerful democracies arrive for Group of Seven foreign minister meetings on Sunday.

警備も増強しているー世界で有力な民主国家の*高位外交官 が日曜に行われるG7首脳会議のため到着する。




Kishida will also host a summit with G-7 country leaders in his hometown of Hiroshima on May 19-21, ahead of nationwide local elections on April 23.

岸田氏はG7で主催者となるー彼の故郷広島で5/19-21 ー地方選挙の前になる。




Explosive Thrown at Japan PM at Campaign Event | DMM英会話 デイリーニュース


President Trump Faces Charges in Historic Indictment:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ

トランプさんがついに起訴されました。 アメリカ合衆国では大陪審(23人の陪審員)が実施されていて、検察官の処分だけで事件が裁判で判決されることを防ぐため、権力分立、チェック・アンド・バランスの仕組になってるんですね。

検察官の提出した証拠を審査した上でインダイトメントと呼ばれる正式起訴状が出される。初めて聞いた単語 indictmentの Cは発音されないのですね。 1959年公開映画”12angry men 12人の怒れる男”を思い出しました。暗い映画でした。 ニューヨークの裁判所。ある不良少年が実父殺害の容疑の裁判です。12人の陪審員たち(小陪審)の評決の投票の結果、ひとりの陪審員が無罪を主張したため、再度、審議が行なわれることに。疲れきっていた11人はイライラがつのり、もういいじゃないか。という、いやーな雰囲気の中、ただひとりの陪審員の正義感から無罪が見えてくるのです。さて、トランプさんの裁判はどうなるのでしょうか?"money talks-お金が物を言う"ではなくしっかり裁かれるべきですね。





2023/4/4/ level 9

Former President Trump Faces Charges in Historic Indictment/‐dάɪtmənt

前代未聞 トランプ前大統領起訴

Donald Trump has been indicted /ɪndάɪt/by a Manhattan grand jury after years of investigations into his personal, political and business life. This is the first time a former US president has been indicted.




The exact charges have not yet been revealed. But they relate to payments made during Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, when his former lawyer Michael Cohen paid adult film star Stormy Daniels $130,000 to keep silent about an affair she says she had with Trump a decade earlier.

正式な告訴はまだ明らかになっていない。 しかしその告訴は、2016年の大統領選挙運動中にした支払いに関係しているー彼の前弁護士Cohen がAV女優に$130,000 (千7百万円)支払ったーそれはその女優とトランプ氏の情事を口止めするためにー10年に関係を持ったと彼女は言った。



Cohen was reimbursed by Trump's company, the Trump Organization, which also gave him bonuses and extra payments listed as legal expenses. Over several months, Cohen said, the company paid him $420,000.

トランプの事務所は、その弁護士Cohen にもボーナスと更に特別費用を返済したーそれは公的費用として記載されていた。数か月に渡って$420,000(5千5百万円)が支払われたとはCohen 言う。




In 2018, federal prosecutors charged Cohen with violating campaign finance laws, arguing that the payments amounted to impermissible help to Trump's campaign. Cohen pleaded guilty to those charges and unrelated tax evasion charges, and served time in federal prison.

2018年、連邦検察官らは、その弁護士Cohen を選挙運動費違反として告発したートランプの選挙運動のための支払い費用としては許容できないから。Cohenは罪状を認めたー直接関係のない脱税の罪をーそして服役した。




Trump was implicated as having knowledge of the deal, but the Justice Department has a policy against indicting a sitting president, and Trump was not charged.



However, after the Trump Organization was convicted on tax fraud charges in December 2022, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg decided to take a fresh look at the Daniels case.

しかし、2022年12月、トランプの事務所が 脱税罪で有罪になったあと、マンハッタン地区弁護士Alvin はAV女優の事例を見直しを決めた。



Cohen met with prosecutors nearly two-dozen times, turning over emails, recordings and other evidence, and testifying before the grand jury.

Cohen は検察官たちと何回も面談し、メールや録音、他の証拠を渡し、証言をしたー大陪審の前に。



Trump defense lawyer Joseph Tacopina said Trump "did not commit any crime," and promised to fight the charges.


トランプの弁護士Tacopina は言った。トランプは犯罪を犯していない。だから告訴に対して戦うと。


The indictment sets up a never-before-seen spectacle: a former president having his fingerprints and mug shot taken.




