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DMM英会話Daily News 予習復習メモ:Airbnb Bans House Party Worldwide



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  英会話合計時間48600分 2020,Aug.28 Level 8

 Airbnb Bans House Parties Worldwide


 エアビーアンドピー( 主にホームステイや観光体験などの宿泊施設のオンラインで手配を提供する会社)は世界規模でパーティーを禁止した。



Airbnb is banning house parties worldwide as it tries to clean up its reputation 噂を払拭する

and follow limits on gatherings  集会の制限を遵守する 

that have been put in place 導入する to fight the coronavirus.



The home sharing company will limit guests in its rented properties to 16 people  借りた場所内のゲストは16人まで制限する,

though it may offer exceptions for 例外も認めるかもしれないが 

small hotels or other event venues.


Airbnb said it may take legal action 法的措置をとる

against guests and

hosts who violate the ban 禁止を破った宿主に対して.

 On August 12, for the first time, Airbnb took legal action against a guest who held an unauthorized 無許可の

party in Sacramento County, California.


Airbnb has never allowed unauthorized parties, and the company said

nearly 75% of its listingsほぼ75%の登録している宿

ban parties completely. 


But after  a deadly shooting during an unauthorized party at a California Airbnb property last Halloween,

the company has

taken multiple steps 多くの段階を積む

to stop such parties.


listing = an item that can be found on a list that contains many items on it 登録している、宿主が提供する家、宿のリスト



Last November, Airbnb started reviewing再検討

US and Canadian

reservations to remove予約を取り消す

any that seemed intended for unauthorized parties,

such as if a guest booked a one-night stay

close to their home.近くに住んでいる


In July, Airbnb banned US and Canadian guests

under age 25 with fewer than three positive reviews


from booking entire homes close to where they live.

 It expanded that policy to the United Kingdom, Spain and France in mid-August.


Airbnb said it also plans to expand a hotline for neighbors to report unauthorized parties.


Airbnb says

around 2% of the 7 million properties listed on its site are large enough to be booked for 16 or more people. 

700の宿のリストのうち2%が 16人以上の人が予約できる充分な広さがある 


There are at least 53 such properties in London, 277 in Beijing, 170 in New York and 116 in Los Angeles, according to the company’s website.


With many bars and nightclubs closed due to the coronavirus, Airbnb says there has been an increase in large house parties.


“We do not want that type of business,” Airbnb said in a post on its website.