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Ability to Balance on One Foot Linked to Longer Life:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ


2022/11/14 level 7

Ability to Balance on One Foot Linked to Longer Life




画像:getty images


There are many things that can help a person live longer — and interestingly, an ability to balance on one foot for 10 seconds may be one of them.



This is according to a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. The study was done between 2008 and 2020 and included over 1,700 participants aged 51-75 in Brazil.

その研究は2008 から2020に、ブラジルの51-75才の1700人参加者で行われた。



While previous research has shown that poor balance may increase a person's risk of falling and of cognitive decline, the researchers wanted to find out if better balance is directly linked to a longer life.




To do this, they first asked participants to balance on one foot for 10 seconds. They were allowed up to three attempts on either foot.




About 20% of participants failed to balance for a full 10 seconds.



The number of people who couldn't balance increased with age: 8% of those aged 56-60 failed, while 18% of those 61-65 failed, 37% of those aged 66-70, and about 54% of those aged 71-75.





71-75才ー54% ができなかった。



The researchers then monitored the participants for a median of seven years, during which time 123 of them — about 7% — died of various causes.



Among people who failed the balance test, almost 18% died, while fewer than 5% of those who were able to balance died.

バランステストの落ちた参加者のうち、18% は死亡し、一方バランステストがてきた参加者が死亡したのは5%以下だった。



From their results, the researchers calculated that those who were unable to balance on one foot for 10 seconds were at 84% higher risk of death from any cause, even when factors like age, sex and medical conditions were considered.



Looking at the data, the researchers said it might be a good idea for doctors to give people a 10-second balancing test as they get older.







Lula to Return as Brazil's President After Election Win:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ




彼は貧しい農家に生まれ、14歳で旋盤工になり、その仕事中に、左手小指を切断するという痛ましい経験を持つことから、貧困者、労働者から支持されている。 ボルソナロ現大統領は、陸軍出身の保守主義で、同性結婚、中絶、薬物自由化に反対している。お堅いイメージを受けますね。


2022/11/2 level 9

Lula to Return as Brazil's President After Election Win


Brazilians handed a narrow victory to Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in the country's presidential election on October 30, returning the leftist former president to power at the expense of far-right incumbent Jair Bolsonaro.

ブラジル国民はLuiz Inácio Lula da Silva10月30日、大統領決戦選挙で勝利を手渡した。ルーラ氏は左翼、労働者党の以前大統領だったころの権力を取り戻したーー極右翼、保守的な自由社会党の現在の大統領Bolsonaro氏を押しのけて。


画像:africa press net


Da Silva — universally known as Lula — received 50.9% of the vote and Bolsonaro 49.1%, according to the country's election authority.

一般的にルラ呼び方で知られているDa Silva(新大統領)は50.9%、Bolsonaroボルソナロ (現)は49.1%の投票率



It was a stunning comeback for da Silva. His imprisonment for corruption meant he could not stand in the 2018 election that Bolsonaro won.


すばらしいルーラ氏 da Silvaの返り咲きだ。汚職したことで獄中であったため、2018年の選挙には立候補できなかった。そのためボルソナロ の勝利となった。



"Today the only winner is the Brazilian people," da Silva said in a speech not long after the results were announced. "It's the victory of a democratic movement."






Da Silva says he wants to work with centrists and even some leaning to the right, and to restore the kind of prosperity the country enjoyed when he last served as president from 2003-2010.





This was the country's tightest election since its return to democracy in 1985, with just over 2 million votes separating the two candidates.



Da Silva's win extended a wave of recent leftist triumphs across the region, including in Chile, Colombia and Argentina.




Among world leaders offering congratulations was US President Joe Biden, who highlighted the country's "free, fair, and credible elections."



Da Silva has pledged to boost spending on the poor, reestablish relationships with foreign governments and take bold action to eliminate illegal logging in the Amazon rainforest.



Bolsonaro's administration has been widely criticized for the worst deforestation in the Amazon rainforest in 15 years and its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. But unemployment this year has fallen to its lowest level since 2015 and Bolsonaro has built a devoted following in the country.

ボルソナロ 政権は、15年間のアマゾン熱帯雨林伐採と、パンデミックの対応を非難されてきた。しかし、今年は2015年以来、最も失業率が下がったことからも、ボルソナロ氏 は彼の熱心な支持者との信頼を確立させた。



Building bridges among a diverse — and divided — country will be key to da Silva's success, according to Carlos Melo, from Insper University in Sao Paulo.

考え方の異なる国民、ルーラ派、ボルソナロ 派に分かれた人達をつなぐ橋をつくるーそれがルーラ氏の成功の鍵となる。ーーサンパウロ大学のCarlos Melo氏は言う。


He said: "If Lula manages to talk to voters who didn't vote for him, which Bolsonaro never tried, then he could reconnect Brazil to a time in which people could disagree and still get some things done."

