いさぎよくsingle life ここちよくsimple life 


DMM英会話予習復習メモ:'Solar Cow' Encourages Kids to Go to School

このシステム素晴らしい。子供たちが家から持ってきた、牛の乳に見立てたバッテリーを学校にある Solar Cow につないで充電し、学校が終わると家に持ち帰って、家庭の電力となる。
電気が必要なため、親は子供を学校に行かせることになる。一石二鳥 いや十鳥ですね。



2021/1/5 level 7


画像引用先 world design guide



 'Solar Cow' Encourages Kids to Go to School



A solar power station in the shape of a cow is encouraging children in rural Kenya and Tanzania to go to school. According to UNESCO, more than one-fifth of children aged 6 to 11 in sub-Saharan Africa do not go to school.




And according to the World Bank, less than half of people in the region have access to electricity. Designed by Yolk, a US- and South Korea-based company, the "Solar Cow" is working to solve both of these problems.


その地域の人々の半数以下しか電気を供給できていない。"Solar Cow"はそう言った問題を解決をするために活動している。



Yolk is placing its Solar Cows at schools, where children can put rechargeable batteries, called "Solar Milk," into the bottom of their school's Solar Cow.


ヨークはSolar Cows を学校に設置しているー子供たちは、再充電できるバッテリー"Solar Milk," を学校にあるSolar Cowにつないで充電することができる。




The children go to class while the batteries are charging, and at the end of the day they take the batteries home. The batteries can only be charged using the Solar Cow, so children have to go to school to get the electricity.




そのバッテリーはSolar Cowのみに充電可能なため、子供たちは家で電気を得るためには学校へ行かなければならない。


In rural homes without electricity, many families use expensive kerosene lamps for lighting.



People also go to local solar charging stations to charge their phones, which the World Bank says costs an average of almost eight times as much as it would cost to charge them using electricity at home.




Each Solar Milk battery can charge a 2G phone three or four times, or charge a radio once or twice.

各Solar Milk batteryは2Gで3,4回またはラジオで1,2回分充電できる。


Each battery is also a flashlight, and a full charge can provide up to 10 hours of light.



Since 2018, Yolk has set up two Solar Cows in Kenya and one in Tanzania. The company is now asking for support on Kickstarter, where it has received more than $90,000 to help collect data to confirm the impact of its work.




↓ Solar Cow の ビデオです。


DMM英会話予習復習メモ:Naomi Osaka Is AP Female Athlete of the Year

Naomi Osakaは時の人ですね。Black Lives Matter 影響力のある人が率先して声をあげることで、大きく変わります。また私たち個人の小さい力でも、悪いことは悪いと意思表示すべきだと思います。  

2021/1/1 level 8


画像引用先 pritimes




Naomi Osaka Is AP Female Athlete of the Year

ナオミオオサカが AP通信の今年の人に


The Associated Press (AP) has named tennis player Naomi Osaka as its Female Athlete of the Year, after a vote by AP sports editors and writers.


AP通信は今年の女性アスリートにNaomi Osakaを選んだースポーツ編集者とライターの投票後。


In 2020, Osaka won the US Open for her third Grand Slam title. Osaka, whose father is Haitian and whose mother is Japanese, also spoke out against racism and police brutality.


Naomi Osakaは人種差別や警察の残虐行為についても声をあげた。



"It was sad to watch and read the news of people suffering from COVID-19, and the economic and social effect on so many — losing jobs, mental health.


It was such a tough year for so many people," Osaka wrote in an email interview. "And then watching the police injustices like George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Jacob Blake (to name just a few) in the summer broke my heart.

I am proud of my US Open victory, but more so that I got people talking about the real issues," Osaka wrote.





During the US Open, Osaka brought attention to Black victims of violence.



She arrived for matches wearing face masks with the names of Floyd, Taylor, Tamir Rice, Elijah McClain, Trayvon Martin, and Philando Castil.




Each name belongs to a person who was killed by police in the US.


Osaka also refused to play her semifinal at the Western & Southern Open, joining athletes from the NBA and elsewhere in protesting the police shooting of Blake.