Tacopina said Trump is "likely" to turn himself in on April 4.

弁護士Tacopina は述べたートランプは4月4日に出頭するだろうと。



Trump predicted in March that he would be arrested, and called for protests. The New York Police Department told its 36,000 officers to be fully ready to respond to any potential unrest.





Prosecutors did not say whether they plan to ask for prison time if Trump is convicted. However, a conviction would not  prevent Trump from continuing his 2024 presidential campaign.



記事引用:Former President Trump Faces Charges in Historic Indictment | DMM英会話 デイリーニュース


Procrastination: How to Fight the 'Thief of Time'

やらなきゃいけないのに、なんか、手を付けたくない。だから、ずるずると後回しにする。これがprocrastination .     私は逆に、早く済ませないと落ち着けないタイプ。お腹が空こうがとにかくやってしまいたい。後でやろうとすると、そのことを忘れてしまいそうで怖い。でもね、いつやっても良くて、いずれやろうとしていることはいっぱいあります。押入れの中にあるんです。(>_<)


2023/3/25 level 8

Procrastination: How to Fight the 'Thief of Time'


In Spanish, the word mañana — which means "tomorrow" — can also be used to refer to any time in the future. It could actually be tomorrow, but it may also be the day after, a month, or maybe even years from now.


スペイン語にはmañana マニャーナという言葉があるーその意味はtomorrowだけど、実際にはいつでもいいよ。と言う意味にも使われている。意味は明日だけど、その日の後、1か月後、1年後かもしれない。



You might, for example, hear it from a student who decides to watch Netflix all evening, because they'll do their big project "mañana."



Of course, this is just something that many of us do — procrastinating.


もちろん これは私たちの多くがしていることで、つまりprocrastinating:先延ばしだ。



Procrastination has been called the "thief of time," and for most people it's a way to delay doing something they need to do.

Procrastination は時間泥棒とも呼ばれている。ほとんどの人にとって、彼らがする必要があることを先延ばしすることである。(直ちにしないため時間の無駄につながる。)




But for some, it's more serious, stopping them from doing things they want to do in life. If not managed, it can even affect their health.


しかし人によっては、それはもっと重大な問題で、ー 人生でやりたいことをさまたげる/やめさせる。それは健康にさえ影響する。(やりたくない。でもやらなきゃ。はやくやらなきゃ。。。精神的苦痛)



Fuschia Sirois, from the University of Durham in England, says procrastination is not about the way we manage our time, but how we manage our emotions.

procrastination とはいかに時間を制御するのではなく、感情をいかにコントロールするかだ。



She believes there must be something we don't like about the activity we're delaying: it could be difficult and we're afraid of failure, or maybe it's just boring. So by putting it aside, we get "an immediate feeling of relief," she told The Guardian in August 2022.



That's why we browse online, or look out the window, or go to make a drink — they're soothing activities.



However, she adds that this relief is temporary, and it will "come back to haunt us."

So what can procrastinators do to combat this?





Awareness is an important first step, according to life coach Dominic Voge. Think about why you're procrastinating and how you feel when you're doing it.



Then, break your task down into smaller pieces, and work step by step, beginning by doing a small piece before coming back to it later.



Voge compares it to Swiss cheese: make one hole now, then another later, and before you know it you've made holes all over that task, so when you get back to it there's less to complete — and you can get it done /long before mañana comes.






Procrastination: How to Fight the 'Thief of Time' | DMM英会話 デイリーニュース


21 New Emoji Coming to iPhone in Spring:DMM英会話DailyNew予習復習メモ

絵文字は、NTTドコモの携帯電話端末対応のインターネット接続サービス、iモードの開発がきっかけで1999年に誕生したしょうです。emojiは日本で最初に開発したのですね☺ 英語の emotion 感情 も絡んでてネーミングもgoodです。




2023/2/27 level 7

21 New Emoji Coming to iPhone in Spring

この春 新絵文字iphoneに登場

Users of iPhones will soon be able to express themselves in new ways, with Apple to introduce 21 new emoji as part of a software update.

iPhones ユーザーは、アップルが導入した新絵文字を使って気持ちを表現できるようになるーアップデートすると。


The new emoji include a shaking face, a pushing hand and several new heart colors — including plain pink — as well as new animals such as a moose, a donkey, a blackbird and a jellyfish.