”ルーラ氏に投票しなかったボルソナロ派の国民を話し合い、納得させられれば、支持者でない人たちとも国を一つにまとめることができる。そのために、まだ何かやれるはずだ。それはボルソナロ氏 はしなかったが。”とCarlos Melo氏は述べた。







↓ ゆったりしているのでパジャマにします。


Study Says Reading Fiction Helps Us Understand Others:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ




SMSがらの情報を鵜呑みせず、よく考え、自分で判断できるのは、子供のころからの読書がベースになっているんでしょうね。 />パンデミック以来、図書館から4週間本を借りられる。ゆっくり読めてうれしいのですが、片手に文鳥のちーちゃんが熟睡しているので、ページをめくるのに難儀します。

2022/11/7 level 8

Study Says Reading Fiction Helps Us Understand Others


Were you a bookworm at school? Well, according to recent research from the US, reading fiction at a young age could give us a more complex view of the world, and allow us to better understand other people's lives.



This is particularly true for literary fiction, which is generally considered "serious" stories that don't fit into specific categories like romance or science fiction. Literary fiction usually focuses on people's lives and the social and political issues that may affect them.




The researchers based their conclusions on four surveys of adults in the US.




In all four studies, participants were asked about the type of reading they do, as well as about a different aspect of the way in which they see the world and see themselves.



The first study found that among more than 350 Americans, increased reading of literary fiction when growing up /was connected with greater "psychological richness." This might mean having an open mind and trying to gain wisdom in life.



In the second study, the researchers said that among around 2,200 university students, those who read literary fiction were less likely to simply accept authority.



The third study found that reading any fiction as a young person /gave people a sense of perspective and empathy. Around 1,500 participants were involved in this one.

第三回目 若い時に読めば、どんなフィクション小説でもものごとを見通せるし、共感できるようになる。1500人の参加者がそうであった。



Finally, based on results from the fourth study — of around 1,000 people — the researchers concluded that people who read literary fiction early in life were more likely to have a complex worldview.



Whether or not participants reported that they were currently reading literary fiction did not affect how complex their worldview was. This suggests that reading as a young person has more of an impact.



The authors said that fiction is a useful tool for understanding that the world is a complex place, full of differences.




Lawyers in Japan Warn Police Over Racial Profiling:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ

警察官が挙動不審な者などを呼び止めて、"今何をしていたのか?” ”これから何をしようとしているのか?”と尋ねる職務質問は、「警察官職務執行法」という法律の下で、犯罪予防のために行われている。答弁の強制,身体の拘束,連行などはできないが、緊急性・必要性が高い限定的な場面では、警察署に同行を求めたり、承諾のないまま所持品を検査したりすることも可能。

その職務質問を特定の人種、肌の色の人を対象としているため、ある弁護士会がこのracial profilingをやめるよう警告しているという記事です。


2022/10/22 level 7

Lawyers in Japan Warn Police Over Racial Profiling



A group of lawyers in Tokyo has asked for guidelines to be introduced /to prevent racial discrimination by Japanese police.



In early 2022, the Tokyo Bar Association asked almost 2,100 people in Japan with foreign roots — including some Japanese citizens — about their experiences of being questioned by police.

the Tokyo Bar Association:(東京弁護士会のある団体)は、外国人のルーツを持つ日本にいる2100人に尋ねたー日本国籍を持つ場合も含めてー警官に呼び止められ、職務質問をうけた経験についてを。





More than 60% of the people surveyed said they had been questioned by police during the previous five years.





According to the results, which were published in September 2022, 77% of those questioned said they believed they had not been doing anything that would give the police a reason to talk to them.

9月に発表された結果によると、職務質問されたと答えた人のうち77% が答えたー


The Asahi Shimbun reported that Moe Miyashita, a lawyer from the Tokyo Bar Association, told journalists: "It is necessary to create guidelines for police checks to prevent discrimination and a system that allows police questioning to be examined later."

朝日新聞の報告では、the Tokyo Bar Associationのある弁護士は述べた



People with Latin American, African and Middle Eastern roots were most likely to have been questioned.



One person said they were afraid of the police and believed they had been a victim of racial profiling — that they were questioned just because they looked foreign.

ある人が言うには、彼らは警官を嫌がっているー見た目だけで職務質問をするから。racial profilingの被害者だから。


Another said that while they understand the police are doing their jobs, they didn't think it was fair to be questioned like a criminal in front of large groups of people on the street or in the airport.



In December 2021, Japanese police were told by the country's National Police Agency to avoid questioning people in a way that could be seen as discriminatory, according to Kyodo News.