棄権のきっかけは、ウィスコンシン州で8月23日に起こった新たな警察暴力事件。車に乗り込もうとした黒人男性ブレイクさんが、白人警官に背後から至近距離で7発銃撃された動画がSNSに拡散し、Black Lives Matterの抗議デモが再び各地で行われ、地元のミルウォーキー・バックスをはじめとするNBAの6チームや、WNBA(女子プロバスケットボール)、MLS(プロサッカー)、MLBプロ野球)などに所属する複数のチームが、試合を「ボイコット」した。


Following her lead, the tournament stopped completely for a day.



“Not only is she a phenomenal tennis player, but she also demonstrates how athletes have an opportunity to use their platform for something bigger than the game or themselves," WTA Chairman and CEO Steve Simon said.



Writing about 2021, the 23-year-old Osaka listed these goals: "work hard, do better, speak up, be kind." Basketball player LeBron James was named the AP Male Athlete of the Year.



DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Japan Bans Foreign Arrivals Over New Virus Variant





total time 51900 minutes 2020/12/30 level 9


 Japan Bans Foreign Arrivals Over New Virus Variant



Japan is barring entry to all nonresident foreign nationals as a precaution against a new — and potentially more contagious — coronavirus variant that has spread across Britain.





The entry ban will be in effect until January 31, according to Japan's foreign ministry.



Japanese nationals and resident foreigners who return to Japan will also no longer be exempt from a 14-day quarantine period. They must now carry proof of a negative test 72 hours prior to departure, and self-isolate for two weeks after arrival in Japan.


日本にもどる 日本国籍と日本に住む外国人は、14日の隔離が免除される。




On December 25, Japan's health ministry said the new variant was detected in samples from five people returning from Britain between December 18 and December 21 who tested positive at airport inspection



 All but one, who complained of fatigue, had no symptoms.


全員(5名)のうち1名が疲労を訴えたが その1名を除いた4名は無症状だった。



*whoはoneを指すので、one parson complained of fatigue 
*All but one had no symptom 全員のうちひとりを除く 





The health ministry confirmed two more cases of the new variant on December 26 — a man in his 30s who returned to Japan from Britain on December 16, and his relative, a woman in her 20s with no history of visiting that country. Both patients were hospitalized in Tokyo.



Numerous other countries have introduced new travel restrictions because of the new coronavirus variant.





Saudi Arabia has temporarily closed all official ports of entry, though cargo flights and shipping routes are unaffected.

France briefly banned trucks from the UK, but has since allowed them if drivers show proof of a negative test for the virus. The US has required airline passengers from Britain to get a negative COVID-19 test before their flight.






Other countries where the new variant has been detected include Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Canada and Australia.


British authorities are blaming the new variant for soaring infection rates in London and southeast England. They say the new version is more easily transmitted than the original, but stress there is no evidence that it makes people sicker.


ロンドンとイングランド南部で感染率が急上昇 しているのは変異種のせいである








DailyNews予習復習 投稿数70突破








時にはfree talkだったり、残すところ5分で記事のわからないとこだけちゃちゃっと説明してもらったり。








なんせ 無知ですからね。


すったもんだの末 諦めて寝ると、翌日、すーーーっと降りてくることがある。









『ぎゃー こんな時間 いつの間に』
















はじめは講師にDailyNewsを勧められて。確かに政治、経済、健康etc. 私のフリートークでは、あり得ないボキャブラリーがガンガンでてくるから、当然覚えるよね。


そして、視野が広くなった。---世界情勢から、歴史などさまざまに分野に興味がもてるようになった。I've read 、、、  I've heard、、、 記事で知ったことを講師とシェアできるようになった。














このIt はなにを指してるのかも明確にできないと、話が読めない。


















アクセス数が最近は0件がなくて、平均数件くらいかな。以前は000000、、、、 日本で誰かの目にとまっていると思うととっても嬉しくモチベーションがあがります。 誤字脱字に加えて、正しいかどうかも定かでなく、自己流の予習復習メモ書き、自己中の解釈で、お役に立てなくて申し訳ないです。 間違ってたり、解釈が変なところは、遠慮なく指摘してほしいです。



DMM英会話予習復習メモ:More Engaged Fathers May Improve Teens' Behavior

たとえ 関わる時間が限られても、親からの愛されてるんだなと感じさせるさりげない言葉や行動が影響するのではないかと思う。

2020/12/25 level 9




 More Engaged Fathers May Improve Teens' Behavior



A new study from Rutgers University has found that, among families of lower socioeconomicˌsəʊsiəʊ ˌekəˈnɑːmɪk status, teenagers whose fathers were more engaged with them when they were children  had fewer behavior problems and better mental health.

