DMM英会話予習復習メモ:Research Finds No Good Evidence Hangover Cures Work
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2022/1/11 level 8
Research Finds No Good Evidence Hangover Cures Work
There's bad news for anyone who suffers from hangovers: research from the UK says there's no strong scientific evidence that many cures work.
Researchers from King's College London reviewed 21 studies from a number of different countries on the effectiveness of different hangover cures.
The hangover cures tested in the studies included things like red ginseng anti-hangover drink, Asian pear juice, probiotics and other supplements.
These were sometimes taken before drinking, sometimes after, sometimes both.
However, none of the studies included common painkillers such as aspirin or Tylenol.
When compared to placebos, the researchers found that participants did tend to report less severe hangover symptoms with some of the tested cures, including clove extract, red ginseng and Asian pear juice.
However, the studies were also very small — more than three-quarters had fewer than 30 participants, and the clove extract study involved just 16 people.
There were a total of just 386 participants across all 21 studies, and eight of the studies had only male participants.
The researchers also found that the studies had limited reporting on how and when alcohol was consumed, and there were a lot of differences in what types of alcohol were used, and whether participants had food with their drinks.
All these factors could have affected what types of hangover symptoms each cure was tested against. Also, no two studies tested the same hangover cure, and none of the study results have ever been repeated.
This led the King's College researchers to write that there is "only very low quality evidence" that any of the studied hangover cures actually works.
Researcher Emmert Roberts explained that much better studies need to be done before we have real evidence that any hangover cure is effective.
研究者Emmert Robertsは、どの治療法が効果的なのかの立証するには、もっと進んだ調査が必要であると言う。
He added that the surest way to prevent hangover symptoms is to drink in moderation, or not to drink at all.