Lula to Return as Brazil's President After Election Win:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ
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2022/11/2 level 9
Lula to Return as Brazil's President After Election Win
Brazilians handed a narrow victory to Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in the country's presidential election on October 30, returning the leftist former president to power at the expense of far-right incumbent Jair Bolsonaro.
ブラジル国民はLuiz Inácio Lula da Silvaに10月30日、大統領決戦選挙で勝利を手渡した。ルーラ氏は左翼、労働者党の以前大統領だったころの権力を取り戻したーー極右翼、保守的な自由社会党の現在の大統領Bolsonaro氏を押しのけて。
Da Silva — universally known as Lula — received 50.9% of the vote and Bolsonaro 49.1%, according to the country's election authority.
一般的にルラ呼び方で知られているDa Silva(新大統領)は50.9%、Bolsonaroボルソナロ (現)は49.1%の投票率。
It was a stunning comeback for da Silva. His imprisonment for corruption meant he could not stand in the 2018 election that Bolsonaro won.
すばらしいルーラ氏 da Silvaの返り咲きだ。汚職したことで獄中であったため、2018年の選挙には立候補できなかった。そのためボルソナロ の勝利となった。
"Today the only winner is the Brazilian people," da Silva said in a speech not long after the results were announced. "It's the victory of a democratic movement."
Da Silva says he wants to work with centrists and even some leaning to the right, and to restore the kind of prosperity the country enjoyed when he last served as president from 2003-2010.
This was the country's tightest election since its return to democracy in 1985, with just over 2 million votes separating the two candidates.
Da Silva's win extended a wave of recent leftist triumphs across the region, including in Chile, Colombia and Argentina.
Among world leaders offering congratulations was US President Joe Biden, who highlighted the country's "free, fair, and credible elections."
Da Silva has pledged to boost spending on the poor, reestablish relationships with foreign governments and take bold action to eliminate illegal logging in the Amazon rainforest.
Bolsonaro's administration has been widely criticized for the worst deforestation in the Amazon rainforest in 15 years and its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. But unemployment this year has fallen to its lowest level since 2015 and Bolsonaro has built a devoted following in the country.
ボルソナロ 政権は、15年間のアマゾン熱帯雨林伐採と、パンデミックの対応を非難されてきた。しかし、今年は2015年以来、最も失業率が下がったことからも、ボルソナロ氏 は彼の熱心な支持者との信頼を確立させた。
Building bridges among a diverse — and divided — country will be key to da Silva's success, according to Carlos Melo, from Insper University in Sao Paulo.
考え方の異なる国民、ルーラ派、ボルソナロ 派に分かれた人達をつなぐ橋をつくるーそれがルーラ氏の成功の鍵となる。ーーサンパウロ大学のCarlos Melo氏は言う。
He said: "If Lula manages to talk to voters who didn't vote for him, which Bolsonaro never tried, then he could reconnect Brazil to a time in which people could disagree and still get some things done."
”ルーラ氏に投票しなかったボルソナロ派の国民を話し合い、納得させられれば、支持者でない人たちとも国を一つにまとめることができる。そのために、まだ何かやれるはずだ。それはボルソナロ氏 はしなかったが。”とCarlos Melo氏は述べた。
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