社会経済的地位が低い家族の中で、父親が小さいころから子供に関わっていた 現在10代になった子供たちは行動・態度に関する問題は少なく、メンタル面もよかった。


*engageは結婚の約束をするーの他にたくさんの意味がある 役割を発揮する 雇う 機能する 引き込む 没頭する 人間関係の中で理解しようとする 寄り添う



The study, which was published in Social Service Review, looked at 5,000 children who were born in the US between 1998 and 2000.


"On average, children in lower socioeconomic status families tend to have more behavior problems and their fathers have lower levels of overall involvement than those in higher socioeconomic status families," said lead author Lenna Nepomnyaschy.





Socioeconomic status (SES) is typically measured by a person's education and income, and the type of job they have.



Nepomnyaschy said that low-SES fathers may be finding it more difficult to engage in their children's lives due to the impacts of social and economic changes over the past few decades.




The researchers looked at how often children's fathers played with them, read to them, fed them and helped them with homework between the ages of 5 and 15, and how often their fathers provided them with items such as clothes, toys, food and other necessities.


The researchers then looked at the children's behaviors at age 15, including crying, worrying, fighting, bullying and truancy truːənsi.


15才の時点で いじわるやずる休みなどの行動を見た。



The study showed that higher involvement by fathers was associated with teenagers having fewer behavior problems.

It also found that more involvement helped substantially reduce disparities in behavior problems between children from low-SES families and other families.





Another study, published in Journal of Marriage and Family in February, looked at more than 12,000 children from high- and low-SES families.


It found that, for any type of family, more engaged fathers were associated with better school performance.



The study also found that if fathers from low-SES families were able to engage with their children as much as fathers from high-SES families, their kids would perform slightly better at reading and math, and would be much less likely to repeat years at school due to poor performance.


 low-SES families で育った父親はhigh-SES familiesで育った父親と同じくらい子供と関わることができたなら、子供たちは読書、数学の成績もわずかに伸び、悪い成績での留年も減るだろう。











DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Study Finds People in Their 20s Are Loneliest



  2020/12/16 level 8



 Study Finds People in Their 20s Are Loneliest

 20代 が最も孤独を感じる


Researchers at the University of California San Diego have found that people in their 20s show the highest levels of loneliness. The researchers surveyed 2,843 people in the US between the ages of 20 and 69. The survey was done in 2019 between April 10 and May 10, with the results published online in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry in November this year.





The researchers found that, for all age groups, having a smaller social network and not having a partner were predictors of loneliness — as were poor sleep and having lower levels of empathy and compassion.


すべての,年齢別のグループに対して、付き合いの輪が小さい 、パートナーを持っていなことが孤独感に関連していた。睡眠の質が悪い、他人を思いやりのレベルが低いことからも推測された。

empathy は他人の感情を他人の立場にたって理解する事で、compassionはempathy以上で、 他者への献身的な行動を意味する。


"Compassion seems to reduce the level of loneliness at all ages," said Dilip Jeste, the study's senior author.




He said this is probably because compassion helps people understand others' emotions and be helpful, which allows them to make friends and increase their confidence in their ability to succeed in social situations.




Lower social confidence and higher anxiety were predictors of loneliness in every age group, except for those in their 60s.

People in their 60s were found to be the least lonely overall.



Tanya Nguyen, first author of the study, said that social media may have a negative impact on social confidence among people in their 20s. She said that many people compare themselves to others on social media, and are anxious about how many likes and followers they have, which could lead to feelings of loneliness.


social mediaは20代に社会で生きていく自信に否定的な影響を与えているかも。

 sms で他の人と比べていいね!の数やフォロワー数を気にすることが、孤独を感じさせていく。



The study also suggested that people in their 20s were stressed because they were working toward getting their career started and looking for a partner.



The researchers said that loneliness is a serious public heath problem because it affects people's health and well-being.

