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South Korea Fighting Sea Level Rise With Floating City:DMM英会話DailyNews





2022/5/31 level  7

South Korea Fighting Sea Level Rise With Floating City



The South Korean city of Busan has confirmed plans to build a highly innovative floating city, with construction set to start as early as-早ければ 2023.


韓国の都市プサンでは 、斬新な水上都市建設計画が早ければ2023年に建設が始めることを確定した。


Blue tech company Oceanix worked with UN-Habitat‐国連人間住居計画, as well as leading designers, engineers and sustainability experts to create Oceanix Busan. It will be built in the main port of Busan, South Korea's second-largest city.


Oceanixはblueーフランス領ポリネシアで観光大臣を務めたMark Collins Chen氏が2021年に立ち上げた会社


Oceanixは、国連の人間住居計画と共同でOceanix Busanを計画し、設計者、技術者、サステナビリティ(環境を破壊しないでよい環境を継続させるため、領地内で需要供給などを行う)の専門家らとともにー場所は、韓国第2の都市、釜山の主要な港。



The city, designed by architects from the Bjarke Ingels Group-BIG コペンハーゲンニューヨークを拠点とする建築設計事務所 and SAMOO-韓国の建築設計事務所, will be made up of three central platforms connected by floating bridges. One platform will be used for housing, one for research, and the third will have guest accommodation as well as restaurants, retai-小売業 spaces and amenities.




The platforms will cover 60,000 square meters, with space for up to 12,000 residents and visitors.





Oceanix Busan will be anchored-固定する to the seafloor, but will be able to rise and fall with the sea, and has been designed to withstand natural disasters and extreme weather.


Oceanix Busanは海底に固定されるが、海上を上下に動くことができるーまた自然災害や極端な気候にも耐えられるように設計される。



The city also aims to be self-sustaining, and will be able to produce its own energy, food and water.




 According to UN-Habitat, Oceanix Busan aims to provide solutions and technologies /for coastal communities at risk from rising sea levels. 

国連の人間住居計画によれば、Oceanix Busanは海面上昇からの危険性がある沿岸部のコミュニティのために、解決策と技術を提供する。



  Scientists say that sea levels could rise by more than a meter by 2100 because of climate change. This means there is a growing risk of flooding in coastal cities.




According to the BBC, the construction of the first three platforms is set to cost around $187 million and could be completed by 2025. Oceanix says that the first three platforms of the city could grow to more than 20.

BBCによると、最初に計画しているの3つのプラットフォームは$187 millionの費用がかかり、2026年までに完成予定。Oceanix は20以上のプラットフォームを都市に計画している。




