Study Says Reading Fiction Helps Us Understand Others:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ
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2022/11/7 level 8
Study Says Reading Fiction Helps Us Understand Others
Were you a bookworm at school? Well, according to recent research from the US, reading fiction at a young age could give us a more complex view of the world, and allow us to better understand other people's lives.
This is particularly true for literary fiction, which is generally considered "serious" stories that don't fit into specific categories like romance or science fiction. Literary fiction usually focuses on people's lives and the social and political issues that may affect them.
The researchers based their conclusions on four surveys of adults in the US.
In all four studies, participants were asked about the type of reading they do, as well as about a different aspect of the way in which they see the world and see themselves.
The first study found that among more than 350 Americans, increased reading of literary fiction when growing up /was connected with greater "psychological richness." This might mean having an open mind and trying to gain wisdom in life.
In the second study, the researchers said that among around 2,200 university students, those who read literary fiction were less likely to simply accept authority.
The third study found that reading any fiction as a young person /gave people a sense of perspective and empathy. Around 1,500 participants were involved in this one.
第三回目 若い時に読めば、どんなフィクション小説でもものごとを見通せるし、共感できるようになる。1500人の参加者がそうであった。
Finally, based on results from the fourth study — of around 1,000 people — the researchers concluded that people who read literary fiction early in life were more likely to have a complex worldview.
Whether or not participants reported that they were currently reading literary fiction did not affect how complex their worldview was. This suggests that reading as a young person has more of an impact.
The authors said that fiction is a useful tool for understanding that the world is a complex place, full of differences.