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DMM英会話 Daily News 予習復習メモ:Carlos Ghosn Launches Business Program in Lebanon  



今回で2回目の講師Poachはミンダナオ島出身ってことで、モロ イスラム解放戦線について次回教えてもらうつもりです。彼らすべてがゲリラではなく 政府に反抗するrebelだそうです。


英会話合計時間49650分2020.10.6 level 9

Carlos Ghosn Launches Business Program in Lebanon

Former Nissan and Renault CEO Carlos Ghosn is launching a new business program to help with Lebanon's economic recovery.

The program, called "Moving Forward," will provide training to local businesses, give funding and advice to new ventures, and offer executive coaching to senior managers. CNN reports that it will also include a training center to teach workers how to use new technology.


Forbes brings news that the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, a private university north of Beirut, asked Ghosn to create programs to help rebuild Lebanese society back in January. Other business leaders will also take part in the program, including Land Rover and Jaguar chief executive Thierry Bollore and former Goldman Sachs vice chairman Ken Curtis. Bollore and Curtis have both agreed to teach courses for free.


Speaking about the program, Ghosn said, "This is about creating jobs, employment and entrepreneurs to allow society to take its role in the reconstruction of the country."


Lebanon has been facing a number of political and economic challenges. The massive explosion at Beirut's port in August, which killed more than 190 people, injured 6,000 and caused billions of dollars in damage, has made those challenges even more difficult.

The massive explosion レバノン当局は、爆発が発生したのはベイルート港で、爆発の原因はそこに6年間保管されていた2750トンの硝酸アンモニウムだと発表した



Born in Brazil and raised in Lebanon, where he is a citizen, Ghosn escaped from house arrest in Tokyo and fled to Beirut in December 2019. He had been arrested in Japan in 2018, accused of trying to hide about 9.3 billion yen, or $88 million, that he made during his time at Renault-Nissan.



While there is an international arrest warrant for Ghosn, Lebanon does not have an extradition agreement with Japan, and the country does not extradite its citizens.

arrest warrant for への逮捕状 

extradite =hand over 




According to Forbes, Ghosn's new program was announced on the same day a Nissan employee, Toshiaki Onuma, told a Tokyo court that he helped former Nissan executive Greg Kelly find ways to avoid disclosing how much Ghosn was being paid. If Kelly is found guilty, he could face 15 years in prison or fines of 80 million yen (about $760,000) — or both.

 前日産幹部グレッグが、いくらがゴーンに支払われたかを開示するのを防ぐ方法を見つけるのに ゴーンは手を貸した。