The technology company will be adding the new emoji as part of an iOS update in spring.

テクノロジー企業は新絵文字を追加するー iOSのアップデートが必要。


According to Emojipedia, the plain pink heart has been a popular request for some time. Until now, pink hearts had always had extra parts like arrows through them, and there was no plain pink version.



The new Apple emoji are based on symbols approved by the Unicode Consortium in September 2022. After Unicode approves new emoji, software companies need to decide how each one will look on their systems before users can start putting them into text messages.

アップルの新絵文字は文字コードの国際規格管理団体Unicode Consortium で承認された。その承認後、各絵文字のデザインを少し変える必要かあるーユーザーがメールに使用できるようになる前に。



Unicode chooses new emoji based on whether the image will work at a small size, whether the emoji adds a new idea that can't be expressed with current emoji, and if a large number of people are likely to use it.

Unicode Consortium 協会は新絵文字を小さいサイズでいいのか、絵文字を新たに加えるー現在の絵文字ではうまく表現できないため、多くの人が使いたいかどうかで選ぶ。


The organization has approved over 3,600 different emoji, which, according to its data, are used by 92% of the world's online population.

Unicode Consortium 協会は3600絵文字を承認しているー世界中のユーザーの 92%が使っているというデータに従って。





Developers working on the beta version of the new iOS update have already seen how the new emoji will look on Apple phones. However, the designs may change before being made available to the public — such as in 2022, when a new troll emoji was changed to have a smaller nose for its official release.





The new emoji have already been available to Google and Samsung users since late 2022.






Mothers Steal Show as Kansas City Chiefs Win Super Bowl


super bowl のボウルは球を転がすと言う意味でした。ボウリング場のbowlですね。私はてっきりballだと思ってました(>_<)



2023/2/14 level9

Mothers Steal Show as Kansas City Chiefs Win Super Bowl


The Kansas City Chiefs have won the 57th Super Bowl, with the biggest event in the National Football League calendar having something positive for everyone.




Super Bowl LVII took place on Sunday, February 12, at the State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. The Kansas City Chiefs beat the Philadelphia Eagles for a 38-35 win to become the NFL season champions.




Brotherhood was on display at the first-ever Super Bowl match to feature two brothers playing on opposite teams. The Chief's Travis Kelce caught a touchdown pass to help his team beat his brother Jason's team, the Eagles.


スーパーボウル初の兄弟対決が呼び物となったー戦う両チームに兄と弟が別れて所属していた。カンザスの弟Travis Kelceがタッチダウンパスを取り、兄Jasonのチーム、フィラデルフィアを倒すことに貢献した。






"There's nothing I can say to him other than I love him and he played a hell of a year, a hell of a season," Travis Kelce said.


”言えることは、兄が大好きだ。そして最高の1年、最高のシーズンだった”と弟Travis は語った。



Their mother, Donna Kelce watched the game from a luxury stadium suite while sitting between NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and Damar Hamlin.


彼らの母親Donna は、特別席からゲームを見守ったー Roger Goodell と Damar Hamlinに囲まれて。


Hamlin is the Buffalo Bills player who just a month ago had to be resuscitated on the field after going into cardiac arrest during a game against the Cincinnati Bengals. His appearance at the Super Bowl was another milestone in his remarkable recovery.

Hamlin は、1ヵ月前はバッファローチームの選手だったが、心臓停止から蘇生したー試合中に。彼の登場で彼の回復を見せたことは、もうひとつの金字塔である。


Before the game, Hamlin came out to cheers during a ceremony honoring the men and women who saved his life.

Hamlin は、試合前のセレモニーに登場し、杯🥂を上げたー彼の命を救った人たちに感謝を込めて。


Mama Kelce was the most popular mother in Arizona — that is until Rihanna showed up for a halftime show. The superstar singer started and finished her performance by soaring high above the field on a platform that was suspended in the air.


Kelce 兄弟のママはアリゾナでもっとも有名な母親だったーRihanna がハーフタイムショーに登場する前までは。大スターである歌手Rihanna が登場しパフォーマンスを始めた。歌い終わった後も、歌声が高々と空に舞い、余韻が漂った



And, she did it while pregnant. Rihanna's representative confirmed afterward that she's pregnant with her second child.