The results suggest that lonely people at different ages need to be helped in different ways, the authors wrote.




A report released in January by health insurance company Cigna found that 61% of Americans said they were lonely — up seven percentage points from the year before.






DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:House Sale Delayed After Banksy Mural Appears

売り家の外壁にバンスキーによって描かれた くしゃみをしている老女。この家の評価額が上がってうれしい反面、壁画にカバーをしたり、警報システム設置などのコストもかかりたいへんですよね。
バンスキーは家主に許可なくスプレーペイントをしたわけ?  もし私が家主なら入れ歯が飛び出してるんじゃなくて、もうちょっとかわいい絵をお願いしたいな。

Christmas Eveの講師はRickyboyは、毎日15分のお昼寝がかかせないそうです。



total 51750minites 2020/12/23 level 7


                               画像引用元 yahoo news 

House Sale Delayed After Banksy Mural Appears

 売り家延期 バンスキーに描かれた壁の出現後


Banksy's latest mural delayed a homeowner's plan to sell after it recently appeared on one of the outside walls of her Bristol home.




The British artist's piece, called Achoo!!, shows an elderly woman sneezing, sending her dentures flying out of her mouth.    

It's painted on the side of a house on a steep street in Bristol, England, and when photographed on an angle, the woman's sneeze appears to be knocking down houses.

イギリスのアーティストの作品 “ハクショーン” は、老女のくしゃみを表現していて、口から入れ歯が吹っ飛んでいる。




British media reported that the owners, who had previously put a "sold" sign on the house, pulled out of the sale because the artwork could greatly increase the value of the property.




However, Nick Makin told the BBC that claims that his mother, Aileen Makin, had stopped the sale weren't true.




"When you wake up to tabloids saying your house is now worth £5 million you've got to think about what you're doing. It does increase the value, and you have to take a moment to think about it, but it's not changing anything in terms of the house sale for us," he said.


”目覚めて、タブロイド紙を読むと、あなたの家は5 million ポンドの価値がある。何をしてるべきかを考えなくっちゃ。


でも家を売却することについては何も変わっていない。” とBBCに言った。




Makin said the sale was put on hold for 48 hours, which gave the family time to look into ways of making sure the mural is protected.




Far from earning the family millions of pounds, the piece cost them money to protect as they put a clear cover over it, and installed an alarm system.

家族が得る数百ポンドの査定額とかけ離れて・どころではない その作品は保護するためにお金がかかったーー作品をカバーで覆って、警報システムを設置したりした。



"We think it should be protected and stay where it is," Makin told the BBC. Banksy has posted the piece on his website and Instagram page and it has been confirmed that he created the artwork.





He began his career spray-painting buildings in Bristol and has become one of the world’s best-known artists.





DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Anonymous 'Santa' Pays Off Walmart Christmas Shopping



 total time 51625minutes 2020/12/19 level7



Anonymous 'Santa' Pays Off Walmart Christmas Shopping


ウォルマートでクリスマスショッピング 匿名のサンタが支払ってくれた


An anonymous man spent almost $65,000 at a Walmart in Bristol, Tennessee, paying for other people's Christmas shopping. The mystery "Santa Claus" paid off the balances on items other customers had bought using the store's layaway program.


匿名の人が$65,000 を支払ったーーほかの人のクリスマスショッピング代金を




When customers buy an item on layaway, they pay a deposit to have the item kept for them.

The shopper makes payments over a period of time until they have paid the full amount and are allowed to take the item home. Layaway programs don't usually charge interest, but they may involve fees.



買い物客は全額払うまで期間分の前借分の支払いをする。 そして商品を持ち帰ることができる。




This year, Walmart stores in the US offered layaway to help with holiday shopping between August 28 and December 14. Some Walmart stores offer layaway on jewelry all year too.



April Hilliard was one of the Walmart shoppers who had her items paid for. She told local news channel WJHL, "It's like a Christmas miracle. He's Santa, that's what he is. He's a Santa to everyone here." The store's manager, Kris Light told People that the person who made the payment wanted to "positively affect as many people as possible."








Another anonymous donor paid off layaway balances at a Walmart in Canton, Mississippi. The store would not say how much was paid, but some of the donor's money was also used for food and toy donations. Similar anonymous donations have also been made at other Walmart stores at Christmas in previous years.




