60 UK Companies to Test 4-Day Work Week:DMM英会話DailyNews
月火水木金 金 金。。。休日返上、毎日残業。結局、こんな働き方をしていたら、擦り切れてしまいますよね。
週4日働き、週3日を自分のために、家族のために使えれば幸せ。 もちろんお給料はそのままで。
2022/5/25 level 7
60 UK Companies to Test 4-Day Work Week
The UK will soon join Ireland, the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand in a four-day work week trial, with more than 3,000 British workers taking part.
UKは参加するだろうーアイルランド、US、カナダ,オーストラリア、ニュージーランドが行っている週4日労働を試す ー3千以上のイギリスの会社が参加する。
The trial, which will be the world's largest, will run between June and November 2022, letting employees at 60 UK companies work for four days a week instead of five while receiving the same pay. Researchers will measure the impact of reduced hours on productivity, the environment, gender equality and worker well-being.
Some of the companies involved include a fish and chip shop in Norfolk, a London beer company, and the Royal Society of Biology.
The trial is part of the 4 Day Week UK campaign, which encourages businesses to create better work environments. Other partners in the program include researchers at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, as well as Boston College in the US, and UK research group Autonomy.
The previous largest four-day work week trials were done in Reykjavik, Iceland, from 2015 to 2019, and involved over 2,500 workers. These led to long-term changes in the country's average working schedule, with a 2021 report from Autonomy estimating that 86% of workers in Iceland were either working shorter weeks or were getting the right to do so.
In a November 2021 survey of 500 British business leaders, Henley Business School found that 78% of those that had already started using four-day work weeks said employees were less stressed, and 75% said employees were happier.
The same survey asked 2,000 British workers about a four-day work week. The largest number — 69% — said they would be interested in the idea if they could choose which day to take off each week. But 56% said they would still be interested even if the company chose which day they took off.