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A Glitch in the Brain: What's Déjà Vu?:DMM英会話dailyNews予習復習メモ



脳は部位により役割分担をしていて、記憶は側頭葉が受け持っている。 想定外のことが起きた場合、前頭葉をつかって処理するそうです。 具体的には思い出せないけど、デジャブのような経験はある。 それが、夢で起きたことなのか、現実だったのかよくわからなかったこともある。 デジャブは科学的には脳の伝達ミスと書かれているが、個人的には過去世で、同じようなことが起きていて脳にその記憶が残っていたのではないかと思う。

2023/7/23 level 8

A Glitch in the Brain: What's Déjà Vu?  






Have you ever felt like you've seen or done something before, even though you know that can't be true?

以前に何かを見たりしたりしたと感じたことはありますか? そんなわけないとわかっているのに。


Perhaps you're talking with a friend, or visiting a new café, when you suddenly have an overwhelming feeling you've experienced this moment already, even though you know that's impossible.



This is called déjà vu, which means "already seen" in French.




It's a common phenomenon, and almost all people will experience it at least once in their lives.




But what causes us to experience déjà vu?




In short, no one really knows. Déjà vu comes and goes quickly and unpredictably, so it's difficult for scientists to study why it happens.




Some people even believe it's your brain recalling experiences from a past life!




But most theories agree that it has something to do with the brain's temporal lobe — the part of your brain that deals with memory.




Akira O'Connor, a researcher from Scotland's University of St Andrews, proposes that déjà vu happens when the temporal lobe sends a signal to the brain's frontal lobe — the part of your brain that uses logic and makes decisions — telling it that you're experiencing something you've experienced before.

スコットランドの研究者は提案するーデジャブが起るのは、側頭葉が前頭葉 にシグナルを送る時で、前頭葉は考えの筋道を立て、それはどうことなのかを決定する脳の部分である。前頭葉が、以前あなたが経験したことを今経験しているように伝えてしまった場合がデジャブとなって現れる。


Your frontal lobe then sorts through your memories to see if this is the case or if there's some sort of memory error. And if it's an error, that means déjà vu has occurred.




Déjà vu is more likely to happen to people who have a high level of education, or who travel often, although researchers aren't exactly sure why this is the case.



You will also notice it a lot more when you're younger — because as you get older, your brain is less able to tell that these false memories are actually errors.




You're also more likely to experience it when you're stressed or tired.



For the most part, déjà vu is harmless and happens to almost everyone. So if you ever have that strange feeling, you're not alone!

So if you ever have that strange feeling, you're not alone!