Some celebrities have even paid off Walmart balances to help people at Christmas in the past. In 2018, actor and director Tyler Perry paid off $434,000 worth of layaway balances at two Walmarts in Atlanta. Musician Kid Rock then did the same, paying $81,000 at a store in Nashvill.








DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Facebook Creates Translation System for 100 Languages

Facebookに英語を介さず翻訳できるシステム登場間近のニュース。 翻訳機に頼らず、英語で理解できればいいのですが。。。 本日も講師はJhames FBのスマホのアプリはアンインストールして、PCのみにしたそうです。
私も最近FBはチェックしてないなぁ。smsに時間を取られたくないから。翻訳機を使わず英語で読めるようになるためには勉強 勉強 (^^♪


total 51575minutes 2020/12/17 level 8


Photo by Tracy Le Blanc from Pexels

Facebook Creates Translation System for 100 Languages

  FB 100言語を翻訳できるシステム開発



Facebook has developed the first machine learning model that can translate between any two of 100 languages without going into English first.


FBは翻訳機モデルを開発したーーそれは、まず最初に英語に訳すのではなく、100言語のうち 2言語間で直接訳すことができる。



Facebook says the new machine translation model was created to help its more than 2 billion users worldwide.

The company is still testing the translation system — which it calls M2M-100 — and hopes to add it to different products in the future.



Angela Fan, a research assistant at Facebook, said the model produces better results than other machine learning systems that depend on English to help in the translation process, using it as a "bridge" between languages.





Fan noted that many machine translation models begin by, for example, translating from Chinese to English first, and then from English to French.

This is done "because English training data is the most widely available," she said. But such a method can lead to mistakes in translation and isn't as good at preserving meaning.



英語学習したのデータは幅広く可能だから、これは使われている。しかし、このようなメソッドは翻訳にミスを導くこともある また意味をkeepすることに優れてないない。



Facebook said the model outperformed English-centered versions in a widely-used system that uses data to measure the quality of machine translations.






Facebook says about two-thirds of its users communicate in a language other than English. The company already does an average of 20 billion translations every day on Facebook's News Feed. But it faces a huge challenge with many users publishing massive amounts of content in more than 160 languages.






"Breaking language barriers through machine language translation is one of the most important ways to bring people together," Fan said.


翻訳機で言語の壁を取っ払うことは、人々をつなぐbest wayである。






DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:UK to Ban New Gas and Diesel Cars by 2030



⇓ 新郎新婦の衣装にお祝儀の紙幣が貼り付けられるんだって。




total time5525 minutes levei 8 2020/12/15


Photo by Mike from Pexels

UK to Ban New Gas and Diesel Cars by 2030

 UK ガソリン、ディーゼルの新車販売は2030年まで


The UK prime minister, Boris Johnson, has said that the sale of new cars and vans that use only gasoline and diesel will be banned from 2030.


However, some hybrids — vehicles that use gasoline or diesel as well as an electric motor — will still be allowed until 2035.



しかし、ハイブリッド車ー電気モーターのように上手くgasoline or dieselを使うーは2035年まで(新車販売が)許可される。


The UK had previously said the sale of gas and diesel vehicles would be banned in 2040. However, in February the government moved the date to 2035, before changing it again in November.

The UK now has the second most ambitious plan to ban new gas and diesel vehicles in the world after Norway, which plans to ban them in 2025.


以前に述べた2040年まででガソリン ディーゼル車販売は禁止される。

しかし、2月(2020年)に政府は (2040年から)2035年以内にへと移したーーそれは11月(2020年)にもう一度、変更される前の(2月)のことある。


 UKは、新車 ガソリン ディーゼルの新車を(2035年までで禁止するというーー ノルウェー(1番目)が2025年以内に禁止するというプランに続いてーー






To help with the transition, the UK government has said it will spend over $1.7 billion on infrastructure for charging electric vehicles.



It will also offer about $780 million worth of grants to help people buy electric vehicles, and will spend about $670 million to support more battery manufacturing in the country.



 Demand for electric vehicles in the UK has more than doubled in the last year, but less than 10% of vehicles sold so far in 2020 were electric.


