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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:House Sale Delayed After Banksy Mural Appears

売り家の外壁にバンスキーによって描かれた くしゃみをしている老女。この家の評価額が上がってうれしい反面、壁画にカバーをしたり、警報システム設置などのコストもかかりたいへんですよね。
バンスキーは家主に許可なくスプレーペイントをしたわけ?  もし私が家主なら入れ歯が飛び出してるんじゃなくて、もうちょっとかわいい絵をお願いしたいな。

Christmas Eveの講師はRickyboyは、毎日15分のお昼寝がかかせないそうです。



total 51750minites 2020/12/23 level 7


                               画像引用元 yahoo news 

House Sale Delayed After Banksy Mural Appears

 売り家延期 バンスキーに描かれた壁の出現後


Banksy's latest mural delayed a homeowner's plan to sell after it recently appeared on one of the outside walls of her Bristol home.




The British artist's piece, called Achoo!!, shows an elderly woman sneezing, sending her dentures flying out of her mouth.    

It's painted on the side of a house on a steep street in Bristol, England, and when photographed on an angle, the woman's sneeze appears to be knocking down houses.

イギリスのアーティストの作品 “ハクショーン” は、老女のくしゃみを表現していて、口から入れ歯が吹っ飛んでいる。




British media reported that the owners, who had previously put a "sold" sign on the house, pulled out of the sale because the artwork could greatly increase the value of the property.




However, Nick Makin told the BBC that claims that his mother, Aileen Makin, had stopped the sale weren't true.




"When you wake up to tabloids saying your house is now worth £5 million you've got to think about what you're doing. It does increase the value, and you have to take a moment to think about it, but it's not changing anything in terms of the house sale for us," he said.


”目覚めて、タブロイド紙を読むと、あなたの家は5 million ポンドの価値がある。何をしてるべきかを考えなくっちゃ。


でも家を売却することについては何も変わっていない。” とBBCに言った。




Makin said the sale was put on hold for 48 hours, which gave the family time to look into ways of making sure the mural is protected.




Far from earning the family millions of pounds, the piece cost them money to protect as they put a clear cover over it, and installed an alarm system.

家族が得る数百ポンドの査定額とかけ離れて・どころではない その作品は保護するためにお金がかかったーー作品をカバーで覆って、警報システムを設置したりした。



"We think it should be protected and stay where it is," Makin told the BBC. Banksy has posted the piece on his website and Instagram page and it has been confirmed that he created the artwork.





He began his career spray-painting buildings in Bristol and has become one of the world’s best-known artists.

