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US Government Has Alien Spacecraft, Claims Ex-Official::DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ




2023/6/11 level 7

US Government Has Alien Spacecraft, Claims Ex-Official 



A former US government official has claimed that the US government has alien aircraft.



画像:tenki jp

Speaking to the news site The Debrief, David Grusch, who previously worked for the US Department of Defense, also said that the government is breaking the law by not sharing information about these vehicles with the US Congress.

防衛庁に勤務していたDavid GruschはニュースサイトThe Debriefに話したー政府は法律を破っているー保管しているUFOのことを議会で公にしてないため。


According to Grusch, the US government has been recovering parts of alien aircraft — and sometimes complete aircraft — for decades. He said that analysis has shown that these aircraft are of "exotic origin," possibly non-human.




Grusch claims that when he shared information about these aircraft with Congress, he experienced retaliation from government officials, and added he has made a formal complaint about this. He said he ended his 14-year career with US intelligence in April in order to share the truth with the public.



Grusch does not claim to have seen the alien aircraft himself, but that his information is based on interviews with high-level officials who took part in secret alien aircraft recovery programs.



Jonathan Grey, who currently works for the National Air and Space Intelligence Center, told The Debrief, "The non-human intelligence phenomenon is real. We are not alone."

"Retrievals of this kind are not limited to the United States. This is a global phenomenon," Grey added.

国立航空宇宙博物館で働いていたJonathan Greyによると、人間以外の諜報活動は実際にある。人類は地球人だけではない。このような回収作業はUSに限ったことではない。世界的な現象だ。


The Debrief also spoke to several former colleagues of Grusch, who said he was of good character and could be trusted.




In 2021, the US government released a report that found there were more than 140 cases where UAPs — unidentified aerial phenomena — were seen but could not be explained.



However, Grusch claims that the US government has clear evidence of alien aircraft.

Grusch は主張するー政府はUFOの証拠をもっていると。


In an interview with NewsNation, Grusch said that the recovered alien aircraft had either landed or crashed, and that sometimes dead alien pilots were also recovered.


Grusch は述べたー着陸または衝突したUFOと死亡した宇宙人も回収していたと。



