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WHO: European Obesity Levels at 'Epidemic Proportions':DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ

肥満度指数:BMI25~29はoverweight:過体重で、それを超えるBMI30以上がobesity:肥満と言われてます。WHOによると、パンデミックで肥満もEpidemic 伝染病のごとく広がりを見せているとのこと。特にヨーロッパでは(アメリカを除いて)




2022/5/26 level 8

WHO: European Obesity Levels at 'Epidemic Proportions'



The World Health Organization (WHO) says the rates of people who are obese and overweight in Europe are at "epidemic proportions," with nearly 60% of adults and a third of children in one of those categories.




In a recent report, the UN health agency's European office said the prevalence of obesity among adults in the region is higher than anywhere else, except for the Americas.



Among the countries it counts in its Europe region, the WHO said the highest rates of obesity were in Turkey, Malta, Israel and the UK.

ヨーロッパ地域で最も肥満度が高いのはトルコ 、次にイスラエル、UK。


The WHO’s Europe region is made up of 53 member states in total. These also include the European Union, as well as Russia and countries in Scandinavia and Central Asia.




 The WHO Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe) is one of WHO’s six regional offices around the world. It serves the WHO European Region, which comprises 53 countries, covering a vast geographical region from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans.






According to the report, the numbers of people who are overweight or obese in the Europe region are increasing too. The WHO has a goal of stopping the rise of obesity by 2025, but no European member state is on track-の方向へ向かっているto achieve this.





The WHO said being overweight or obese is among the leading causes of death in the European region and is responsible for-原因である more than 1 million deaths every year.



Scientists have long warned that being overweight or obese significantly increases the risk of numerous diseases, including diabetes, heart disease and at least 13 cancers. It is also the leading risk factor for disability.





"During the COVID-19 pandemic, we experienced the true impact of the obesity epidemic," WHO Europe director Dr. Hans Kluge wrote in the report. He noted that obese people were more likely to experience severe outcomes from COVID-19, including death.


パンデミック中、肥満がまん延しから影響を受けたとDr. Hans Klugeによって報告された。




Kluge also said that COVID-19 lockdowns raised the risk of weight gain as people's diets became less healthy and they couldn't get as much exercise as usual.



The WHO wants countries to bring in policies to improve "environmental factors" linked to obesity. These include taxing sugary drinks, restricting the marketing of unhealthy foods to children, and working to improve levels of physical activity.




