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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:California Becomes First US State to Celebrate Kimchi Day

 2021/8/31 level 7





California Becomes First US State to Celebrate Kimchi Day

USの州で初めてキムチの日を祝う カリフォルニア


November 22 has officially become "Kimchi Day" in the US state of California.


11/22 公式に“キムチの日”になったーーカリフォルニア州がUSで初めて


The bill became law on August 23, making California the first state in the US to celebrate the South Korean national dish.

8/23 議案が法律となったことでーー韓国の国民的食べ物が、US初、カリフォルニアで祝うことになった。



California Assembly member Steven Choi introduced the bill as a way of supporting the idea that Korea created kimchi, after some in China have said the dish is actually Chinese.




Kimchi, which is usually made using cabbage fermented in brine with garlic, chili pepper, and fish sauce, is becoming more popular in the US and around the world.

キムチは一般的に、塩水で発酵した白菜とニンニクやトウガラシ、魚醤で作られるーー それは、USで、世界中で人気を得ている。



South Korean kimchi exports increased to a record high in the first three months of 2021, according to The Korea Herald.

The Korea Heraldによると、韓国のキムチ輸出は、2021の初めの3か月間は、高い記録をマークした。


And Korean food, including kimchi, has been appearing more frequently on US menus since 2014, according to the California bill.



More people have also learned about kimchi's health benefits, including its anti-inflammatory/æntaɪ ɪnˈflæmətɔːri/ and antioxidant properties and its "good bacteria," which can help the digestive system, heart and immune system.





This was seen when kimchi sales increased in the US at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.



Although kimchi has only received worldwide attention in recent years, its history in Korea goes back thousands of years.




Koreans living around the world continue to make and eat kimchi as an important way to maintain their culture.




The US has the largest community of Korean people living outside of Korea, with California being home to 32% of this population.




It is expected that Kimchi Day in California will be celebrated through different events, including kimchi-making classes and a Kimchi festival in Los Angeles. South Korea celebrated Kimchi Day for the first time on the same date in 2020.