This was after the US embassy in Japan reported that foreigners in the country had been questioned by police in possible racial profiling incidents.

日本にあるUS大使館が日本にいる外国人が警官に職務質問を受けるのはracial profilingであると報告した。


The government said at the time that police do not question people based on their roots.








Biden Issues Pardons for 'Simple Possession' of Marijuana:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ




刑務所から出られるのは、投票できる、US市民権を持っている場合だけです。 ”ありがとう。バイデンさん! お礼にあなたに1票!”


2022/10/20 level 8

Biden Issues Pardons for 'Simple Possession' of Marijuana


US President Joe Biden is pardoning thousands of Americans convicted of "simple possession" of marijuana under federal law, as his government moves toward decriminalizing the drug.






Biden said that "no one should be in jail just for using or possessing marijuana."

According to the White House, no one is currently in federal prison just for "simple possession" of the drug, but the pardon could help thousands who have had difficulty renting a home or finding a job because of the conviction.


バイデンは述べた ”マリファナ所持、使用だけの罪で、刑務所に入れるべきではない。”



The Hill reported that about 6,500 people could benefit from the pardon. The Department of Justice said it plans to issue certificates of pardon, which can be shown to * potential employers and others as needed.



*"Potential employer" (就職候補企業)と "An impending employer" (当面の就職先)は、内定をもらい近々にもその企業に就職を予定している人を、言い表すことにも使う。



The pardon does not cover convictions for possession of other drugs, or for producing or selling marijuana. Non-citizens who were in the US illegally at the time of their arrest will also not be pardoned.





Biden is also directing the secretary of Health and Human Services and the US attorney general to review how marijuana is classified under federal law.



Marijuana is currently classified as a Schedule I drug, alongside heroin and LSD. Reclassifying it would reduce or potentially remove criminal penalties for possession.




Governors in different states are being asked to issue similar pardons for those convicted of state marijuana offenses — a move that Erik Altieri, executive director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, said could help millions of Americans.




He added that, since 1965, nearly 29 million Americans have been arrested for marijuana-related activities that most voters no longer believe should be a crime.




Many have praised Biden's announcement, with Kassandra Frederique, the executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance(薬物戦争を終わらせるために設立された非営利団体), saying it's "long overdue."

多くがバイデンの発表を賞賛している。Drug Policy Alliance(薬物戦争を終わらせるために設立された非営利団体)が言う。”長い間延び延びになっていることだ。(もっと早くすべきだった)”


Recreational marijuana is currently legal in 19 states and the District of Columbia.

Medical marijuana is legal in 37 states.









Global View of China has Worsened Under Xi — Report



プーチン同様、習近平も国を牛耳り続けるつもりでしょう。それが許されてしまうのは、記事で書かれていた ”consolidation of his personal power”ワンマンパワーが通ってしまうからでしょう。誰のための国なんでしょう?????





2022/10/15 level 15

Global View of China has Worsened Under Xi — Report


As Chinese President Xi Jinping prepares for an unprecedented third term in office, a new study of global public opinion/ has shown/ how views of China( abroad have worsened during his time in charge.


*( abroad)はglobal public opinionを強調している。省いても差し支えない。


The Pew Research Center in the US released a report in September 2022 that examined the changing attitudes to China, based on global surveys.






Xi's presidency has involved a number of controversies, including China's military expansion in the South China Sea, the suppression of pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, human rights abuses against Uyghurs and the increasing consolidation of his personal power.




Xi, 69, looks likely to win another term as China's leader — the previous two-term limit for presidents was removed in 2018.



Views of Xi started as quite negative in 2014, around a year after he took office, and have become increasingly negative in recent years, according to Pew.




"The only leader he's quite a bit more popular than is Putin," Pew's Laura Silver told Voice of America.




China's zero-COVID pandemic policy is also blamed for negative views of China and the lack of confidence in Xi.




As the country continues its economic rise, for many advanced economies, including the US, as well as Japan and South Korea, economic competition with China was seen as a "serious problem."




Human rights in China was the issue that concerned people most.



In the US, South Korea, Japan and every European country surveyed, a majority of people have consistently said — since the question was first asked in 2008 — that the Chinese government does not respect the personal freedoms of its people.



Countries that are geographically close to China generally have a more negative view of the country, mentioning China's military expansion and its interference in their domestic politics.



More than 80% of people surveyed in Japan and South Korea said they were very or somewhat concerned about military conflict with China.




Most people, however, based their attitudes towards China on the country's government — and their actions — and not on the Chinese public.









