タリバン政権の下に、またもやアフガニスタンの女性たちは、人権と自由を奪われることになってしまった。 顔、身体を覆うだけではなく、家から遠出するとき、タクシー乗車、フライトは必ず、家族または親族の男性が同行しなければならない。コロナパンデミックで閉鎖した学校は男子生徒には開かれても、女子生徒はいつ学校へ行けるのか未定。
2022/5/20 level 8
Taliban Order Afghan Women to Cover Faces in Public
The Taliban government in Afghanistan has ordered women to cover their heads, faces and bodies in public.
アフガニスタンのタリバン政権 は女性は頭部、身体、身体を覆うよう強制したー公共の場において。
The new "Ministry for *the Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice-勧善懲悪 省" says that women in Afghanistan can wear anything that hides their face and body. ”
However, the ministry says that a long blue burqa, also called a chadori, is the best choice. This is the same garment-衣服 that women had to wear in public during the previous Taliban regime from 1996 to 2001.
If a woman in Afghanistan doesn't cover her face in public, her father or closest male relative could lose their job if they work for the state — or even go to prison.
The Taliban also said that if women don't have important work to do outside the home, it's better if they just stay home.
The Taliban took back control of Afghanistan in August 2021. The group follows an extremist interpretation of Sunni Islam.
When they returned, the Taliban said they would respect the rights/ they believe women have under Islamic laws — but did not explain what that meant exactly. The group has since brought in a number of rules that restrict women's rights and freedoms.
Afghan women must now have a male family member with them to do a number of things. Women cannot travel more than 72 kilometers away from their homes without a male family member, and they are not allowed to get on airplanes alone.
Afghan women have also reported being unable to get taxis, enter government buildings or even go to medical appointments alone, according to The Wall Street Journal.
In September 2021, secondary schools reopened in Afghanistan after being closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic — but not for girls. Girls' secondary schools were supposed to reopen in March 2022, and did for a couple of hours.
However, the Taliban then announced that girls' secondary schools would be closed indefinitely while policies are put in place-規制する to make sure they operate in a way that complies with-応じる the regime's interpretation of Islamic law.