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21 New Emoji Coming to iPhone in Spring:DMM英会話DailyNew予習復習メモ

絵文字は、NTTドコモの携帯電話端末対応のインターネット接続サービス、iモードの開発がきっかけで1999年に誕生したしょうです。emojiは日本で最初に開発したのですね☺ 英語の emotion 感情 も絡んでてネーミングもgoodです。




2023/2/27 level 7

21 New Emoji Coming to iPhone in Spring

この春 新絵文字iphoneに登場

Users of iPhones will soon be able to express themselves in new ways, with Apple to introduce 21 new emoji as part of a software update.

iPhones ユーザーは、アップルが導入した新絵文字を使って気持ちを表現できるようになるーアップデートすると。


The new emoji include a shaking face, a pushing hand and several new heart colors — including plain pink — as well as new animals such as a moose, a donkey, a blackbird and a jellyfish.



The technology company will be adding the new emoji as part of an iOS update in spring.

テクノロジー企業は新絵文字を追加するー iOSのアップデートが必要。


According to Emojipedia, the plain pink heart has been a popular request for some time. Until now, pink hearts had always had extra parts like arrows through them, and there was no plain pink version.



The new Apple emoji are based on symbols approved by the Unicode Consortium in September 2022. After Unicode approves new emoji, software companies need to decide how each one will look on their systems before users can start putting them into text messages.

アップルの新絵文字は文字コードの国際規格管理団体Unicode Consortium で承認された。その承認後、各絵文字のデザインを少し変える必要かあるーユーザーがメールに使用できるようになる前に。



Unicode chooses new emoji based on whether the image will work at a small size, whether the emoji adds a new idea that can't be expressed with current emoji, and if a large number of people are likely to use it.

Unicode Consortium 協会は新絵文字を小さいサイズでいいのか、絵文字を新たに加えるー現在の絵文字ではうまく表現できないため、多くの人が使いたいかどうかで選ぶ。


The organization has approved over 3,600 different emoji, which, according to its data, are used by 92% of the world's online population.

Unicode Consortium 協会は3600絵文字を承認しているー世界中のユーザーの 92%が使っているというデータに従って。





Developers working on the beta version of the new iOS update have already seen how the new emoji will look on Apple phones. However, the designs may change before being made available to the public — such as in 2022, when a new troll emoji was changed to have a smaller nose for its official release.





The new emoji have already been available to Google and Samsung users since late 2022.




