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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:'Mr. Trash Wheel' Removes Garbage from Baltimore Harbor


2021/7/11 level 8


a sketch on a napkin ----アメリカでは,食後にお口を拭くペーパーナプキンは、アイデアを書くときに使うメモ代わり。ナプキンに書かれたふと浮かんだアイデアからはじまり、Mr.Trash Wheelが誕生しました。パックマンみたいに川に浮かぶゴミを集めてパクパク食べてしまう頼もしい奴。でも、活躍しないでも済むようになってほしいですね。


'Mr. Trash Wheel' Removes Garbage from Baltimore Harbor

ミスタートラッシュホイール が港のゴミを取り除く


Plastic pollution in the world's oceans is a growing crisis.



But there is one googly-eyed hero who wants to help, at least locally, and he's called Mr. Trash Wheel.

しかし、ごみの助っ人ギョロギョロ目玉のヒーローがいるー他にはいないかもしれないが,ここ現地には、Mr.Trash Wheelと呼ばれている彼がいるよ。


Mr. Trash Wheel is a waterwheel-powered garbage collector that works 24/7 to remove trash from the Jones Falls stream of Baltimore's Inner Harbor in Maryland.

彼は、水車の力でゴミを集めるー24時間休みなしで働くーBaltimore湾内のJones Falls川からゴミを取り除くために。



The trash wheel also stops garbage from flowing into the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.

車輪はゴミがChesapeake 湾と大西洋へ流れ込むのも防ぐ。



Mr. Trash Wheel was invented by John Kellett, who was shocked by the amount of garbage he saw flowing into the harbor, especially after it rained.

大量のゴミが港へ流れるのをみて、特に雨の後、ショックを受けたJohn Kellettによって発明された。



"There should be a way to stop this trash before it spreads out," he told Cnet. So he decided to build something.





Mr. Trash Wheel started as a sketch on a napkin.



Then he became a prototype, and was finally built and installed in the harbor in 2014.



Fifteen meters long and weighing around 45 metric tons, he collects trash using a system of pulleys that are turned by his waterwheel.




The pulleys then rotate a large conveyor belt that carries trash into his mouth.




Mr. Trash Wheel has become so popular that he has around 65,000 followers on social media, several local beers named after him, as well as T-shirts and a Baltimore festival that celebrates him.

Mr. Trash Wheelは、とても人気なので65千のフォロワーを持ち、Tシャツのように地元のビールは彼にちなんで名づけられた。フェスタでは彼をほめたたえた。



Now there's also Professor Trash Wheel, Captain Trash Wheel, and Gwynnda the Good Wheel of the West to join Mr. Trash Wheel on Baltimore's rivers.

Baltimoreの川にはMr. Trash Wheelに仲間ができた。


Gwynnda just joined the Trash Wheel family in June. Together, they have gobbled up more than 1,400 metric tons of trash, including thousands of sports balls, a guitar, and even a living python — which was safely rescued.



"Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought that this idea sketched on a napkin would lead to all this,



" Kellet told The New Yorker. He also said over 100 countries had contacted him about his invention.



"There are lots of places around the world that could use trash wheels," he said.

世界中のたくさんの場所でtrash wheelsを使われるだろう。