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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:30–40 Minutes Exercise May Counter Risks of Sitting All Day

 気がついたら座りっぱなしでいた(>_<) PCに向かっていると時間がたつのも忘れてしまいますね。

本日の講師、Jhamesが教えてくれた表現⇒My body was sore.


total time51425 minutes 2020/12/9  level 8


Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam on Unsplash

30–40 Minutes Exercise May Counter Risks of Sitting All Day


A new study has found that 30 to 40 minutes of exercise may reduce the health risks associated with sitting all day.

The study, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, used data from nine studies, which together looked at more than 44,000 people with an average age of 65.


The participants wore an accelerometer to measure how much exercise they did and how sedentary they were.



 ⇓ 加速度センサー付きの歩数計


リンクシー 多機能 歩数計 ブラック [歩数 距離 時計 カロリー 7日間過去メモリー 3D加速度センサー 脱着可能 クリップ式アタッチメント付き] LINKSY LH501B [送料無料]

(2020/12/11 10:40時点)




This was recorded for different lengths of time from four to almost 15 years.



Researchers found that being sedentary for long periods of time — more than 10 hours a day — is associated with a higher risk of death.




However, doing 30 to 40 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous-intensity

physical activity a day may be enough to decrease this risk of death to the same levels as people who spend very little time sedentary.



physical activity 安静時よりも多くエネルギーを使う行動 


In the same journal, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a new set of guidelines for physical activity and sedentary behavior.


The WHO now recommends that adults do 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week.


150 to 300 minutesの適度な強度・程度の 活動または 75 to 150 minutes の精力的な強度・程度活動を勧める。



Moderate-intensity activity includes things such as walking quickly and dancing.

Vigorous-intensity activity includes cycling, running and swimming.


The WHO also recommends limiting the amount of time spent sedentary.



This is the first time the organization has made a recommendation about sedentary time.

However, no limit was given for the maximum amount of time people should spend sitting each day or week.





"Although the new guidelines reflect the best available science, there are still some gaps in our knowledge," said Professor Emmanuel Stamatakis of the University of Sydney and co-editor of this issue of the journal.


new guidelinesは科学的に良いことを示すことはできるけれど、私たちの知識とはギャップがある (まだ十分にではない)



He said researchers still don't know exactly how much sedentary time is too much, but added that research is moving quickly in this field, so there may be an answer* in a few years' time.

どれだけ長く座りっているのが 長すぎるのかは明確にはわかってない。早急にその分野をリサーチしている。だから、回答は数年以内に出るかも。


*in a few years  ーーー数年もしくはその後もう1,2年延びるかも

* in a few years' timeーーー数年以内には

👆 講師Jhamesに教えてもらいました