"So iconic for Rihanna to let an American football game happen at her pregnancy reveal/concert," a fan joked on Twitter.

Rihanna と言えば、アメリカンフットボール試合中に妊娠が明らかになったことが印象に強く残る”とファンはツィートした。


Rihanna's halftime show was her first solo performance event in seven years and her first since becoming a mother for the first time nine months ago.






US Shoots Down Suspected Chinese 'Spy Balloon':DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ






2023/1/9 level9

US Shoots Down Suspected Chinese 'Spy Balloon'


The US military on Saturday, February 4 shot down a suspected Chinese spy balloon off the Carolina coast after it went over sensitive military sites across North America.



The balloon was seen over several states, including Montana, home to Malmstrom Air Force Base, which has fields of nuclear missile silos. However, China insisted the flyover was an accident involving a civilian aircraft and has threatened repercussions.






China has claimed that the balloon was just a weather research "airship" that had been blown off course. The Pentagon rejected that, as well as China's claims that it was not being used for surveillance/sɚvéɪləns and had only limited navigational ability.





The spectacle had Americans looking to the skies all week, wondering whether the mysterious balloon had floated over them.




The giant white balloon was spotted Saturday morning over the Carolinas as it approached the Atlantic coast. That afternoon, an F-22 fighter jet fired a missile at the balloon while it was off the coast near Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, senior defense officials said.


その日の午後 F22戦闘機がミサイルを気球に発射したーその時は南カロライナのMyrtle ビーチの沖にいた。



US President Joe Biden gave the order to shoot it but had wanted the balloon downed even earlier — on Wednesday.




He was advised that the best time for the operation would be when the balloon was over water, US officials said. Military officials determined that bringing it down over land from an altitude of almost 18,300 meters would be too much of a risk to people on the ground.


バイデンは、最適な時を勧められたーそれは気球が海上を飛んでいる時に撃ち落とすべきだと。高度18,300 metersから陸に撃ち落とすのは人々に危険すぎると。


China responded that it had the right to "take further actions" and criticized the US for "an obvious overreaction and a serious violation of international practice."



The presence of the balloon in the skies above the US was a severe blow to already troubled US-Chinese relations. It led to Secretary of State Antony Blinken canceling a Beijing trip aimed at easing tensions.

USの上空に出現した気球は、すでに問題化している中国とUSの関係をさらに一撃した。Antony Blinken書記官の北京訪問は取り消されたー緊張緩和のため。




US Suggests Once-a-Year COVID Shots for Americans

当初は待ち望んだワクチン接種でしたが、5回済んだ後、これからは年1回になりそうですね。 ワクチンの効果もデータが出ているとしても、人それぞれ体調も自己免疫も違いうのだから何とも言えないですよね。専門家すら意見が違いますから。


でも、大量に買ってしまったからには国民に打ってもらわないとねと政府は思ってます。 残ってしまったとしても、税金で買ったわけです。


しかし、効果がなければ、タダでも受けなくなってきてます。副作用だって怖い。 今後はどうなるのでしょうか?

2022/2/3 level 8

US Suggests Once-a-Year COVID Shots for Americans


Health officials in the US want to make COVID-19 vaccinations more like the annual flu shot.



The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proposed a simpler approach for future vaccination efforts, allowing most adults and children to get a once-a-year shot to protect against the ever-changing virus.






This means Americans would no longer have to record how many shots they've received or how many months it's been since their last booster.




This comes at a time when many in the US have not been lining up for the boosters that were authorized in August. While more than 80% of the US population has had at least one vaccine dose, only 16% of those eligible have received the latest boosters.


少なくとも80% のアメリカ人が1回ワクチン接種を終え、ブースターを受けられる資格がある人の16% が最新のブースターを接種している。



But in documents posted online, FDA scientists say that many Americans now have enough immunity against the coronavirus because of vaccination, infection or a combination of the two.


しかし、FDAの科学者たちは言っているー多くのアメリカ人は現在充分なコロナウィルスの免疫を持っているーワクチンと感染両方からの免疫を と言う文書が投稿されました。



That should be enough to move to an annual booster against the latest strains, according to the FDA.




