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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Japanese Skateboarders Win Sport's First Olympic Events

2021/7/26 level 7


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Japanese Skateboarders Win Sport's First Olympic Events



Japan's Yuto Horigome and Momiji Nishiya have become skateboarding's first-ever Olympic champions, both winning gold medals in the Street events.



Thirteen-year-old Nishiya — who is now Japan's youngest gold medalist — said she was "simply delighted" after her win. She said she'd celebrate by asking her mother to treat her to a dinner of Japanese yakiniku barbecue.





The 22-year-old Horigome was taught to skate by his dad, and grew up riding in a park just 30 minutes' drive away from the event site at Ariake Urban Sports Park.

22才の堀米選手は お父さんから習い、オリンピック会場となった有明アーバンスポーツパークから車で30分の距離のある公園でボードに乗りながら育った



Horigome was a favorite going into the Olympics after beating Nijah Huston, one of skateboarding's biggest stars, at the world championships in Rome in June.


堀米選手はオリンピックの活躍を期待されたーナイジャヒューストン 、ビッグスターのひとりを打ち負かした後にーローマでのワールドチャンピオンシップで。


Despite placing seventh in the eight-man final,Huston said the event was a win for skateboarders everywhere.



"Hopefully, yes, after this people will be more accepting to skateboarding in cities like Tokyo," Huston said.



"We are not out there trying to vandalize or trespass, or the way a lot of people see it.



We are just out there doing our jobs, to be honest, and having an awesome time."




And with the three female medalists all under the age of 16, it was also a big win for the future of women's skateboarding.

女子メダリスト3名は16才未満で、女子スケートボーディングの将来 もまた明るい兆しが見えた。


"It's going to change the whole game," US skater Mariah Duran said. "I'm not surprised if there's probably already like 500 girls getting a board today."


”この競技は大きく変わるだろう。500人の女の子が今日、スケートボードを始めたとしても驚かないわ。” (オリンピックを見て、女の子に人気のスポーツになるだろう。)


The men's and women's Park events, which will take place in a different skatepark, are scheduled for next week.

The men's and women'sパークイベントは他のスケートパークで来週開催される予定。


