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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Caffeine Only Helps with Some Tasks when Tired

2021/6/5 level 8



寝不足にcoffeeの効果はあるのか? それは仕事の種類によりけり。 単純な仕事は、1杯のcoffeeでなんとかこなせるが、医療行為、運転などは、効果は変らないそうです。 私にとって、睡眠の質と時間は大問題。不足はもちろん、取り過ぎてもぼーっとしてしまう。早寝早起きがベストでしょうけど、これがなかなか習慣にならない。 暑くなると、ケージにカバーしないので、夜明けと共に文鳥に起こされる。そして、かごから出して、2度寝してしまう。目が覚めると枕元でスヤスヤ同じように2度寝している文鳥。早起きが全く三文の徳になっていないのが実情。

Caffeine Only Helps with Some Tasks when Tired



Didn't get enough sleep last night?


An extra cup of coffee might not be the answer.



At least that's what a new study from Michigan State University has found.



Researchers looked at whether caffeine can help people perform better at certain tasks after a night without sleep.





The study included 276 participants, who completed both a simple attention task and a more difficult "placekeeping" task.



For the attention task, participants had to press a button as soon as an image appeared on a screen.

attention taskでは、何か画像が現れたらすぐに、ボタンを押さなければならなかった。


For the placekeeping task, they had to complete a series of tasks in a specific order without skipping or repeating a step.


placekeeping task中は特定の順序で続いている仕事を仕上げなければならなかったー飛ばしたり、繰り返したりしないで。



Some of the participants then went home to sleep, while the others stayed awake in the laboratory all night.



The next morning, all of the participants took a capsule that contained either 200 milligrams of caffeine or a placebo.




They then repeated both tasks.



The researchers found that those who didn't sleep performed worse at both tasks.



However, caffeine did reduce the effects of sleep deprivation for the simple attention task.


しかし、カフェインは睡眠不足が及ぼす(悪)影響を減らしたー simple attention のとき 



But for most participants, caffeine had little effect on how they performed in the more difficult placekeeping task.

しかし、ほとんどの参加者の場合、カフェインは、難しいplacekeeping taskの仕事の出来栄えにあまり影響を与えなかった。(難しい仕事は、カフェインをとってもあまり変化はなかった。)



"Caffeine may improve the ability to stay awake and attend to a task," said lead researcher Kimberly Fenn.




"But it doesn't do much to prevent the sort of procedural errors that can cause things like medical mistakes and car accidents.




" Fenn said that if the study had shown that caffeine significantly reduced procedural errors after a night of little sleep, this would have been important news for people like surgeons and pilots, who have to perform complicated tasks when sleep deprived.





"Instead, our findings underscore the importance of prioritizing sleep," she said.



According to America's National Sleep Foundation, adults aged 18 to 64 should get seven to nine hours of sleep per night.


Those 65 and older should get seven to eight hours, while teenagers aged 14 to 17 should get eight to 10 hours — and younger children should sleep even more.


