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How Starbucks Became the World's Biggest Coffeehouse:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ




2022/9/17 level 7

How Starbucks Became the World's Biggest Coffeehouse



Coffee has become an important part of American culture, and many people go to Starbucks for their daily cup. It's so popular that some cities even have Starbucks stores across the street from each other!






But in the late 20th century, many Americans were drinking instant coffee.

Gerald Baldwin, Zev Siegl and Gordon Bowker, who all attended the University of San Francisco together, wanted to change that.


20世紀後半には、アメリカ人はインスタントコーヒーを飲むようになった。サンフランシスコの大学に通っていたGerald Baldwin、Zev Siegl 、Gordon Bowkerの3人は、その習慣を変えたかった。



The three men were inspired by Alfred Peet, who had opened a small coffee shop in Berkeley, California, in 1966. He got his coffee from overseas, and roasted his own beans.

その3人はカリフォルニア州バークレーでコーヒーショップを営んでいたAlfred Peetから影響をうけた。彼は海外から豆を輸入し、自分でローストしていた。



Peet taught , Siegl and Bowker his roasting style, and in 1971, they opened the first Starbucks store in Seattle, named after the character Starbuck in Herman Melville's book Moby Dick. According to the company's website, this — like the company's mermaid logo — refers to the seafaring tradition of early coffee traders.

Peetは、3人にろーすとの方法を教え、彼らはシアトルに最初のスターバックス店をオープンした。Herman Melvilleの小説Moby Dick(白鯨)*エイハブ船長とスターバック、スタッブ、フラスクの3名の船員が宿敵の鯨と戦う物語に登場する船員の名前、Starbuck を店名にした。web siteよると、ロゴの人魚は、コーヒー豆貿易が始まったころの伝統的な船先に取り付けられた女神(人魚)に由来する。




At first, Starbucks sold high-quality coffee beans, supplied by Peet, and coffee equipment. The founders opened four stores in Seattle over the next decade, with Siegl leaving the company in 1980.

初めは、スターバックスは、Peetが仕入れた高品質のコーヒー豆や道具を売った。それから10年後、シアトルに4店舗をオープンしたが、1980年にはSiegl は去った。



In 1982, Howard Schultz — who managed one of Starbucks' suppliers — joined the company.

Howard Schultzはスターバックスの取引先の一つの責任者だったが、1982年にスターバックスの一員となった。



After experiencing coffeehouses in Milan, Italy, in 1983, Schultz became inspired to bring European coffee-drinking culture to the US.



But Baldwin and Bowker weren't convinced, so Schultz left Starbucks and opened a coffeehouse called Il Giornale.

しかし、Baldwin と Bowkerは認めなかったのでSchultz は去り、Il Giornaleというコーヒーショップを開いた。


It was immediately successful, and when Baldwin and Bowker decided to sell Starbucks in 1987, Schultz had enough money and investors to buy it.

Il Giornaleは大成功で、 Schultzは十分な資金とスターバックスを買い取る投資家としても十分であったため、Baldwin と Bowkerは売却を決めた。



Within four years, there were over 100 Starbucks coffeehouses around the US. In 1996, the company began opening stores outside North America, starting with Japan.





Today, according to its website, Starbucks has over 32,000 stores in 80 countries, making it the largest coffeehouse chain in the world.



記事引用: https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/app/daily-news/article/how-starbucks-became-the-worlds-biggest-coffeehouse/3LdOtDUDEe2ZT5-7u7pHVQ