Nobel for Swede Who Unlocked Secrets of Neanderthal DNA:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ







2022/10/8 level 9

Nobel for Swede Who Unlocked Secrets of Neanderthal DNA


Swedish scientist Svante Pääbo has won this year's Nobel Prize in medicine for his discoveries on human evolution that led to insights into what makes us unique from our extinct cousins.

スウェーデンの科学者Svante Pääboは今年のノーベル医学賞を受賞したーー人類の進化の発見でーー消滅した血縁関係からどのように現代の私たちを創り上げたのかに着眼した。



Pääbo led the development of new techniques that allowed researchers to compare the genome of modern humans and that of other hominins — Neanderthals and Denisovans.

Pääbo は新技術を進歩させることで、現代人とホミニン種・原人ネアンデルタール人、デニソワ人のゲノムの比較ができた。



While Neanderthal bones were first discovered in the mid-19th century, only by unlocking their DNA have scientists been able to fully understand the links between species. This included figuring out when the shared ancestor of modern humans and Neanderthals split into two groups and became separate species, determined to be around 800,000 years ago.





画像:the courier mail

Pääbo and his team also found evidence of DNA that is shared between Neanderthals and modern humans, showing that they once co-existed and interbred together after our early ancestors migrated out of Africa.



As a result, 1-2% of the DNA of non-Africans comes from Neanderthals.



Pääbo and his team also managed to extract DNA from a finger bone found in a cave in Siberia, leading to the recognition of a new species of ancient humans: the Denisovans.





Denisovan genes have since been found in up to 6% of people in Asia and Southeast Asia, showing that interbreeding with our homo sapiens ancestors occurred in those regions.




"By mixing with [Denisovans] after migrating out of Africa, homo sapiens picked up [DNA] that improved their chances to survive in their new environments," said Anna Wedell from the Nobel Committee. For example, Tibetans share a gene with Denisovans that helps them adapt to the high altitude.





"Svante Pääbo has discovered the genetic make up of our closest relatives, the Neanderthals and the [Denisovans]," said Nils-Göran Larsson, a Nobel Assembly member. "The small differences between these extinct human forms and us as humans today will provide important insight into our body functions and how our brain has developed."

”Svante Pääbo は、私たちから近い近縁類(ネアンデルタール人やデニソワ人)の遺伝子の構成を発見した。すでに絶滅した人類と現代の人類のDNAの形状に小さい違いがある。その違いが私たちのからだの機能や、脳の進化をもたらせた。それが重要なポイントである。”とノーベルアカデミーのスタッフは述べた。


Pääbo will receive a cash prize of 10 million Swedish kronor — nearly $900,000 — at a ceremony in Oslo, Norway, on December。







スウェーデン軍、ブラック M−90.フィールドパンツ(新品)730BN=
価格:11000円(税込、送料無料) (2022/10/14時点)



UAE to Launch Moon Rover in November 2022:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ






2022/10/7 level 8

UAE to Launch Moon Rover in November 2022


The United Arab Emirates (UAE) will launch its first lunar rover in November, the mission manager has said.



Hamad Al Marzooqi told the UAE newspaper The National that the "Rashid" rover — named after Dubai's ruling family — would be launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida sometime between November 9 and November 15, 2022. The exact date will be announced in October, he said.

責任者Hamad Al Marzooqiは、UAE新聞:The Nationaで述べたー探査機:ラシッドはドバイに住む、国を統治する一族(ムハンマド・ビン・ラシド・マクトム、世界都市にドバイを成長させる計画とエミレーツ航空、DPワールド、ジュメイラ・グループを含む多数の主要企業の立ち上げの責任者でもある)の名前から取った。



The rover is to be launched on a Falcon 9 SpaceX rocket and put on the moon by a Japanese lander — made by the company ispace — sometime in March 2023.


探査機はSpaceX 社のロケット:ファルコン9で打ち上げられ、日本製の着陸船に連結され月に着地する。着陸船は日本の宇宙ベンチャー企業:アイスペースによって製作された。それは3月になるかもしれない。





"We've finished with the testing of the rover and we are happy with the results," Al Marzooqi was quoted as saying. "The rover has been integrated with the lander and it is ready for launch."




The moon mission is part of the UAE's strategy to become a major player in the field of space exploration. If the mission succeeds, the UAE and Japan would join the US, Russia and China as the only nations to have put a vehicle on the surface of the moon.






The UAE already has a satellite around Mars, where it is studying the red planet's atmosphere. It was launched in partnership with Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and arrived around Mars in February 2021.





The Rashid rover is expected to study the moon's surface, vehicle movement on the moon, and how different materials interact with the environment. The 10-kilogram rover will carry several different types of cameras and other devices.




The UAE also has plans to develop the Middle East's most advanced commercial satellite to produce high-quality satellite images. And it has set the ambitious goal of building a human colony on Mars by 2117.