For adults with weaker immune systems and for very small children, a two-dose combination may be needed for protection. FDA scientists and vaccine companies would study vaccination, infection rates and other data to decide who should receive a single shot and who should get two.




Under the FDA's proposal, the agency, independent experts and manufacturers would decide annually on which strains to target by the early summer, allowing several months to produce updated shots before the autumn. That's similar to the approach that has been used to select the strains for the annual flu shot.



FDA officials say moving to an annual schedule would make it easier to promote future vaccination campaigns, which could improve vaccination rates.



The original two-dose COVID shots have offered strong protection against severe disease and death no matter the variant, but protection against mild infection decreases in time. Experts continue to debate whether the latest boosters significantly improve protection, particularly for younger, healthy Americans.





Ukraine Suffers Deadliest Civilian Attack in Months:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ

次々とUS,ヨーロッパの戦闘車がウクライナに送られている。たとえばイギリスが開発した主力戦車 チャレンジャー2は、チャレンジャー1の改良型で コソボ紛争ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ紛争、イラク戦争にも使われた。しかし、2021年5月、チャレンジャー3へアップグレードしたのだから、今回ウクライナへおくられるChallenger 2は、もう要らない旧式の戦車ってことが、兵器が補充さえれば、戦争はいつまでも終わらない(>_<)


2022/1/18 level 9

Ukraine Suffers Deadliest Civilian Attack in Months



The death toll from a Russian missile strike on an apartment building in the southeastern city of Dnipro has risen to 40, Ukrainian authorities said on January 16.





Search and rescue crews have worked nonstop since Saturday's strike to locate victims and survivors in the wreckage. 39 people have been rescued so far and 30 remain missing.




Russia also targeted the capital, Kyiv, and the northeastern city of Kharkiv during a widespread barrage the same day, ending a two-week lull in the airstrikes it has launched against Ukraine's power infrastructure and urban centers almost weekly since October.


ロシアは首都キーフと北西部のハルキウもターゲットにしたー同じ日に広範囲に渡って集中連続攻撃の。 空撃を弱めた2週間のあと、電力供給施設や都市の中心に、10月以来毎週のように攻撃した。



According to General Valerii Zaluzhny of the Ukrainian armed forces, Russia fired 33 cruise missiles on January 14, of which 21 were shot down.





Ivan Garnuk was in his Dnipro apartment when the building was hit.



“There are no military facilities here,” Garnuk said. “There is no air defense, there are no military bases... It just hit civilians, innocent people.”





Russia's renewed air attacks come as fierce fighting continues in Ukraine's eastern Donetsk province, with both sides sustaining heavy casualties in the months-long battle for the city of Bakhmut.






Ukraine has for months sought to be supplied with heavier tanks, including the US Abrams and the German Leopard 2 tanks, but Western leaders have been treading carefully.

ウクライナは数か月間要求し続けたー重装備の戦車をーUSのAbrams やドイツのLeopard 2 tanksを含む。しかしヨーロッパのリーダーはそれに応じる(一歩踏み出す)のは慎重に考えている。


However, with the war nearing the 11-month mark, Britain announced it would deliver tanks to Ukraine — its first donation of such heavy-duty weaponry.






Although the UK's pledge of 14 Challenger 2 tanks is modest, Ukrainian officials hope it will encourage other Western nations to supply more tanks.



画像:gunji blog


Earlier this month, France said it would send AMX-10 RC armored combat vehicles to Ukraine, called “light tanks” in French.


今月上旬に、フランスはAMX-10 RC 装甲車を与えると言った。それはフランスでは小型である。



The US and Germany announced the same week that they would send Bradley fighting vehicles and Marder armored personnel carriers for the first time.





On January 16, Poland’s prime minister urged the German government to supply a wide range of weapons to Kyiv and voiced hope that Berlin would soon approve a transfer of battle tanks.

1/16 ポーランド首相は、ドイツ政府に多種の兵器をキーフに送るよう説得した。



1,200 Arrested After Protestors Storm Brazil Congress:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ

この記事は難しかった(>_<) 理解するのに二日がかりでした。二日ともいい講師に当たり、しっかり説明していただきました。




2022/1/11 level 9

1,200 Arrested After Protestors Storm Brazil Congress


More than 1,200 people have been detained in Brazil after supporters of far-right ex-President Jair Bolsonaro stormed three major state buildings in its capital city, Brasilia.



