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Lawyers in Japan Warn Police Over Racial Profiling:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ

警察官が挙動不審な者などを呼び止めて、"今何をしていたのか?” ”これから何をしようとしているのか?”と尋ねる職務質問は、「警察官職務執行法」という法律の下で、犯罪予防のために行われている。答弁の強制,身体の拘束,連行などはできないが、緊急性・必要性が高い限定的な場面では、警察署に同行を求めたり、承諾のないまま所持品を検査したりすることも可能。

その職務質問を特定の人種、肌の色の人を対象としているため、ある弁護士会がこのracial profilingをやめるよう警告しているという記事です。


2022/10/22 level 7

Lawyers in Japan Warn Police Over Racial Profiling



A group of lawyers in Tokyo has asked for guidelines to be introduced /to prevent racial discrimination by Japanese police.



In early 2022, the Tokyo Bar Association asked almost 2,100 people in Japan with foreign roots — including some Japanese citizens — about their experiences of being questioned by police.

the Tokyo Bar Association:(東京弁護士会のある団体)は、外国人のルーツを持つ日本にいる2100人に尋ねたー日本国籍を持つ場合も含めてー警官に呼び止められ、職務質問をうけた経験についてを。





More than 60% of the people surveyed said they had been questioned by police during the previous five years.





According to the results, which were published in September 2022, 77% of those questioned said they believed they had not been doing anything that would give the police a reason to talk to them.

9月に発表された結果によると、職務質問されたと答えた人のうち77% が答えたー


The Asahi Shimbun reported that Moe Miyashita, a lawyer from the Tokyo Bar Association, told journalists: "It is necessary to create guidelines for police checks to prevent discrimination and a system that allows police questioning to be examined later."

朝日新聞の報告では、the Tokyo Bar Associationのある弁護士は述べた



People with Latin American, African and Middle Eastern roots were most likely to have been questioned.



One person said they were afraid of the police and believed they had been a victim of racial profiling — that they were questioned just because they looked foreign.

ある人が言うには、彼らは警官を嫌がっているー見た目だけで職務質問をするから。racial profilingの被害者だから。


Another said that while they understand the police are doing their jobs, they didn't think it was fair to be questioned like a criminal in front of large groups of people on the street or in the airport.



In December 2021, Japanese police were told by the country's National Police Agency to avoid questioning people in a way that could be seen as discriminatory, according to Kyodo News.



This was after the US embassy in Japan reported that foreigners in the country had been questioned by police in possible racial profiling incidents.

日本にあるUS大使館が日本にいる外国人が警官に職務質問を受けるのはracial profilingであると報告した。


The government said at the time that police do not question people based on their roots.