North Korea Conducts Long-Range Missile Test Over Japan:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ




以前は打ち上げてもポシャンと落ちていたのが、今はどうだと言わんばかりに日本を越えて飛んでくのだから。 ミサイルが落下しなくても、部品が飛行機よりも高いところから落ちてきたら。。。ぞっとする。



2022/10/5 level 8

North Korea Conducts Long-Range Missile Test Over Japan


North Korea fired a missile over Japan for the first time in five years on October 4.




The launch was the most provocative weapons test by North Korea this year and forced Japan to issue evacuation notices and suspend trains in some parts of the country.




The missile was launched from North Korea's northern Jagang province at around 7:23 a.m. local time and landed in the Pacific Ocean 22 minutes later, about 3,200 kilometers off the coast of northern Japan.

北朝鮮から7:23発射し、22分後太平洋に着水したー日本の北部の海岸から3,200 kmの地点に。


The missile is believed to have traveled around 4,500 kilometers — the longest ever by a North Korean missile — at a maximum height of 1,000 kilometers above sea level.

飛行距離は4,500 kmで、今までの最長。最高高度は1000km。



According to Japan's Defense Minister Yasukazu Hamada, there have been no reports of damage to Japanese aircraft or ships.




The South Korean and US militaries responded to the missile test by launching fighter jets, which fired weapons at a target off South Korea's west coast in a show of strength.





In response to the missile launch, Japanese authorities alerted residents in northeastern regions to evacuate to shelters — in the first “J-alert” since 2017. Trains were suspended in the Hokkaido and Aomori regions until the government issued a notice that the missile appeared to have landed in the Pacific.


弾道ミサイルの措置として、東北地方の住民に避難するよう警報を出したー2017年以来はじめての “J-alert”警報。





Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida told reporters the missile launch was "a reckless act and I strongly condemn it."




South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol said North Korea’s “reckless nuclear provocations” would meet a strong response from the South and the international community.



North Korea has test-fired about 40 missiles during 20 different launch events this year as its leader Kim Jong Un pushes to perfect his country's weapons technologies and refuses to return to nuclear diplomacy with the United States.



North Korea's latest missile test has been seen as a response to military drills last week between the United States and its allies, including South Korea and Japan. North Korea views them as an invasion rehearsal.





US Book Banning Efforts Grow in 2022:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ

チャレンジされた本ってどんな本?今回の記事の解読は難航しました。 Challenged books: Materials that someone has attempted to remove or restrict from a curriculum or library collection.



3万5千年前、クロマニオン人の少女が、ネアンデルタールの一族に育てられ、レイプされひとりで出産を経験する。たくましく生き抜く原子時代の女性が描かれたこの小説をもう一度読もうと図書館へ行ったが、見つからない。 子供のコーナーに移されていた。 日本語訳者は評論社と集英社によって異なる。評論社版は青少年向けに表現を一部削ってあり、集英社版はそのまま訳されている。




ケーブ・ベアの一族(上) (エイラー地上の旅人) [ ジーン・M.アウル ]
価格:2530円(税込、送料無料) (2022/10/3時点)




2022/9/30 level 8

US Book Banning Efforts Grow in 2022



Attempts to ban and restrict books in the US continue to grow, the American Library Association (ALA) reports. By the end of August, the number of challenged books for 2022 was already close to 2021's totals, which were the highest in decades.






"I've never seen anything like this," said Deborah Caldwell-Stone of the ALA. She said that while challenges used to come from parents who had learned about a particular book and had an issue with it, now she sees campaigns where organizations are making lists of books they may not have read or even looked at.


”以前は、親が読んだことがある本に、何か話し合う点がある場合、その親からの報告または抗議で排除すべきかを検討した。現在はキャンペーンでは読んだり、人々が見たことがある本と読んだことのないリストを協会が作っている”とALAのDeborah は言った。





The ALA recorded 681 challenges to books through the first eight months of 2022, involving 1,651 different titles. In all of 2021, the ALA listed 729 challenges of 1,579 books. Because the ALA relies on news stories and reports from libraries, the actual number is likely much higher, it says.






The ALA announced the figures just before Banned Books Week, which began on September 18. The week included readings, essay contests and other events highlighting challenged works.

ALAは9月18日から始まるBanned Books Week前にその数字を発表した。その週は読書奨励、エッセイコンテスト、他のイベント、ハイライトは排除された本について意見交換や討論すること。


According to a report in April 2022, the most challenged books have included Maia Kobabe's Gender Queer, an illustrated story about sexual identity, and Jonathan Evison's Lawn Boy, a coming of age story told by a young gay man.