The arrests were made on Monday, January 9 at a large camp of the former president's supporters outside army headquarters, where they were asking for military support to return Bolsonaro to power.





On Sunday, thousands of demonstrators had gotten past security barricades and invaded Congress, the Supreme Court and the presidential palace where they climbed on roofs, smashed windows and caused other damage.







画像:IBTimes UK

The protestors’ actions came soon after the inauguration of left-wing President Lula da Silva. Comparisons have been made to the storming of the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, by Donald Trump supporters protesting his 2020 presidential election loss.




Police seemed slow to react in Brasilia, even after the arrival of more than 100 protest buses, leading some to ask whether authorities had ignored warnings, underestimated the demonstrators' strength, or even been complicit.

ブラジリアの警察はでは対応が鈍かったー100台以上の抗議者のバスが到着した後でさえも。何人かの人が尋ねたー政府はデモ隊の危険な動きを知らぬ顔でいるつもりだったのか?それとも デモ隊のパワーを軽く見ていたか、またはデモ隊側に協力していたのか。


Lula said there had been "incompetence or bad faith" on the part of police and some would be punished.



Hours went by before control of the buildings on Brasilia’s Three Powers Square was reestablished. Hundreds were arrested on Sunday, with Justice Minister Flávio Dino saying that police were tracking those who had paid for buses that brought the protestors to Brasilia. The three buildings are also being inspected for evidence.





Brazil’s presidential elections in October 2022 were the closest the country has seen in over three decades. But Lula’s win was accepted by politicians across the spectrum, and Bolsonaro surprised many by fading from view and going to Florida.






However, Bolsonaro had been stoking a belief among his supporters that the country’s electronic voting system was prone to fraud.



Brazil has used electronic voting since 1996, which security experts do consider less secure than paper ballots. However, no evidence of fraud has ever been found.



Still, many Bolsonaro supporters have refused to accept the election results. There have been a number of protests, including riots in the capital in December.





How 'Speakeasies' Ignored Alcohol Prohibition in the US

モダンで、おしゃれなドアを開けるのに躊躇してしまうような隠れ家的なバー:speakeasy の由来は、禁止法時代に密造酒を販売していたバーで、酒の名前の代わりに別の言葉で、簡単に言い表して注文することから始まったようです。


2022/1/10 level 7

How 'Speakeasies' Ignored Alcohol Prohibition in the US


From January 1920, the United States banned — or "prohibited" — the sale of all alcohol. The next 13 years of Prohibition changed the social lives of many Americans, and led to violent competition for the huge profits available from selling illegal alcohol.







Illegal bars quickly took over from the legal ones that were closed by the government. They were known as "speakeasies," possibly because customers needed to speak quietly inside to avoid being heard by the police.




Customers also had to say a password — like "Joe sent me" — to be allowed in.




People selling beer and liquor during Prohibition were called "bootleggers," because American traders used to hide small, illegal bottles of alcohol in the tops of their boots. Some of the biggest bootleggers became powerful gangsters, such as Chicago's Al Capone.






While some speakeasies might just be a basement or a room in an apartment, others were famous venues of the 1920s Jazz Age, such as New York's Cotton Club, where Black musicians played to all-white audiences.


スピークイージーはアパートと地下や1室であったり、1920年代のジャス時代に黒人が演奏し白人が客で有名なニューヨークの Cotton Clubなどもそのひとつである。



Known as the Roaring '20s, there were many changes to US society during this decade. The economy grew strong after World War I, and as they tried to escape extreme racism and poverty in the South, millions of Black Americans moved north to get jobs that had become available during the war.





Then the Great Depression, a global economic crisis, began in the United States in 1929.




This crisis was important in the decision to end Prohibition in December 1933. Critics said Prohibition had damaged the US economy and lost the government billions of dollars in taxes on legal alcohol sales.





Alcohol has now been legal for nearly 90 years. But some modern bars have again been hiding behind secret doors and calling themselves "speakeasies," looking to revive the atmosphere of a century ago.





