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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Japanese Court Says Same-Sex Marriage Should Be Allowed  


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total time 53975minutes   2021/3/22 level 9




Japanese Court Says Same-Sex Marriage Should Be Allowed


日本の法廷 同性結婚を認めるべきと判決



On March 17, a Japanese court for the first time ruled that same-sex marriage should be allowed under the country's constitution.

The decision does not have any immediate legal consequences, however.


日本ではじめて 法廷が判決を下したーー同性結婚は日本の憲法のもとで許されるべきだと。




The Sapporo District Court said/ sexuality,/ like race and gender, is not a matter of individual preference, so stopping same-sex couples from receiving the same benefits as heterosexual couples/ cannot be justified.


性的関心は、人種 性別のように 個人的嗜好の問題ではない(どうしようもない、変えようもない)だから同性カップルが、異性カップルがような同じ恩恵を受け取ることを自制する/抑えることを 正当であると理由付けられることはできない。





Judge Tomoko Takebe said that not allowing same-sex marriages violates Article 14 of the Japanese constitution, which prohibits discrimination "because of race, creed, sex, social status or family origin. ”





Article 14.  1. All of the people are equal under the law and there shall be no discrimination in political, economic or social relations because of race, creed, sex, social status or family origin.




The court was hearing a case brought by three same-sex couples demanding compensation from the government/ for the difficulties/ they suffered from not being able to marry.




*bring a case 訴訟を起こす




The court did not award them any money.



Activists say the decision could influence similar court cases and help push parliament to debate and change the law.




Outside the court, the couples' lawyers and supporters held up rainbow flags and a sign saying "a big first step toward equality."

However, the lawyers said they planned to appeal the decision, because it did not hold the government responsible for damages.


裁判所の外では 彼らの弁護団やサポーターはレインボーの旗 ”平等への第一歩”の幕を掲げた。


しかし、弁護団は言った --彼らはその判決に不服申し立てを計画した。 政府は賠償の責任を負わなかったから。



Japan is the only country in the Group of Seven — a group of major industrialized nations — where same-sex marriage is not legal.


日本は世界の7か国ーー主要な先進国 のうち、同性結婚が法律で認められてないたった一つの国である。


But in Asia, the only place where same-sex marriage is legal is Taiwan, following a law passed in May 2019.

In Japan, same-sex couples cannot inherit their partner's property or have rights over their children.

アジアでは台湾だけが同性結婚が法的に認められている 2019年その法律が可決された。




Some municipalities have introduced "partnership" ordinances so same-sex couples can more easily rent apartments, but they are not legally binding.


自治は パートナーシップ条例を取り入れたーーアパートを借りやすいするために。   しかしそれは法的拘束力を有しない。(条例は導入されたが、実際に法的ではない)



Japan's refusal to issue visas to partners of same-sex couples married overseas /has been a growing problem, often forcing them to temporarily live separately.

Four other similar cases are pending in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya and Fukuoka.