2022年4月の報告では、最も抗議が多かった本:Gender Queer性的指向についてイラスト付きで描かれている。とLawn Boyは若いゲイが語る大人に目覚めていく本。


Conservative attacks against schools and libraries have grown over the past two years, and librarians have been harassed until they have left their jobs.



At the Boundary County Library in Idaho, library director Kimber Glidden recently resigned after months of harassment. It began with a single complaint about Gender Queer — which the library didn't even stock — and grew until Glidden feared for her safety.

アイダホの図書館では館長がハラスメントを受けた数か月後に離職した。 本:Gender Queerに対する1件の苦情から始まった。図書館はその本を置いてすらなかった。





"People were showing up armed at library board meetings," she said.



Becky Calzada of the Leander Independent School District in Texas says she has friends who have left the profession and colleagues who are afraid and feel threatened.

テキサスの私立学校:(授業料と寄付のみで運営されている私立学校)のBecky Calzadaは言う。図書館で働くのを辞めてしまった友達がいる。同僚は脅迫されているような恐怖を感じている。


"I know some worry about promoting Banned Books Week because they might be accused of trying to advance an agenda," she says. "There's a lot of trepidation."

Banned Books Weekをサポートするのは大変な苦労を伴うのはわかっている。彼らは、読んでもない本をタイトルが気に入らない(LGBTQなど)だけで本を排除するように脅迫まがいのことをする、しれは告訴されるかもしれないくらいだ。だからBanned Books Weekの間は恐怖・不安でいっぱいだと彼女は言う。




'ICYMI,' 'Yeet' Among New Merriam-Webster Entries:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ


最近、回転すしやへ行ってびっくりしたのは、割りばし!どうやってもパキッと上手く割れないし、ささくれが口にささりそう。これほどやわな割りばし、初めて使いました。お店もいろいろと対策に苦労しているんでしょうね。次回はmy chopsticksを持参しようかな。



2022/9/18 level 7

'ICYMI,' 'Yeet' Among New Merriam-Webster Entries'ICYMI,'


Merriam-Webster has added 370 new words and phrases to its dictionary.





Many of the new words and phrases are slang or commonly used on social media. These include "ICYMI," which is short for "in case you missed it."

加えられた新語、新用語の多くは、スラングソーシャルメディアで頻繁に使われているもの。"ICYMI,"は"in case you missed itの略で、お見逃した場合のために再掲載と言う意味で使う。


This is a useful abbreviation when you want to let your reader know that something has already been posted or shared.




And there is the word, "yeet!" As a verb, yeet is slang for throwing something with a lot of force, and without caring what happens to it. Or it can be said to express surprise or excitement.



Another new entry in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is "pumpkin spice." This is a spice mix that has been popular for a few years and is used in lots of food and drinks — like coffee and cake — in autumn.



The COVID-19 pandemic is still changing how we speak and is where some of the new Merriam-Webster entries have come from. For example, along with COVID-19 variants like Omicron or Delta, we've also learned about "subvariants," or different types of the same variant — like Omicron BA.4 and BA.5.

変異しているThe COVID-19 pandemicをどのように言うかは、Merriam-Webster辞書にも新語として追加されました。例えば、オミクロンやデルタのような、”COVID-19 variant”:変異株。 "subvariants,"は同じ株だけど種類が違う。


Worldwide inflation has made "shrinkflation" a common word too — so much so that it's now in Merriam-Webster. This is when a product is made smaller while its price stays the same.






So if your favorite chocolate bar was suddenly smaller but cost the same amount of money, that would be shrinkflation.






Merriam-Webster editor at large, Peter Sokolowski, said that while some of the new entries might cause debate, the dictionary's job is to capture language as is used in real life. He also explained that words are only added, "when there is clear and sustained evidence of use."


Merriam-Websterの監修者Peter Sokolowskiが言うには、新語を取り入れると、それに対していろいろと意見が出てくるが、辞書の役目は現実に使われているような言葉を捉えることだ。








More US Adults Getting Mental Health Treatment:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ








2022/9/27 level 7

More US Adults Getting Mental Health Treatment




The percentage of adults in the US who received mental health treatment/ increased from around 19% in 2019 to nearly 22% in 2021, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).



The most significant rise was among younger adults. The percentage of those aged 18-44 who got treatment for mental health issues rose from 18.5% in 2019 to a little over 23% in 2021.


18-44才 ー 18.5% だった 2019年から  2021年には23% を少し超えた。


This data came from the National Health Interview Survey, which asked participants whether they had received treatment for mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, in the previous 12 months. The treatments could have included medication, therapy, or both.



For those aged 45-64 — who had previously been the most likely to get treatment — there was an increase from about 20% in 2019 to 21% in 2021. And for those aged 65 and older, there was no significant change.

