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DMM英会話DailyNew予習復習メモ:UAE Relaxes Islamic Laws for Personal Freedoms


熱帯のマレーシアのbirds park で突然のスコールに遭い、雨宿りした屋根の下でUAEの家族と一緒になりました。陽気に話しかける父親と雨にはしゃぐ少年たち。






 total time 50825minutes 2020/11/15 level 9 



   UAE Relaxes Islamic Laws for Personal Freedoms



The United Arab Emirates has announced major changes to the country's Islamic personal laws, allowing unmarried couples to live together, reducing alcohol restrictions and criminalizing so-called "honor killings."




*Islamic personal laws, イスラムの属人法(本国の風俗、習慣ないし文化等を反映した法律問題の解決が可能。人の身分や能力に関する準拠法。)




The reforms aim to boost the country's economic and social standing and "*consolidate the UAE's principles of tolerance," said state-run WAM news agency, which offered only minimal details in the surprise announcement on November 7.



 *consolidate=unite結束する/convine 確信させる



The governmentdecrees behind the changes were outlined extensively in state-linked newspaper The National, which did not cite its source.


その改変の後ろある 政府の法令/布告/命令は、広くアウトラインは描かれていると政府筋の新聞は言うが、その情報源はあげていない。

decreeofficial order




The move follows a historic deal to normalize relations between the UAE and Israel, which is expected to bring both Israeli tourists and investment to the country.









It also comes as Dubai gets ready to host the World Expo, which is expected to bring in some 25 million visitors. It was set for October, but pushed back a year because of the coronavirus pandemic.

ドバイでは、訪問客を見込んで、the World Expo 開催準備をしていた。






The changes, which The National said would take immediate effect, also reflect the efforts of the Emirates' rulers to keep up with a rapidly changing society.







 Changes include eliminating penalties for alcohol consumption, sales and possession for those 21 and over.





 Although liquor and beer are widely available in bars and clubs in the UAE's luxurious coastal cities, individuals needed a government-issued license to purchase, transport or have alcohol in their homes.








Another amendment allows unmarried couples to live together, which has long been a crime in the UAE. Authorities, especially in Dubai, often looked the other way when it came to foreigners, but the threat of punishment still remained.








The government also said it would eliminate laws defending "honor crimes," which allow a male relative to avoid prosecution for assaulting a woman seen as dishonoring a family.


 政府はまたこうも言った。変更は”名誉殺人”擁護する法律の排除するーその犯罪とはその犯罪にかかわった男性親族(殺害した女性の夫、父親、兄弟など)を許すーー 卑しい身分とされる女への暴力に対する起訴から逃れることを。 




The punishment for such crimes will now be the same for any other kind of assault. However, the announcement said nothing of other behavior seen as insulting to local customs, such as acts of homosexuality and public displays of affection.

Expatriates  /eksˈpeɪtriət/ in the UAE outnumber citizens nearly nine to one.




しかし、現地の習慣への侮辱に見えるような 行為については公表はなかった。ホモの行為や、 PDA:公共の場でいちゃつく行為などの。

