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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:UAE Is One of the World's Fastest-Growing Tax Havens







2021/3/14 level9





UAE Is One of the World's Fastest-Growing Tax Havens



The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one of the world's fastest-growing corporate tax havens, according to the Tax Justice Network (TJN), a UK-based international tax watchdog.


のひとつであるーーTJN-tax を監視する民間団体によると


The TJN has released its 2021 Corporate Tax Haven Index, which ranks countries based on how easily their laws allow corporations to move profits to avoid paying taxes in the countries where they do business.



The group said that the UAE rose from 12th to 10th on the index after corporations used the Netherlands to route more than $218 billion in foreign direct investment into the country.


UAEはcorporation tax haven 指数が12位から10位に上がったーー企業がオランダを中継地として利用して、外国の直接投資 $218 billion以上 がUAEに流れたので。







間接投資は、配当 や 金利 といった インカム・ゲイン 、売却益といった キャピタル・ゲイン を得ること。子会社から受け取る配当および子会社株式の譲渡益について、課税が免除される。





That's over half of the UAE's gross domestic product.




On January 1, the Netherlands introduced a tax on interest and royalty payments to low-tax countries, including the UAE, partly to reduce the amount of money being moved through the Netherlands to avoid taxes.


これを受けて 2021 1月にオランダは導入したーー利息に対する税金使用料支払い(印税や企業の特許権など)を税金の低い国に向けて。UAEも含まれ、租税回避のため、オランダを経由して移される金額をある程度減らすため。



The UAE has been badly affected by the coronavirus pandemic, and in November loosened its rules on foreign ownership of companies to encourage international investment.




Because the UAE's financial and tax systems make it one of the easiest countries in the world for corporations to use to avoid taxes, the TJN says it's responsible for 3.8% of the world's corporate tax abuse risks.  (Corporate Tax Haven Index)





According to the group, the world's top offender is the British Virgin Islands, which is responsible for 6.4% of the world's tax abuse risks.

世界でトップの反則はthe British Virgin Islandsで租税回避悪用の可能性は6.4%である。



Next are the Cayman Islands and Bermuda. The group also says that countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (*OECD) — including the Netherlands, Switzerland, the UK and France — are directly responsible for a total of 39% of the world's tax abuse risks.


次はhe Cayman Islands and Bermuda。

TJNは言うーが所属するヨーロッパ経済協力機構に所属する国Netherlands, Switzerland, the UK and Franceも含むは、世界の租税回避悪用の可能性が39%にあたる。









The group says that global tax rules set by the OECD/ fail to prevent corporate tax abuse. In a November report, the TJN calculated that multinational corporations moved almost $1.4 trillion in profits into tax havens, where corporate tax rates are very low or even zero. This helped them to avoid paying hundreds of billions of dollars in taxe



OECD が設定した世界の税のルールは租税回避の悪用する企業を阻止できない。

 11月の報告で、多国籍企業は$1.4 trillionの利益をtax heavenへ移したそのtax heavenの国の税金利率は低いまたはゼロ。

 このことは、多国籍企業を数百 billions of dollarsの税金の支払いを逃れの援助になる。



* OECD1948年、米国による戦後の欧州復興支援策であるマーシャル・プランの受入れ体制を整備するため、欧州経済協力機構(OEEC)がパリに設立された後、欧州経済の復興に伴い、欧州と北米が対等のパートナーとして自由主義経済の発展のために協力を行う機構としてOEECは発展的に解組され、1961年に経済協力開発機構設立された



The group says that global tax rules set by the OECD/ fail to prevent corporate tax abuse. In a November report, the TJN calculated that multinational corporations moved almost $1.4 trillion in profits into tax havens, where corporate tax rates are very low or even zero. This helped them to avoid paying hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes.


OECD が設定した世界の税のルールは租税回避の悪用する企業を阻止できないとTJNは言う。

11月の報告で、多国籍企業は$1.4 trillionの利益をtax heavenへ移した そのtax heavenの税金利率は低いまたはゼロ。

このことは、多国籍企業を数百 billions of dollarsの税金の支払いを逃れの援助になる。









