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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Japan Approves Its First COVID-19 Vaccine

いよいよ始まったワクチン接種。私に回ってくる順番はまだ先ですが、摂取するのでしょうか。本日の講師Vladはwait and see 様子を見るって言ってましたが、私も同意見です。corona virus is mysterious 未知過ぎて、少量でも身体の中に侵入させるのは怖いですね。と言って絶対に感染したくないし。
ただこの記事に書かれているように ”Vaccines are considered key to holding the Tokyo Olympics” 政府としてはオリンピック開催を実現させるため、なんとしても、ワクチンを全国民に接種させたい意向がある。これがまた懐疑的になっちゃうんですよね。



 2021/1/17 level 8


Japan Approves Its First COVID-19 Vaccine




On February 14, Japan formally approved its first COVID-19 vaccine and said it would start people within days. However, the nation is months behind the US and many other countries.



The announcement came after a government panel confirmed/ that clinical testing in Japan/ showed that the vaccine co-developed and supplied by Pfizer Inc /was similarly effective to what overseas tests had found.


発表は、政府の審査員団が確認したあとだった。 /(確認したことは ) 日本で治験し、/(その結果を)日本が示したのは、共同開発されたファイザーから供給されたワクチンは、海外でのテストでわかった結果と同じような効果だった。



Under the current plan, about 20,000 front-line medical workers at hospitals in Japan will get their first shots beginning around February 17.




 About 3.7 million other medical workers will be next, followed by elderly people, who are expected to get their shots in April.


By June, it's expected that all others will be allowed to receive them.



The vaccine was approved using an emergency fast-track process that took two months compared to the usual one year.





But Japan is still months behind many other countries, which began inoculating their citizens late last year,

because the government asked for clinical testing at home in addition to the international tests Pfizer did with more than 40,000 people from July to November.


日本はまだ数か月遅れている  昨年末接種を開始した他の国より。




Many other countries accepted Pfizer's results and moved ahead.


The extra tests were conducted to address safety concerns,

①but were only done on 160 people,②leading=(and led) some to question whether it was worth the delay.



しかしたった160人の治験のみだったことで  ワクチン接種開始の遅らせて待った甲斐があったかどうかを 疑問視すること至った人もいた。


 * ,leading to 分詞構文 ①が起きて、次に②は起きたとき分詞構文を使って表現するんですね。理解に苦しみました('ω')



 However, the test were only done on 160 people that some people question whether the delay in receiving inoculation was worth the wait.  



Vaccines are considered key to holding the Tokyo Olympics this summer.




Japan is expected to receive 144 million doses from Pfizer, 120 million from AstraZeneca and about 50 million from Moderna before the end of the year, enough to cover its population.




Vaccines being developed by Japan are still in the early stages, so the country must rely on imports.




AstraZeneca only recently applied for its vaccine to be approved in Japan, while Moderna hasn't applied yet.

There are also concerns about whether EU export controls could affect supplies. 