電気自動車を需要 は昨年の2倍 だが、2020年以内で今のところ、販売された自動車の10%より少ないのが電気自動車だった。



The government also plans to spend more on public transport, and find ways to help more people travel by walking or cycling.



 The move is part of a larger plan to help fight climate change and create jobs. Other parts of the plan, which will cost over $5.3 billion in total, include investing in renewable energy, making buildings warmer and more energy efficient, and planting trees.


その動きは地球温暖化対策や仕事 を増やすための援助の計画の一部である。



Some opposition politicians have said that the plan does not do enough to address the problems of climate change, and that much more money needs to be spent. Environmental activists also say that massive investment and immediate action is needed to properly address climate change.






DailyNews予習復習メモ:15-Year-Old Named Time's First Kid of the Year


若干15才でTime誌の Kid of the Yearに選ばれたRaoさん

今日の講師Arthur 20才。My youngest teacher! He really made my day!!!


total time59450minutes 2020/12/10 level 8


画像引用元 insidedition


15-Year-Old Named Time's First Kid of the Year



A 15-year-old Colorado high school student and young scientist has been named Time magazine's first-ever "Kid of the Year.


タイム誌は毎年、その1年間で世界に最も影響を与えた人物や団体を「ことしの人」として選んでいるが、今回はじめて 『ことしのこども』も選ばれることになった。



" Gitanjali Rao was chosen from more than 5,000 children.

Her inventions include apps and devices that can detect contaminated drinking water, prevent cyberbullying, diagnose addiction to prescription drugs, and help with other social problems.






While speaking with actress Angelina Jolie, who interviewed her for Time, Rao said that solving the world's problems is soon going to be the responsibility of her generation, "so if no one else is gonna do it, I'm gonna do it.





" Time said Rao stood out for creating a global community of young innovators and inspiring them to try to achieve their goals.

Rao は際立っていたーー 若い革新者の世界的コニュニティーを作り上げることで


Rao has worked with rural schools, museums and other organizations to run innovation workshops for thousands of other students.




At a time when science is increasingly questioned or challenged, Rao insisted that its pursuit is the best way for a younger generation to better the world.


⇓ 理解できなかった部分を講師Arthur からのlesson noteに記してありました。

when people keep on asking about science if it is true or not or how science will solve a specific problem. According to Rao, when younger generations keep on looking for answers through science, it is the moment you can make the world better.


科学的に事実を追及されたり、化学が困難な状況に挑んだりは(まだ化学的に解明できてなくて、解明しつつある段階のとき)科学への探求は、最良の方法だーー 若い世代がより良い世界にする時だ




She noted science and technology are being used like never before to help stop the coronavirus pandemic, global warming and many other problems.


彼女は言ったーー 科学、技術 が、これまで、止めることに役立てなかったcoronavirus pandemic,地球温暖化やほかの問題に使われている。



"We have science in everything we're involved in, and I think that's the biggest thing to put out there, that science is cool, innovating is cool, and anybody can be an innovator," said Rao.



だから 科学は、革新は、すばらしい。誰もが革新者になれる。 



"Anybody can do science." Time said it wanted to recognize "the rising leaders of America's youngest generation" in making the award.


For 92 years, Time has chosen a "Person of the Year," and the youngest ever was Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, who was 16 when she won in 2019


92年間 Time誌は”今年注目のひと”を選んできた。最も年少はGreta Thunberg16才。




DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:30–40 Minutes Exercise May Counter Risks of Sitting All Day

 気がついたら座りっぱなしでいた(>_<) PCに向かっていると時間がたつのも忘れてしまいますね。

本日の講師、Jhamesが教えてくれた表現⇒My body was sore.


total time51425 minutes 2020/12/9  level 8


Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam on Unsplash

30–40 Minutes Exercise May Counter Risks of Sitting All Day


A new study has found that 30 to 40 minutes of exercise may reduce the health risks associated with sitting all day.

The study, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, used data from nine studies, which together looked at more than 44,000 people with an average age of 65.


The participants wore an accelerometer to measure how much exercise they did and how sedentary they were.



 ⇓ 加速度センサー付きの歩数計


リンクシー 多機能 歩数計 ブラック [歩数 距離 時計 カロリー 7日間過去メモリー 3D加速度センサー 脱着可能 クリップ式アタッチメント付き] LINKSY LH501B [送料無料]

(2020/12/11 10:40時点)




This was recorded for different lengths of time from four to almost 15 years.



