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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Japanese Billionaire Offers to Fly 8 People to the Moon



前沢氏がdearMoonで述べていた”earth riseが見えるかもしれない” sun rise のように地球が昇ってくる。これにはそそりますね。

”地球の素晴らしさを改めて感じたい。自分の生まれ育った地球、偉大な地球、ここに改めて感謝したい” りっぱなご自宅、愛車で生活されている前沢さん、ご自分で稼いだお金なので文句など言いません。


2021/3/8 level 8




Japanese Billionaire Offers to Fly 8 People to the Moon


Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa wants eight people to join him on a free trip around the moon.



On Twitter, Maezawa shared a video inviting people from around the world to join him on the six-day journey which he's calling "dearMoon."

6日間 "dearMoon"月周遊招待のビデオを公開した。






He also shared a link to the dearMoon website, where people who are interested/ can fill out a form to apply for a seat by March 14.




Maezawa and his guests will fly with Elon Musk's SpaceX in 2023 aboard the company's "Starship" launch vehicle.





Starship is still being tested, and has not yet successfully made it to space and back.




In 2018, Maezawa was the first person to book a seat on the planned SpaceX moon mission,

and he said at the time that he would bring along six to eight artists to help inspire people * back  on Earth when they returned.

However, in a video on the dearMoon site, Maezawa said that he's changed his mind.


前沢はSpaceX moon mission計画に予約した最初の人で、彼は言ったーー地球にいる人に刺激や活力を与えられるーー6から8人のアーティストを連れて行くーー地球に戻った時に。



people * back  on Earthーーーeight artists が戻るところ地球にいる人達


Whenever we go away from a specific place, we can refer to the people who are left at that place as the people who are 'back at that place' because they are left back there while we went away to a different place. This is why we say 'I want to buy souvenirs for my family BACK at home' when travelling because we travel while they stay at home, so they stay 'back at home' compared to us at the moment, and we will return to them, or, rather, we will return back to them 




"I began to think that maybe every single person who is doing something creative could be called an artist," he explained.

「私は思い始めたーーひとりひとりが何かを創り上げている その人たちをアーティストと言うことができる。」


Now, he said, "I want people from all kinds of backgrounds to join. It doesn't matter what you are doing.




" There are just two criteria: first, Maezawa wants applicants to be able to push the envelope in their creative endeavor in a way that benefits society by going to space.



前沢は志願者に望んでいるーー宇宙へ行くことで、 創造的活動で既成概念を変えることができる 社会貢献という方法で。



Second, they must be willing and able to support the other crew members. Maezawa said that a total of 10 to 12 people will be on the mission.




In the same video, Elon Musk said that the dearMoon mission will be the first commercial flight to carry humans beyond Earth's orbit.





Musk has also said that the mission around the moon will break the 1970 record, set by the crew of NASA's Apollo 13, for going further than any human has ever gone from the Earth.

While the mission will not actually land on the moon's surface, it will still be the first human flight to the moon since 1972.


この月を回る任務は、1970年、アポロ13号搭乗者が打ち立てた、地球から遠く行った 記録を破るだろう。






