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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ : Why Don't Some People Like Nestlé?

2021/10/19 level 9


 オランウータンの森がパームヤシ農園に            記事引用swissinfo.ch






Palm Oil & Bottled Water: Why Don't Some People Like Nestlé?



With total sales of $84.3 billion in 2020, Nestlé is one of the largest food and drinks companies in the world.



Nestlé owns more than 2000 brands and its own website says, "You probably eat Nestlé food/beverage products even if it doesn't say Nestlé on the package."




However, a quick Google search will find many criticisms of Nestlé, as well as online communities with thousands of members calling on people to boycott the company.




There have been boycotts against Nestlé since the 1970s because of how the company marketed baby formula to new mothers.



Nestlé was criticized for convincing women in poorer countries to use expensive formula instead of breastfeeding.




Organization War on Want reported in 1974 that poorer women would dilute the baby formula to make it last longer — sometimes with unsafe water — causing malnourishment /mæˈlnɝɪʃ.

貧民救済を目指す慈善組織 War on Wantは1974年に報告した---貧しい母親は赤ちゃんの粉ミルクを薄める--長持ちさせるために----時には安全でない水で、それは栄養不良を招く。



Nestlé now says that breastfeeding is the best choice for babies, and that it complies with World Health Organization codes for marketing breast milk substitutes.




Nestlé has also been accused of leaving communities without enough clean water so it can supply its bottled water businesses.




In the 2005 documentary We Feed the World, former chairman and CEO of Nestlé, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe labeled/ the belief that water is a human right as "extreme," which some felt/ was saying that water wasn’t a human right.



「すべての者が、差別なしに、十分で、安全で、許容可能で、物理的にアクセス可能で、かつ負担可能な対価で、個人及び家庭で利用するための水にアクセスする権利」である   ー水に対しての権利ー



Brabeck-Letmathe later told The Guardian, however, that he believes everyone has a right to enough water to drink and stay clean — but that other uses are not a human right.

彼はその後、UKの新聞社Guardianに述べた---すべての人が権利を持っていると彼は思っている--十分な飲み水を得る、その水は清潔である権利を--- 他の用途では人権を守っていない。


Nestlé also says that it's working with partners to protect water supplies around the world.



Most recently, executives from a company in Papua New Guinea that supplies Nestlé with palm oil / admitted to abusing workers and using child labor.





Human rights organization Global Witness secretly recorded executives from the East New Britain Resources Group (ENB) bragging about human rights abuses, reports Euronews.

環境破壊、人権侵害団体Global Witnessは、密かに パプアニューギニアのパームオイル開発企業New Britain Resources Group (ENB)の役員の会話を録音した--- 人権乱用していることを自慢していた。



ENB’s customers also included Colgate-Palmolive and Kellogg’s. Britain's Channel 4 reported that all of the companies have now cut ties with ENB.

NBTの顧客はColgate-Palmolive and Kellogg(USシリアル、お菓子の製造企業打ちも含まれる。リポートによると、これらの企業のすべてがENBとの契約を打ち切った。


 Colgate-Palmolive :石鹸、洗剤、歯磨剤、など日常生活用品を開発、製造、販売するUSの多国籍企業。本拠地はニューヨーク市


And in April 2021, Nestlé announced that it had strengthened its strategies to help protect workers’ rights in the already-controversial palm oil industry.



