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Brontë or Bell? Female Writers Who Used Pseudonyms:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ

昔の女性作家は、筆者は男性と思わせて、小説を書かなければならなかったんだ(>_<)その男尊女卑の時代の中、ジョジュルサンドこと、本名:アマンディーヌ オーロール デュパンの生き様はすごいね。




2022/9/6 level 8

Brontë or Bell? Female Writers Who Used Pseudonyms



Many authors use a pseudonym/súːdənìm. Some use one for privacy, while well-known authors may use one to experiment with a different type of writing.



And female authors may sometimes use one to get around sexism in the publishing industry — and in reader expectations.



*get around は、あっちこっち動き回る、拒否する、顔が広い、更に多くの人と関係を持つとというスラングもありました(^^)/




Here are some famous female authors who published their works under pseudonyms:




Louisa May Alcott ルイーザ メイ オルコット
Louisa May Alcott is best known for Little Women, which was published under her own name between 1868 and 1869.

若草物語で知られているルイーザが実名で出版したのは1868 and 1869の1年間のみ。


But before that, she used the name AM Barnard to publish several bloody thrillers — material that was considered "unladylike" in 19th century America. It wasn't until 1942, long after she had died, that she was revealed to be AM Barnard.


しかし、それまでは、AM Barnard という名前を使って怪奇小説を出版していたー19世紀のアメリカの話で”男っぽく荒っぽい作者”だと思われていた。1942年にやっと発覚したのは、死去後しばらくたってからで、彼女がAM Barnardであったと明らかになった。(死没1888年




The Brontë Sisters ブロンテ姉妹

Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë first published their novels and poetry under the names Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell.



Charlotte revealed the truth in the introduction to an 1850 edition of Wuthering Heights, by Emily, and Agnes Grey, by Anne, which were published together.





The sisters, she explained, had always wanted to become authors but chose to use pseudonyms for privacy, and because of English society's prejudices toward female authors.





JK Rowling ジェイケイローリング

Joanne Rowling was encouraged by her publisher to use a gender-neutral name so Harry Potter would appeal to boys as well as girls.




Rowling was not given a middle name at birth: She chose the name "Kathleen," her grandmother's name, to include in her initials at her publisher's request.




Since finishing Harry Potter, Rowling has also written crime novels as Robert Galbraith — something she said she first did to be able to write without expectations, and continues to do to keep the work separate from her other writing.





Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin アマンディーヌ オーロール デュパン

Born in 1804, Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin was one of France's most successful novelists during her lifetime.




Better known as George Sand, she defied gender expectations by smoking in public, wearing men's clothing and more. Well-respected by other writers — including Victor Hugo — Russian novelist Ivan Turngenev once said of her: "What a brave man she was, and what a good woman!"







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