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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Lack of Sleep in Middle Age May Increase Dementia Risk




he sank into a delicious slumber.   心地良い眠りに落ちました Oscar Wilde『幸福の王子』より 眠りに落ちる瞬間がたまらなく好きです。


 2021/5/1 level 8




 Lack of Sleep in Middle Age May Increase Dementia Risk



A new study published in the journal Nature Communications suggests that people who don't get enough sleep in their 50s and 60s may have a higher risk of getting dementia later in life.




The researchers analyzed data from nearly 8,000 British civil servants that was collected between 1985 and 2019.




They looked at how much sleep the study participants got on an average weeknight from around age 50 until around age 70, and how many of them went on to be diagnosed with dementia.




The researchers found that participants who regularly reported sleeping six or less hours on an average weeknight were about 30% more likely to get dementia later in life than people who reported an average of seven hours.





However, experts told The New York Times that the study has its strengths and weaknesses.



One of the difficulties with this type of research is knowing/ whether a lack of sleep causes dementia, or if it's the early symptoms of dementia that are causing the lack of sleep.

このリサーチで難解なひとつがわかりかけているー 睡眠不足が認知症の原因なのか、それとも、認知症の症状が早い時期に現れることが睡眠不足から来るのか。



This study has not fully answered that question, but since it used data starting from when the participants were only around 50, neurologistnʊˈrɑːlədʒɪst Dr. Erik Musiek told The New York Times that the results suggest it's more likely that lack of sleep causes dementia.



Musiek was not involved with the study.


"It would be really unlikely that almost three decades earlier, this sleep was a symptom of dementia, so it's a great study in providing strong evidence that sleep is really a risk factor,"




 Dr. Kristine Yaffe from the University of California, San Francisco told The New York Times.

She was also not involved in the study.


However, most of the data the researchers collected was reported by the participants themselves, so it may not be entirely accurate, the experts said.




And the participants were also mostly white, healthier and better educated than the general British population, so the results don't necessarily represent everyone.