Researchers found that being sedentary for long periods of time — more than 10 hours a day — is associated with a higher risk of death.




However, doing 30 to 40 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous-intensity

physical activity a day may be enough to decrease this risk of death to the same levels as people who spend very little time sedentary.



physical activity 安静時よりも多くエネルギーを使う行動 


In the same journal, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a new set of guidelines for physical activity and sedentary behavior.


The WHO now recommends that adults do 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week.


150 to 300 minutesの適度な強度・程度の 活動または 75 to 150 minutes の精力的な強度・程度活動を勧める。



Moderate-intensity activity includes things such as walking quickly and dancing.

Vigorous-intensity activity includes cycling, running and swimming.


The WHO also recommends limiting the amount of time spent sedentary.



This is the first time the organization has made a recommendation about sedentary time.

However, no limit was given for the maximum amount of time people should spend sitting each day or week.





"Although the new guidelines reflect the best available science, there are still some gaps in our knowledge," said Professor Emmanuel Stamatakis of the University of Sydney and co-editor of this issue of the journal.


new guidelinesは科学的に良いことを示すことはできるけれど、私たちの知識とはギャップがある (まだ十分にではない)



He said researchers still don't know exactly how much sedentary time is too much, but added that research is moving quickly in this field, so there may be an answer* in a few years' time.

どれだけ長く座りっているのが 長すぎるのかは明確にはわかってない。早急にその分野をリサーチしている。だから、回答は数年以内に出るかも。


*in a few years  ーーー数年もしくはその後もう1,2年延びるかも

* in a few years' timeーーー数年以内には

👆 講師Jhamesに教えてもらいました




DailyNews予習復習メモ:Key Hong Kong Activists Sent to Prison


理解にたどり着くのに、4日かかり Arthurを含み講師3名にお世話になりました。 まだまだ 一気に記事を理解するのは難しいので、Arther とフリートークで笑った後に記事に集中するといった具合にゆっくり行きます(^^♪

 total time 51375minutes 2020/12/6 level 9 



Photo by Joseph Chan on Unsplash 

Key Hong Kong Activists Sent to Prison

 香港活動家 重要人物禁固刑

Three well-known Hong Kong pro-democracy activists have been sentenced to prison for a 2019 protest outside  police headquarters  as authorities crack down on opposition to Beijing's tightening control over the territory.


3人のよく知られている民主化を求める 活動家たちは、禁固刑に処されたーー それは2019年外で抗議をしたためーー北京政府の統治領管理・支配締め付けに対しての反対運動を厳しく取り締まる行政機関としての警察本部の外で




The activists — Joshua Wong, Agnes Chow and Ivan Lam — are among more than 10,000 people who have been arrested since June 2019 on charges related to protests against a proposed extradition law that expanded to include demands for greater democracy.


活動家たちJoshua Wong, Agnes Chow and Ivan Lam は、10000人以上の逮捕された人のうちの3人であるーー2019年に引き渡し条例




人引渡し条約は、例えば香港以外の国で犯罪を起こした容疑者が香港へ戻ってきてもその国と条約が結ばれていれば、容疑者を犯罪を犯した国へ引き渡すことができる。香港はアメリカや韓国など20ヵ国とこの条例を結んでいるが、中国や台湾とはこの条約を結んでいない。この条例は、イギリスが 人権が正しく守られている国には引き渡すため決めた条例だから。つまり中国は人権が守られない国だから条約を結ばなかった。 





Beijing responded to the protests by introducing a strict national security law, which led to more public opposition. Wong, 24, is known abroad for his role as a student leader of the 2014 "Umbrella Revolution" protests in Hong Kong.






*Wongは、2014年 雨傘革命の学生リーダーとしての役目をしたことで、海外で知られている。







On December 2, he was sentenced to 13 and a half months in prison. He had pled guiltyto organizing and taking part in the demonstration outside Hong Kong's police headquarters over the extradition law and police use of force against protesters.



