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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Green Tea and Coffee May Help Diabetes Patients Live Longer

毎日緑茶を4杯以上とコーヒーを2杯以上飲めば 2型糖尿病の死亡リスクは63%低下すると書かれてます。普段よりちょっと多く飲めばいいわけですよね。カフェインの取りすぎにはならないのでしょうか?

私はべにふうきパウダータイプ きららを愛飲してます。



Photo by Honey Fangs

 Green Tea and Coffee May Help Diabetes Patients Live Longer



Research suggests that drinking lots of green tea and coffee is linked with a lower risk of death from any cause among people with type 2 diabetes. The study was published by BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care. 







Researchers in Fukuoka, Japan, studied 4,923 adults with type 2 diabetes over a median of about five years. Of the participants, 2,790 were men and 2,133 were women, and their average age was 66. 



At the beginning of the study, participants filled out a survey of their eating and drinking habits. They also told researchers about their lifestyles, such as how much exercise they do, their sleeping habits and if they drink or smoke. 




The study found that even drinking up to one cup of green tea every day was associated with a 15% lower risk of death. People who drank two to three cups had a 27% lower risk, while those who drank four or more had a 40% lower risk. 


Among coffee drinkers, up to one daily cup was associated with a 12% lower risk of death; while one cup a day was linked with a 19% lower risk and two or more was linked to a 41% lower risk. 


The risk of death was even lower for those who drank both green tea and coffee every day. In fact, drinking four or more cups of green tea and two or more cups of coffee every day was associated with a 63% lower risk of death. 



The researchers said the study could not explain why the risk of death was lower for type 2 diabetes patients who drink green tea and coffee. However, previous research has suggested that green tea and coffee contain compounds that are thought to be generally beneficial for health. 


以前の調査では、緑茶とコーヒーは化合物を含んでいる それが一般的に健康に有益と考えられていた。




The researchers noted that they didn't look at other information that can also affect health outcomes, like education level and household income. Also, they said the green tea found in Japan may not be the same as what's found in other countries, so the effects may be different. 








私が飲んでるの緑茶は ”べにふうき パウダータイプ きらら” 花粉症に効くべにふうきですが、1年通して愛飲してます。急須も使わず、湯飲みに小さじ一杯 お湯に溶かすだけ。少し溶けにくいのですが、溶けやすくする添加物を配合されてないので安心です。