わが子をバイリンガルにしたいと思いますよね。かと言って英語を聞かせればいいのではなく、赤ちゃんが興味を持つような話し方、つまりBaby Talkで話しかけることが、言語の発達につながると書かれてます。
とにかく、幼児に向かって、乱暴な,汚いことばを浴びせることだけは避けたいですね。きれいなママだなーと見とれていたら、その美しい口から出るわ出るわ。怒りのことばの鉄拳が。 ことばが、愛情を表現するのですからね♡ まずは、美しい日本語で!
2021/4/16 level 8
Baby Talk Works Even if Your Baby Speaks 2 Languages
A study led by Concordia University in Montreal, Canada, has found that babies who are exposed to two languages respond better to baby talk than to being spoken to like an adult.
Other research has already shown that babies who are only exposed to one language during early development prefer baby talk.
"Baby talk" is the name given to a particular way of speaking to babies, using exaggerated sounds, singsong tones and facial expressions to help them better understand the things being said.
Baby talk とは、赤ちゃん独特のしゃべり方で、大げさで、歌うようなトーンと顔の表情もつかうーー赤ちゃんに言っていることをよりわからせるために。
Research suggests that speaking to babies in this way might help them develop their language skills.
In the study, researchers observed 333 babies who were exposed to two languages, and 384 who were exposed to only one language.
The children were all between the ages of 6 months and 15 months, and were observed in seven different countries, including the US, Canada, Australia, Singapore and parts of Europe.
Each child would sit with their parent while speakers played a mother's speech on their left and right, with English baby talk on one side, and normal adult English on the other.
Researchers then used a computer to measure how long babies looked toward each sound.
The researchers suspected that, because they had to learn two languages at the same time, babies exposed to two languages might not have as much interest in baby talk.
But it was found that babies exposed to two languages were just as interested in the English baby talk as those exposed to only one — and even babies who had not been exposed to English at all/ preferred English baby talk to adult English.
しかし判明したことは、2か国語に触れた赤ちゃんは、1言語だけに触れた赤ちゃんと、同じように英語のBaby talkに興味を持った。ーー全く英語に触れなかった赤ちゃんさえも、大人の英語よりも、baby talkの英語を好んだ。
The researchers say this suggests that baby talk should help children develop their language skills regardless of whether their parents speak one language or two at home.
baby talkは子供の言語スキルの発達に役立つーー両親が1または2か国語を話すかにかかわらず。