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 DMM英会話DailyNews 予習復習メモ:LGBTQ Center To Open

LGBTQに限らず、赤ちゃんから高齢者 誰もが生きやすい世の中になるといいね。
2020.10.10 level 9

First Permanent LGBTQ Center To Open in Tokyo


Pride House Tokyo will open Japan's first ever permanent Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) center on October 11, the same date as International Coming Out Day.


The center, Pride House Tokyo Legacy, will offer a safe space to share information about and from the LGBTQ community. The center in Tokyo's Shinjuku Ward will also organize online and offline events, and provide a space for individuals to find advice and support. 



Pride House Tokyo is part of Pride House International, which works to create LGBTQ-friendly spaces during international sports events. In 2017, Japanese LGBTQ organization Good Aging Yells announced it would open temporary Pride House information centers during the 2020 Olympics for LGBTQ athletes and their supporters.



While the 2020 Olympics can't take place this year, the Tokyo group has decided to open up the permanent center it had planned for 2021 this October instead. Pride House Tokyo said this is because the results of its LGBTQ  Youth Today survey showed a need for a safe way for people of all  gender identities  and sexualities to come together.

2020 年にオリンピックは今年行うことはできないが、その代わりに、今年の10月にPride House 東京は2021年に計画していた常設のセンターをオープンすることを決めた。



LGBTQ Youth TODAY 緊急アンケートの回答者は12歳〜34歳の1654名で、(Xジェンダーを含む)トランスジェンダーが45.6%、LGB他が54.4%

gender identity 自身がどの性別に属するか、性と同一感を持つかという感覚
sexuality 性的指向

Even though the first Pride House venue was at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics and Paralympics, the Tokyo Pride House will be the first that is officially recognized by the Olympic and Paralympic Games.



In 2014, the International Olympic Committee introduced a clause against any discrimination against "race, religion, gender or otherwise" to its contracts with cities.  

clause  条項




There had been protests at the Winter Games in Sochi, Russia that year, after the country introduced laws banning what it called "gay propaganda" being shared with people under 18, which Human Rights Watch says has led to an increase in discrimination against the country's LGBTQ community.

国が18才未満に支持されていた ゲイプロパガンダ と呼ばれている法律の禁止を導入した後、その年、ソチで抗議が続いた。

propaganda 組織的な主義 主張
Human Rights Watch アメリカ合衆国に基盤を持つ国際的な人権NGOニューヨーク市に本部を置く。世界各地の人権侵害と弾圧を止め、世界中すべての人々の人権を守ることを目的に、世界90か国で人権状況をモニターしている団体

It was in 2014 that Pride House International became an official organization, after a number of individuals and groups came together in response to the situation in Russia.

in response to に応じて


ただ何となく、理由もなく、自分と違う、世間一般と違うがら差別する。それは幼いころから、親から社会から刷り込まれてるから。 まず大人から、社会から偏見をなくしていかないとね。