Youth Substance Use May Have Decreased in Pandemic




私は慣れてきてしまったのかなぁ。マイナス面よりもプラス面に目が行くようになった。 不必要な機会を持つ必要がなくなって、自分の時間を取れるようになった。 会う必要のない人には会わないし、お茶することもない。たまたま会ったとしても、だらだらしゃべり続けない。






2022/12/18 level 8

Youth Substance Use May Have Decreased in Pandemic



The changes in our way of life that came during the coronavirus pandemic /have been associated with a number of health issues, both mental and physical.






But a review of studies focusing on substance use during the pandemic /has found that this may have decreased among young people.




Researchers in the US and Iceland looked at 49 studies published between 2020 and the start of 2022. Most were from North America or Europe, although studies based in Africa, Asia and South America were also included.





They featured data on the use of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and e-cigarettes, as well as prescription drugs and illegal substances.







Many of the results were mixed, with some studies showing that use of some substances had increased, sometimes within a particular group — for example, young people who already had mental health concerns.





But other studies found that things like harmful use of alcohol had decreased, along with use of other drugs.




The researchers said that, overall, there was enough evidence to suggest that substance use among young people had "largely declined" during the first two years of the pandemic — but they were aware that the situation was quite complex.




Some studies concluded that stay-at-home orders had contributed to some decreases, although the researchers suggested that spending time at home was not always a "protective factor."



Although in many cases the lack of access to substances, and the fact that young people were spending more time away from friends, was noted to have had an effect, it was also noted that the atmosphere was not the same in all homes.



In some, the adults were using these substances themselves and sharing them with their children. In others, there was a level of dysfunction that could have encouraged youth substance use.






The researchers further noted that it's not yet clear how the pandemic will affect future youth substance use, and concluded that the long-term effects of the pandemic on mental health and substance use will need to be studied.









How to Find Your 'Flow State' and Do Your Best Work:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ

”ゾーンに入る”と”フロー状態になる”は違うのかな?調べてみると、集中力が高まっている状態であることは同じ。 フローは、子供が何かに没頭しているように、興味深々、面白くて時間を忘れる状態。 一方、ゾーンはなかなか経験するのが難しく、極限の集中状態。アスリートが絶好調の中でも一瞬感じることができるほど稀。 どっちにしろ、経験してみたいものです。今回はフロー状態の記事です。


2022/12/12 level 8

How to Find Your 'Flow State' and Do Your Best Work


When you're at work, you probably don't feel like a successful rapper or a jazz musician. But perhaps if you acted like one, you might get better at your job, and even enjoy it more.






That doesn't mean bringing an instrument to the office or singing while you work. But some experts do believe that achieving a "flow state" could help make your work life feel more meaningful and productive.




So what does that have to do with musicians? And what is a "flow state"?



Research has found that when artists are improvising, some parts of their brains are very active, while others are quieter.




The effect is that they're so focused on what they're doing — in their "flow state" — that they're almost doing it without thinking. Call it "getting lost in the music."



画像:hemi-sync com



But it's not as simple as turning on a switch, particularly if you're in an office crunching sales numbers rather than on a stage performing musical numbers.



So how can office employees achieve a flow state, becoming so immersed in a task that it hardly feels like work at all?




Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced "chick-SENT-me-high"), a former professor at the University of Chicago, was known as the "father of flow," and wrote a bestselling book on the subject in 1990. He said that achieving flow happens when there is the right balance between high skill and high challenge.

シカゴ大学の元教授ー1990年にベストセラーになった”father of flow"の著者は言う。フロー状態になるのは、高いスキルとチャレンジ精神のバランスがうまく取れた時に起こる。



But he also said flow will not be achieved if your level of skill is too great for the task — just as it cannot be achieved if you are struggling with the basics.



You need to establish clear goals, reduce distractions and focus on one thing at a time — while not worrying about the end result too soon.



Belief in your ability is also important. That's where good bosses can help, supporting their employees and encouraging them not to fear failure.



So if you're in the right job with the right support — using high skill to meet high challenges — you too can find your flow.






US Immunity for Saudi Leader Over Khashoggi Killing:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ

Immunity は免疫という意味でよく目にしますが、今回は訴追面積と言う意味で、刑事訴訟を免れる特別の権利のことです。





2022/11/24 level 9

US Immunity for Saudi Leader Over Khashoggi Killing



The US has said that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's high office should protect him from a lawsuit over his role in the death of US-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018.







That's a turnaround from Joe Biden's passionate criticism during his presidential campaign of the prince over the brutal killing.




