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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:When Given Money, Low-Income Parents Spend More on Their Kids

この記事で目を引いたのは、アラスカの住民は、毎年政府から恒久基金として10万円以上の補助金を受けられること! これは、主にトランス・アラスカ・パイプラインから得られる石油収入の余剰金の配分金で、 この基金は、油田鉱区借用権の売り出し前に、議会が販売利益9億ドルを一度に消費してしまわないように当時の知事キース・ミラーが提案したものだそうだ。




2021/11/22/ level 8 

When Given Money, Low-Income Parents Spend More on Their Kids





                                                                                                                         Photo by Steve Schapiro




A study from Washington State University has found that when low- and middle-income parents were given money /to spend on whatever they liked, they spent more on their children.




The study was published in Social Forces and used data from the yearly Consumer Expenditure Survey, which asks Americans about their expenses.

その研究は、年刊消費者支出調査のデータを使い、Social Forcesで出版された---その調査ではアメリカ人に生活費について尋ねている。



The study looked at the expenses of more than 52,000 households for about eight months each at some point between 1996 and 2015.

8か月に渡り、5万2千世帯以上の出費を調べた---1996 から2115年のある時点で。



It compared Alaskan households to those in other states in the US because most Alaskans receive the Permanent Fund Dividend each year, a one-off payment to spend on whatever they like, regardless of how much they earn.






The payout was $1,114 in 2021, but it changes each year. The payments between 1996 and 2015 averaged around $1,800 per person when adjusted for inflation to 2014 dollars, according to the study.


支給金額は2021年が $1,114 だったが、 各年によって異なる。




The study found that all parents increased their spending on children's clothing around the time of the payouts.




However, low- and middle-income parents also spent more money on things such as education and electronics for their children.





The study author Mariana Amorim said that these findings contradict the common argument in the US that low-income parents cannot be trusted when given money to spend on whatever they like.






"The data suggests that lower-income parents are responsible using cash payments, so we don't need to be so afraid to give poor people money that can help their families," she said.


データは示した---低所得の親が、現金での支払いを責任をもってできるので心配することはない---貧しい人に支給金を与えることを。 これらの理由から、支給金は彼らの家族の助けになる。



She added that low-income parents need to spend a greater part of the money on basic necessities — such as catching up on bills or fixing a broken car — but they still managed to use the leftover amount to buy things for their children.




However, a 2020 survey from Pew Research found that 54% of Americans would be against the government providing a guaranteed income to all adults of about $1,000 per month. The idea was supported by a majority of Democrats, young people, Black and Hispanic people, and those with lower income.





