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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Emotional Intelligence Most Important for Entrepreneurs

2021/9/2 level 8



起業家に成功するかは、Emotional Intelligence感情をコントロールできる知能が高いことだそうだ。
さいころからの教育、経験を通して、情報を得て、知識を増やし、理論的に判断できるような Cognitive intelligence 認知知能よりも。

ってことで私は起業家向きではないことが判明しました。何とかこらえたしても、(cross the line )もう限界に達したら堪忍袋の緒が切れてしまいますから。




Emotional Intelligence Most Important for Entrepreneurs



You might think that the most important skills for an entrepreneurˌ/ɑːntrəprəˈnər/ would be things like problem solving, reasoning or time management.



But a new study suggests that the entrepreneurs who are most likely to succeed are actually those who are in control of their emotions.




Researchers wanted to find out/ how important cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence are/ to the success of business entrepreneurs.




Emotional intelligence refers to a person's ability/ to understand /and manage both their own emotions and the emotions of others, as well as their relationships,

while cognitive intelligence relates to how well a person is able to use reason, memory and problem-solving skills.







Cognitive intelligence is referred to as human mental ability and understanding developed through thinking, experiences and senses.(認識知能とは、人間としての精神的、知能的な能力で、思考、経験、感覚を通してやしなった理解力である。)It is the ability to generate knowledge by using existing information. It also includes other intellectual functions such as attention, learning, memory, judgment and reasoning.(情報を得て、知識を増やす能力及び、注意を向ける、学ぶ、判断する、理論的に考えるなど知的な機能。)


Study co-author Jared S. Allen said that he has known entrepreneurs who were very successful because they were able to socialize and manage their emotions well, even if they didn't seem to have particularly high cognitive intelligence.


著者のひとり Jared S. Allenはわかったーー成功した起業家は、社交的で、感情をうまく管理するーー認知知識が特に高くないようでも。



He said that while cognitive intelligence has been found to be very important in a more general workplace environment, he believed that emotional intelligence would be more important for people starting a new business.







To test this theory, the researchers analyzed the results of 40 studies that included data on the cognitive and/or emotional intelligence of more than 65,000 entrepreneurs.



They analyzed the success of the entrepreneurs according to several factors, including how much money they made, the size of their business and how quickly it grew.




They found that while both cognitive and emotional intelligence were important for entrepreneurs, emotional intelligence was much more closely tied to success than cognitive intelligence.





In their analysis, emotional intelligence explained nearly 90% of differences in an entrepreneur's success, while cognitive intelligence explained less than 11%.




However, Allen also said they were not able to test for the ways that emotional and cognitive intelligence might work together.



He said that high emotional intelligence could help entrepreneurs better use their cognitive intelligence, for example.







