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NASA Announces Plan to Study UFOs :DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ


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NASA Announces Plan to Study UFOs



NASA has announced that it will begin a study of UFOs.



On June 9, the US space agency said that it is setting up an independent team to see how much information is publicly available on UFOs — which the US government now calls "UAPs," or "unidentified aerial phenomena" — and find out how much more information is needed to understand these unexplained sightings‐目撃 in the sky.



政府はUFOを”UAOs:未確認の空中現象”と呼ぶ ー空中での未解明な目撃物がいったい何なのかを知るために必要な情報を収集する。





The team will also consider how best to use all this information in the future.


チームは検討しているー 今後、全ての情報をどのように使うのがベストかを。



          画像UFO Field Research Organizatio


NASA's science mission chief, Thomas Zurbuchen, admitted that studying UAPs — often seen as belonging more to science fiction than to real science — may be a risk to the agency's reputation. But he said that the biggest challenge to understanding UAPs is a lack of good data.


現実の科学よりフィクションの科学のように見られてしまうので、US宇宙機構にとっては不利な世評を受けるリスクがあるかも。しかし、彼は言ったーUAPs を解明するにあたって大きな問題はデータ不足。


 The study will begin in fall 2022 and will last nine months, costing no more than $100,000. It will be completely open, with no classified military data used.





The team will be led by David Spergel, who said he expects UAPs will likely have multiple explanations.


チーム代表のDavid Spergelは述べたーUAPs は多数の解釈があるようだと。



"We have to approach all these questions with a sense of humility," Spergel said. "I spent most of my career as a cosmologist. I can tell you we don't know what makes up 95% of the universe. So there are things we don't understand."





A report released to the US government in June 2021 found that, in 144 sightings of unknown objects flying in mysterious ways, there was no clear evidence that any could be linked to alien life.





But the sightings could also not be clearly linked to technologies used by other nations, and instead of offering clear answers, the report highlighted the need for better data.






