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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Study Finds People in Their 20s Are Loneliest



  2020/12/16 level 8



 Study Finds People in Their 20s Are Loneliest

 20代 が最も孤独を感じる


Researchers at the University of California San Diego have found that people in their 20s show the highest levels of loneliness. The researchers surveyed 2,843 people in the US between the ages of 20 and 69. The survey was done in 2019 between April 10 and May 10, with the results published online in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry in November this year.





The researchers found that, for all age groups, having a smaller social network and not having a partner were predictors of loneliness — as were poor sleep and having lower levels of empathy and compassion.


すべての,年齢別のグループに対して、付き合いの輪が小さい 、パートナーを持っていなことが孤独感に関連していた。睡眠の質が悪い、他人を思いやりのレベルが低いことからも推測された。

empathy は他人の感情を他人の立場にたって理解する事で、compassionはempathy以上で、 他者への献身的な行動を意味する。


"Compassion seems to reduce the level of loneliness at all ages," said Dilip Jeste, the study's senior author.




He said this is probably because compassion helps people understand others' emotions and be helpful, which allows them to make friends and increase their confidence in their ability to succeed in social situations.




Lower social confidence and higher anxiety were predictors of loneliness in every age group, except for those in their 60s.

People in their 60s were found to be the least lonely overall.



Tanya Nguyen, first author of the study, said that social media may have a negative impact on social confidence among people in their 20s. She said that many people compare themselves to others on social media, and are anxious about how many likes and followers they have, which could lead to feelings of loneliness.


social mediaは20代に社会で生きていく自信に否定的な影響を与えているかも。

 sms で他の人と比べていいね!の数やフォロワー数を気にすることが、孤独を感じさせていく。



The study also suggested that people in their 20s were stressed because they were working toward getting their career started and looking for a partner.



The researchers said that loneliness is a serious public heath problem because it affects people's health and well-being.

The results suggest that lonely people at different ages need to be helped in different ways, the authors wrote.




A report released in January by health insurance company Cigna found that 61% of Americans said they were lonely — up seven percentage points from the year before.




