妊娠中の飲酒を防ぐには、若いうちから飲酒を習慣にしないことでしょうか。お酒より楽しいことはたくさんあります。お酒は子育てがひと段落してからでも遅くはないです。 私はノムより、ヨム方です。小説にうっとり酔う方が好きです。
2022/2/19 level 8
Experts Agree: You Shouldn't Drink While Pregnant
The World Health Organization (WHO) and health authorities around the world agree: you shouldn't drink alcohol during pregnancy.
Drinking during pregnancy means alcohol gets passed from the mother's blood to the developing fetus, which can cause fetal alcohol spectrum disorders — or FASDs.
Children born with FASDs may have low body weight, shorter than average height, small head size or abnormal facial features.
FASDs を持って生まれた子供は、平均より低体重、低身長、小頭症や顔の特徴がある。
They may also experience learning difficulties, hyperactivityˌhaɪpɜ:æˈktɪvɪti, vision or hearing problems, or even problems with their heart, kidneys or bones, among other issues.
The risk of a baby being born with FASDs is higher when the mother drinks a large amount of alcohol — especially in a short time.
However, a 2017 review of existing studies from the University of Bristol found that there's little known about how small amounts of alcohol affect pregnancy and birth.
Another 2017 study, published in The Lancet, found that almost 10% of women around the world consume alcohol during pregnancy.
This data came from WHO member states, and showed that as many as 25% of pregnant women in Europe drink during pregnancy.
In Ireland, over 60% of women were found to drink alcohol while pregnant — more than any other country in the study.
The lowest rate of alcohol consumption during pregnancy — 0.2% — was in the WHO's Eastern Mediterranean region, where alcohol is banned in a number of countries, including Saudi Arabia and Iran.
妊婦のアルコール消費量が低いのは、 0.2% の地中海東岸地域でサウジアラビア、イランを含むアルコール禁止の国々。
In Southeast Asia, where WHO member states include India, Indonesia and Thailand, the rate was 1.8%.
According to The Lancet, the global rate of children born with the most severe form of FASD — fetal alcohol syndrome, or FAS — is 14.6 per 10,000 people.
However, it is 37.4 per 10,000 in Europe — and 89.7 per 10,000 in Ireland.
しかし、ヨーロッパでは1万人に37.4 人、アイルランドは 89.7 人。
But the highest rate is in South Africa: 585.3 per 10,000.
While the pregnant drinking rate is lower in South Africa, the researchers said those who do drink tend to drink a lot, significantly increasing FAS risk.
最も高いのは南アフリカで1万人に585.3 人。
この地域は妊婦の飲酒率は低い一方、たくさん飲む傾向があり、FAS のリスクは著しく上昇している。