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UN Agrees To Change Turkey's Name to "Türkiye" :DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ



シリアのアレッポからトルコへ避難し、トゥルキエでした❕ そこでオリーブ石鹸作りを続けているそうです。支援も含め髪から顔から全身使ってますよ。



20222/6/9 level 8

UN Agrees To Change Turkey's Name to "Türkiye"



The United Nations has agreed to refer to Turkey as "Türkiye" (pronounced tur-key-YAY), after Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu formally requested the change in a letter.


国連は承諾したートルコの国名Turkey を Türkiye と表わすことを。トルコの外務大臣が正式に文字の変更を要請したことを受けて。




Turkish news organization Anadolu Agency-トルコの国営通信社 quoted a UN spokesperson as saying that the name change had become effective "from the moment" the letter was received.

トルコの通信社は引用したー国連のスポークスマンが述べたことを、国名の変更は有効であるー要請の手紙が受理された ”その時点で”



The move is seen as part of a push to rebrand(新たにする) the country and remove any association with the bird of the same name, and other negative meanings.






President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government has been trying to have the internationally recognized name of his country changed to its Turkish spelling and pronunciation. The country called itself "Türkiye" in 1923 after it became independent.


政府はトルコ独特のスペル(アルファベットに含まれていないü)と発音の変更を国際的に認めさせようとした。国内では1923年独立後は "Türkiye"と呼んでいる。



In December 2021, Erdogan ordered the use of "Türkiye" be used to better represent Turkish culture and values, including demanding that "Made in Türkiye" be used instead of "Made in Turkey" on exported products. The country also began using "Türkiye" in official documents.

2021年12月、大統領は"Türkiye"の使用は国の文化や価値感を表わすために適している。また輸出品にも"Made in Türkiye"をMade in Turkeyの代わりに使用する。公式な書類にも"Türkiye"を使い始めた。



The government also released a video as part of its attempts to change its name in English. The video shows tourists from across the world saying "Hello Türkiye" at different famous locations.

政府は英語で、国名を変える試みをビデオで流した。そのビデオは有名な観光地などで"Hello Türkiye"と世界中から訪れる観光客に呼びかけている。


Reporters with the country's English-language state broadcaster TRT World-トルコ国営放送 have begun using "Türkiye," although the word "Turkey" is still sometimes used by journalists who are still trying to get used to the change.


英語を使う人のためのトルコ国営放送ブロードキャスターの報道は "Türkiye,"の使用を始めたばかりだ。ジャーナリストは"Turkey" を使ってしまう場合があるが、慣れていくだろう。



TRT World explained the decision in an article earlier this year, saying that Googling the country brings up a muddled set of images, including pictures of the bird. They also noted that dictionaries define a "turkey" as something unsuccessful, or a stupid or useless person.

TRT Worldは説明したー今年の初めに決定したー Google検索で混乱させる画像が示されるー鳥の画像と混ざって。辞書には、"turkey"の意味は失敗作、のろま、どじな奴などの意味が示されるからだと。



 It was not clear whether the name, with a letter that doesn't exist in the English alphabet, will be used very widely in other countries. In 2016, the Czech Republic officially registered its shorter name, Czechia, and while some international institutions use it, many still refer to the country by its more well known, longer name.


2016年にthe Czech Republicチェコ共和国は正式にCzechiaと短くした。国際機関でそれを使うが、まだ、良く知られている長い方の国名を使っている。