彼は罪を認めたーー デモを組織し、参加したことーー香港警察本庁の外でーー引き渡し条例についてと警察は使った権力に対してのデモ行為



Chow was sentenced to 10 months after pleading guilty to participating in protests and encouraging other protesters. Lam pleaded guilty to encouraging protests and was sentenced to 7 months.


Following this latest crackdown, Beijing has once again been accused of taking away the freedom it promised Hong Kong when it was returned to China from Britain in 1997.


この取り締まり後、北京政府は、再三 自由はく奪で非難されているーーそれは 香港がイギリスから中国へ返還された時に北京政府は(言動、報道、デモ、集会の自由を)約束したのに。




It has also led to warnings that China's Communist Party is damaging Hong Kong's image as an attractive global business center.





Other democracy activists, including businessman Jimmy Lai, have also been arrested under the security law.


*Amnesty International said the three activists "must be released immediately." Amnesty's director for the Asia-Pacific region, Yamini Mishra, said the Chinese government was using charges of encouraging others to protest to arrest people who had only spoken out and protested peacefully.


Amnesty International人権擁護運動の国際的な民間組

中国政府はほかの人を抗議するよう勧めたとして、逮捕するために告訴しようとしている ーーただ、声を大にして、平和的に抗議しただけの理由で逮捕された人を




"By targeting well-known activists from Hong Kong's largely leaderless protest movement, authorities are sending a warning to anyone who dares openly criticize the government that they could be next," Mishra said.



当局は、警告を送っている あえて・大胆にも・恐れずに公然と政府を批判する誰にでもーーその人が次のターゲットになり得る。





生まれつき障害を持っていた ちっこい文鳥(7)














脚の力がついてきて、動くようになって、気が付いた !




2020/6/9 8thday
























2020/6/10/9th day































とってもいい子だよ♥ 優しくて♥ 穏やかで♥ 















DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Would You Buy a Gift Box Made of Mushrooms?




2020/12/5 level 8 


   Photo by Manuel Barroso Parejo on Unsplash


 Would You Buy a Gift Box Made of Mushrooms?



UK-based nonalcoholic drinks company Seedlip has released a gift box that uses packaging made from mushrooms. The Spice 94 Mycelium Gift Set comes in a box made of mycelium maisíːliəm, the small threads that mushroom roots are made from. Seedlip is working with UK-based Magical Mushroom Company to make the packaging.




The Spice 94 Mycelium Gift Set は、菌糸体で作られたギフトボックスに入っている。   菌糸体とは細かい糸でキノコの根の部分が作られる。

Seedlipは、 パッケージを作るMagical Mushroom Companyと提供している。




Magical Mushroom adds mycelium to natural materials that farmers no longer need, like hemp and corn husks. As the mycelium tries to break the material down, it grows threads that form a strong and light material that can be used as packaging.


菌糸体を 天然素材に加える  その天然素材は 生産者が使い道のない麻。トウモロコシの皮、のようなもの。


菌糸体はその素材を分解しながら 糸を育て 強く 軽い素材を形成する そして パッケージとして使われる。




Mycelium can be grown into almost any size or shape. It takes about seven days to grow into packaging, and after it is used, breaks down naturally in about 40 days in a garden or compost.









According to data from the UK government, the country created more than 11 million metric tons of packaging waste in 2017, made from materials including glass, paper, metal, plastic and wood. About 64% of it was recycled.


The Seedlip gift set includes a bottle of the company's nonalcoholic spirit, Seedlip Spice 94, and a 100% recycled glass. It also comes with thyme seeds, one of the key ingredients in Seedlip drinks, so customers can grow thyme at home. The gift set is available on Seedlip's website for $45.


The Seedlip gift set は、ノンアルコール蒸留酒のボトル、Seedlip Spice 94 (ギフトの品番)、リサイクルグラス も含む.


Seedlip drinksの重要な成分である タイム(ハーブの一種)の種もついてくる (おまけ)




Mycelium can also be used for things other than packaging, including food, furniture and even buildings. US company Bolt Threads is also developing a material that looks and feels like leather, but is made from mycelium. The company is working with clothing brands like Adidas and Lululemon to make products with mycelium leather available in 2021.




US company Bolt Threads は、皮のように手触りも、見える 素材を開発している。それは、菌糸体から作られている。

Adidas and Lululemonにも提携している。


