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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Facebook Creates Translation System for 100 Languages

Facebookに英語を介さず翻訳できるシステム登場間近のニュース。 翻訳機に頼らず、英語で理解できればいいのですが。。。 本日も講師はJhames FBのスマホのアプリはアンインストールして、PCのみにしたそうです。
私も最近FBはチェックしてないなぁ。smsに時間を取られたくないから。翻訳機を使わず英語で読めるようになるためには勉強 勉強 (^^♪


total 51575minutes 2020/12/17 level 8


Photo by Tracy Le Blanc from Pexels

Facebook Creates Translation System for 100 Languages

  FB 100言語を翻訳できるシステム開発



Facebook has developed the first machine learning model that can translate between any two of 100 languages without going into English first.


FBは翻訳機モデルを開発したーーそれは、まず最初に英語に訳すのではなく、100言語のうち 2言語間で直接訳すことができる。



Facebook says the new machine translation model was created to help its more than 2 billion users worldwide.

The company is still testing the translation system — which it calls M2M-100 — and hopes to add it to different products in the future.



Angela Fan, a research assistant at Facebook, said the model produces better results than other machine learning systems that depend on English to help in the translation process, using it as a "bridge" between languages.





Fan noted that many machine translation models begin by, for example, translating from Chinese to English first, and then from English to French.

This is done "because English training data is the most widely available," she said. But such a method can lead to mistakes in translation and isn't as good at preserving meaning.



英語学習したのデータは幅広く可能だから、これは使われている。しかし、このようなメソッドは翻訳にミスを導くこともある また意味をkeepすることに優れてないない。



Facebook said the model outperformed English-centered versions in a widely-used system that uses data to measure the quality of machine translations.






Facebook says about two-thirds of its users communicate in a language other than English. The company already does an average of 20 billion translations every day on Facebook's News Feed. But it faces a huge challenge with many users publishing massive amounts of content in more than 160 languages.






"Breaking language barriers through machine language translation is one of the most important ways to bring people together," Fan said.


翻訳機で言語の壁を取っ払うことは、人々をつなぐbest wayである。