45-64才ー以前に治療を受けた人数が多いー20% in2019 to 21% in 2021。



It was also found that among those aged 18-44, women were much more likely than men to have received mental health treatment.




In 2019, about 13% of men in that age group had been treated for mental health issues, while nearly 24% of women had. And in 2021, around 18% of men got some type of treatment compared to almost 29% of women.

2019ー男性 13% 、女性24% 

2021ー男性18% 、女性29% 


The CDC research didn't explain why the increase in mental health treatment was taking place.



However, psychologist Billie Katz told Self that adults in their 20s, 30s and 40s are all more likely to suffer from the types of mental health issues commonly experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. These include depression and anxiety, as well as substance abuse issues and eating disorders.



According to Katz, financial stress, uncertain work environments and even young adults having to move back in with their parents all could have made these people more vulnerable to mental health challenges.





How Starbucks Became the World's Biggest Coffeehouse:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ




2022/9/17 level 7

How Starbucks Became the World's Biggest Coffeehouse



Coffee has become an important part of American culture, and many people go to Starbucks for their daily cup. It's so popular that some cities even have Starbucks stores across the street from each other!






But in the late 20th century, many Americans were drinking instant coffee.

Gerald Baldwin, Zev Siegl and Gordon Bowker, who all attended the University of San Francisco together, wanted to change that.


20世紀後半には、アメリカ人はインスタントコーヒーを飲むようになった。サンフランシスコの大学に通っていたGerald Baldwin、Zev Siegl 、Gordon Bowkerの3人は、その習慣を変えたかった。



The three men were inspired by Alfred Peet, who had opened a small coffee shop in Berkeley, California, in 1966. He got his coffee from overseas, and roasted his own beans.

その3人はカリフォルニア州バークレーでコーヒーショップを営んでいたAlfred Peetから影響をうけた。彼は海外から豆を輸入し、自分でローストしていた。



Peet taught , Siegl and Bowker his roasting style, and in 1971, they opened the first Starbucks store in Seattle, named after the character Starbuck in Herman Melville's book Moby Dick. According to the company's website, this — like the company's mermaid logo — refers to the seafaring tradition of early coffee traders.

Peetは、3人にろーすとの方法を教え、彼らはシアトルに最初のスターバックス店をオープンした。Herman Melvilleの小説Moby Dick(白鯨)*エイハブ船長とスターバック、スタッブ、フラスクの3名の船員が宿敵の鯨と戦う物語に登場する船員の名前、Starbuck を店名にした。web siteよると、ロゴの人魚は、コーヒー豆貿易が始まったころの伝統的な船先に取り付けられた女神(人魚)に由来する。




At first, Starbucks sold high-quality coffee beans, supplied by Peet, and coffee equipment. The founders opened four stores in Seattle over the next decade, with Siegl leaving the company in 1980.

初めは、スターバックスは、Peetが仕入れた高品質のコーヒー豆や道具を売った。それから10年後、シアトルに4店舗をオープンしたが、1980年にはSiegl は去った。



In 1982, Howard Schultz — who managed one of Starbucks' suppliers — joined the company.

Howard Schultzはスターバックスの取引先の一つの責任者だったが、1982年にスターバックスの一員となった。



After experiencing coffeehouses in Milan, Italy, in 1983, Schultz became inspired to bring European coffee-drinking culture to the US.



But Baldwin and Bowker weren't convinced, so Schultz left Starbucks and opened a coffeehouse called Il Giornale.

しかし、Baldwin と Bowkerは認めなかったのでSchultz は去り、Il Giornaleというコーヒーショップを開いた。


It was immediately successful, and when Baldwin and Bowker decided to sell Starbucks in 1987, Schultz had enough money and investors to buy it.

Il Giornaleは大成功で、 Schultzは十分な資金とスターバックスを買い取る投資家としても十分であったため、Baldwin と Bowkerは売却を決めた。



Within four years, there were over 100 Starbucks coffeehouses around the US. In 1996, the company began opening stores outside North America, starting with Japan.





Today, according to its website, Starbucks has over 32,000 stores in 80 countries, making it the largest coffeehouse chain in the world.



記事引用: https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/app/daily-news/article/how-starbucks-became-the-worlds-biggest-coffeehouse/3LdOtDUDEe2ZT5-7u7pHVQ




Take Note of This Nobel Prize-Winning Writing Advice:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ

Morrison liked her work best when she could "say more with less" instead of describing every detail.と、USの作家モリソンが言うように、たとえそれらが素敵な表現だったとしても、ごちゃごちゃと並べられるよりも、心にツーンとくる一言が欲しい。







2022/9/4 level 7

Take Note of This Nobel Prize-Winning Writing Advice



If you want to write the next great novel, you might want to listen to what Nobel Prize-winning authors have to say about writing. Here are some simple pieces of advice from just a few past winners.



