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DMM英会話Daily News予習復習メモ:Study: Yoga Can Help Anxiety, but Therapy is Better

今回は不安障害のケア方法としてヨガ、認知行動療法、ストレスについての勉強が紹介されてます。 わたしもかなりの心配性ですが、紙に書く、ブログに書く、大したことでないと書く、書くことで頭と心が整理できます。
講師は今日もPoachとfree talkでした。昨日午前中はミンダナオ島全域でinternet downtimeのため回線がよくなく、キャンセルせざる得なかったそうです。

total time 49725分 2020.10.9 level 8



Study: Yoga Can Help Anxiety, but Therapy is Better


A US study has found that yoga can be effective for treating generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) — but it is not as effective as therapy.

 generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) 全般性不安障害 制御できない理由なき不安のために日常生活に多大な影響を及ぼしている不安障害の一種 

The study, published in JAMA Psychiatry, looked at 226 adults with GAD. Participants were put in three groups: one that took a 12-week course of Kundalini yoga, one that had 12 weeks of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and one that was educated about stress.

Kundalini yoga 「ヨーガの音の科学」を使う古代のヨーガの技法で舌の動きと口の動きが直接、口の中の84の経絡を刺激して脳に指令が送られる仕組み
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) 認知行動療法は、従来の行動に焦点をあてた行動療法から、アルバート・エリスの論理療法や、アーロン・ベックの認知療法の登場によって、思考など認知に焦点をあてることで発展してきた心理療法の技法

Researchers found that just over half of the participants responded well to the yoga course, showing reduced anxiety symptoms. But 70% responded well to CBT, while only one-third responded well to stress education.

yoga -半数以上,  CBT-70%, stress education 1/3との参加者がよいと回答した。


While it's normal to sometimes feel anxious, according to America's National Institute of Mental Health, people with GAD find it difficult to control these feelings enough to focus on daily tasks, feeling extremely nervous or worried even when there is little reason to. GAD affects about 3% of US adults, and is almost twice as common among women as it is among men.


The Kundalini yoga program used in the study included techniques for movement, breathing, relaxation and meditation, as well as yoga theory and helpful ways of thinking.

 movement ヨガの動作

CBT, meanwhile, focuses on helping patients become aware of how their thoughts can be inaccurate and harmfulsuch as having a very low opinion of their own abilities — and how those feelings can affect their behavior. It also provides steps they can take to respond to situations in more positive ways.












having a very low opinion of ~を低く評価する 見下げる

inaccurate ìnˈækjʊrət ぴったりではない・ずれている

The stress education course included information on the effects of things like diet, exercise, smoking, caffeine, and drinking alcohol.


While the study authors determined that CBT should still be the main treatment for GAD, co-author Naomi M. Simon said that it can sometimes be difficult for people to get this kind of help.


"Many people either are unable to access or afford cognitive behavior therapy," she told United Press International. But yoga, she said, "is widely available and popular."



コップ半分の水をもう半分しかないと思うか、まだ半分もあると思うか これも認知の違いですよね。