Prince Mohammed serves as Saudi Arabia's de facto ruler in the place of his elderly father, King Salman.




In September 2022, the Saudi king also temporarily transferred his title of prime minister to Prince Mohammed. Critics called it an attempt to strengthen his immunity claim.




Saudi officials killed Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. His remains have never been found. The US intelligence community concluded Saudi Arabia's crown prince had approved the killing of the respected journalist, who had written critically about Prince Mohammed.




The State Department said that the administration's call to shield the crown prince from US courts/ was "purely a legal determination."





It cited what it called longstanding precedent — in international law, sovereign immunity holds that states and their officials are protected from some legal action in other foreign states' domestic courts.



However, after the news broke, Khashoggi's fiancée, Hatice Cengiz, tweeted: "Jamal died again today."




She had sued the crown prince, his top aides and others in Washington federal court over their alleged roles in Khashoggi's killing. Saudi Arabia says the prince had no direct role, blaming "rogue" officials.



In 2019, before he became president, Biden vowed to make a "pariah" out of Saudi rulers over the killing.



But Biden as president has sought to ease tensions with Saudi Arabia, including bumping fists with Prince Mohammed on a July trip to the kingdom, as the US works to persuade Saudi Arabia to undo a series of cuts in oil production.

しかし、バイデンは大統領として、サウジとの緊張緩和を求め、   7月のサウジ王国訪問の際、皇太子とグータッチをしている。  オイル産出中断を続けてるのをやめて元に戻すようサウジを説得を働きかけている。


There has so far been no movement on oil production and the immunity decision as Saudi Arabia has stepped up imprisonment and other retaliation against peaceful critics at home and abroad.

オイル産出の動きや、免除の決定は今のところないが、 サウジは投獄と国内外の普通に批判する人に対して、投獄や報復を考えている。










Zelenskyy Calls Liberation of Kherson 'Beginning of the End':DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ


この戦争が終わらなければ、COVID19は収束しないように思う。地雷撤去し、安全に暮らせるようになったときに、菌も消滅するのではないかと思う。 支配、拷問、殺戮、、、こんなことば、聞きたくない。消滅してほしい。


2022/11/17 level 9

Zelenskyy Calls Liberation of Kherson 'Beginning of the End



Ukraine has retaken the city of Kherson after an eight-month Russian occupation.



On November 14, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited the newly liberated city, calling Russia's withdrawal the "beginning of the end of the war."



However, Zelenskyy also acknowledged the heavy price Ukrainian soldiers are paying. As he walked the streets of the city, he awarded medals to soldiers and posed with them for selfies.





"We are step by step coming to all the temporarily occupied territories," he said.




The retaking of Kherson has been one of Ukraine's biggest successes in the nearly nine months since Russia invaded the country.

It is another blow to the Kremlin, and could become a springboard for further advances into occupied Ukrainian territory.









However, large parts of the country's east and south are still under Russian control, and the city of Kherson is still within reach of Moscow's shells and missiles.




Zelenskyy himself noted that the city is full of booby traps and mines. And Ukrainian authorities say evidence is/ emerging of Russian atrocities.




The end of Russia's occupation of the city — the only provincial capital to be taken since its February invasion — led to days of celebration. But with winter coming, residents are living without heat, water and electricity, and are low on food and medicine.





Residents said departing Russian troops plundered the city as they withdrew. They also destroyed key infrastructure before retreating across the Dnieper River to its eastern bank.

ロシア軍撤退しながら、街を破壊し略奪した。Dnieper 川(ロシアからウクライナを通って黒海に注ぐ)から東部川沿い地域に渡って撤退前に主要なインフラを破壊した。



Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov refused to comment on Zelenskyy's visit, saying only, "You know that it is the territory of the Russian Federation." Russia illegally annexed the Kherson region and three other regions earlier in 2022.

ロシア政府はゼレンスキーの訪問に対するコメントを拒否し、”ロシア同盟の領土だ。” とだけ言った。




A Washington-based think tank, the  Institute for the Study of War, said that Ukraine has won "an important victory" in retaking Kherson, but "it has by no means liberated the minimum territory essential to its future security and economic survival."





NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, during a visit to The Hague on November 14, also warned, "We should not make the mistake of underestimating Russia."