Write regularly---常に執筆する

Peru's Mario Vargas Llosa won the Nobel Prize for literature in 2010 for his novels, plays and other writing on themes of power, resistance and defeat.




In an interview with literature magazine The Paris Review, Vargas Llosa said that instead of waiting for good ideas before you start writing, you should just make yourself write regularly. Doing so will help you think of those ideas.





"If I started to wait for moments of inspiration, I would never finish a book. Inspiration for me comes from a regular effort," he said.





Try pen and paperーペンと紙を使う

British-Japanese author Kazuo Ishiguro won his Nobel Prize in 2017. Also speaking to The Paris Review, he said he writes his first drafts with pen and paper instead of using a computer.

日英のハーフの作家石黒和夫はインタビューで述べたー まず、ペンで青写真を紙に書く―PCは使わない。



Ishiguro said he doesn't worry about style, or even the story making complete sense, when he writes his first draft. Instead, he just tries to get all of his ideas on paper.

青写真を描くときは、形式にとらわれず、筋が通ってないストーリーでもかまわない。 それよりも、紙に書きだしたアイディアの全部を小説に入れてみる。


"Then I plan the whole thing out from that. I number sections and move them around. By the time I write my next draft, I have a clearer idea of where I'm going," he explained. 

”それから全体を練るーfirst draftからアイデアをとりだして、各項目に番号をつけて並べる。次に下書を書く時までには、着想をどう使うかがはっきりしている。”


Don't say too muchー言い過ぎない

Toni Morrison became the first Black woman to win the Nobel Prize for literature in 1993 for her novels looking at the realities of life in the US for Black Americans.



Speaking to American Artscape Magazine, Morrison — who died in 2019 — said she liked her work best when she could "say more with less" instead of describing every detail.







"I'd like to rely more heavily on the reader's own emotions and intelligence," she said.







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Brontë or Bell? Female Writers Who Used Pseudonyms:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ

昔の女性作家は、筆者は男性と思わせて、小説を書かなければならなかったんだ(>_<)その男尊女卑の時代の中、ジョジュルサンドこと、本名:アマンディーヌ オーロール デュパンの生き様はすごいね。




2022/9/6 level 8

Brontë or Bell? Female Writers Who Used Pseudonyms



Many authors use a pseudonym/súːdənìm. Some use one for privacy, while well-known authors may use one to experiment with a different type of writing.



And female authors may sometimes use one to get around sexism in the publishing industry — and in reader expectations.



*get around は、あっちこっち動き回る、拒否する、顔が広い、更に多くの人と関係を持つとというスラングもありました(^^)/




Here are some famous female authors who published their works under pseudonyms:




Louisa May Alcott ルイーザ メイ オルコット
Louisa May Alcott is best known for Little Women, which was published under her own name between 1868 and 1869.

若草物語で知られているルイーザが実名で出版したのは1868 and 1869の1年間のみ。


But before that, she used the name AM Barnard to publish several bloody thrillers — material that was considered "unladylike" in 19th century America. It wasn't until 1942, long after she had died, that she was revealed to be AM Barnard.


しかし、それまでは、AM Barnard という名前を使って怪奇小説を出版していたー19世紀のアメリカの話で”男っぽく荒っぽい作者”だと思われていた。1942年にやっと発覚したのは、死去後しばらくたってからで、彼女がAM Barnardであったと明らかになった。(死没1888年




The Brontë Sisters ブロンテ姉妹

Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë first published their novels and poetry under the names Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell.



Charlotte revealed the truth in the introduction to an 1850 edition of Wuthering Heights, by Emily, and Agnes Grey, by Anne, which were published together.





The sisters, she explained, had always wanted to become authors but chose to use pseudonyms for privacy, and because of English society's prejudices toward female authors.





JK Rowling ジェイケイローリング

Joanne Rowling was encouraged by her publisher to use a gender-neutral name so Harry Potter would appeal to boys as well as girls.




Rowling was not given a middle name at birth: She chose the name "Kathleen," her grandmother's name, to include in her initials at her publisher's request.




Since finishing Harry Potter, Rowling has also written crime novels as Robert Galbraith — something she said she first did to be able to write without expectations, and continues to do to keep the work separate from her other writing.





Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin アマンディーヌ オーロール デュパン

Born in 1804, Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin was one of France's most successful novelists during her lifetime.




Better known as George Sand, she defied gender expectations by smoking in public, wearing men's clothing and more. Well-respected by other writers — including Victor Hugo — Russian novelist Ivan Turngenev once said of her: "What a brave man she was, and what a good woman!"







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