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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:UK to Ban New Gas and Diesel Cars by 2030



⇓ 新郎新婦の衣装にお祝儀の紙幣が貼り付けられるんだって。




total time5525 minutes levei 8 2020/12/15


Photo by Mike from Pexels

UK to Ban New Gas and Diesel Cars by 2030

 UK ガソリン、ディーゼルの新車販売は2030年まで


The UK prime minister, Boris Johnson, has said that the sale of new cars and vans that use only gasoline and diesel will be banned from 2030.


However, some hybrids — vehicles that use gasoline or diesel as well as an electric motor — will still be allowed until 2035.



しかし、ハイブリッド車ー電気モーターのように上手くgasoline or dieselを使うーは2035年まで(新車販売が)許可される。


The UK had previously said the sale of gas and diesel vehicles would be banned in 2040. However, in February the government moved the date to 2035, before changing it again in November.

The UK now has the second most ambitious plan to ban new gas and diesel vehicles in the world after Norway, which plans to ban them in 2025.


以前に述べた2040年まででガソリン ディーゼル車販売は禁止される。

しかし、2月(2020年)に政府は (2040年から)2035年以内にへと移したーーそれは11月(2020年)にもう一度、変更される前の(2月)のことある。


 UKは、新車 ガソリン ディーゼルの新車を(2035年までで禁止するというーー ノルウェー(1番目)が2025年以内に禁止するというプランに続いてーー






To help with the transition, the UK government has said it will spend over $1.7 billion on infrastructure for charging electric vehicles.



It will also offer about $780 million worth of grants to help people buy electric vehicles, and will spend about $670 million to support more battery manufacturing in the country.



 Demand for electric vehicles in the UK has more than doubled in the last year, but less than 10% of vehicles sold so far in 2020 were electric.


電気自動車を需要 は昨年の2倍 だが、2020年以内で今のところ、販売された自動車の10%より少ないのが電気自動車だった。



The government also plans to spend more on public transport, and find ways to help more people travel by walking or cycling.



 The move is part of a larger plan to help fight climate change and create jobs. Other parts of the plan, which will cost over $5.3 billion in total, include investing in renewable energy, making buildings warmer and more energy efficient, and planting trees.


その動きは地球温暖化対策や仕事 を増やすための援助の計画の一部である。



Some opposition politicians have said that the plan does not do enough to address the problems of climate change, and that much more money needs to be spent. Environmental activists also say that massive investment and immediate action is needed to properly address climate change.




