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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:US Universities Report 43% Drop in International Students

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total time 51175minutes 2020/11/30 level8


    Photo by Vitaliy on Unsplash


US Universities Report 43% Drop in International Students  

  US大学リポートによると 留学生数落ちこむ



According to a survey, the number of new international students starting at US universities and other higher education institutes fell by 43% in autumn 2020 compared to the same time last year.






 That figure includes both in-person students and online students  either in or outside the US. The survey of 700 higher education institutes also found that the total number of international students enrolled in US schools fell by 16%.






The survey was done for a report by *the Institute of International Education and nine partner organizations from the higher education sector.


*米国国際教育研究所 は交換留学制度と留学生の援助を行う。アメリカで501(c)団体の承認を受けた非営利活動法人。ノーベル賞受賞者ほかの提唱により設立され、さまざまな分野の学生、教育者、専門家を対象にした学究と研修に関わる事業を創設。



A more detailed report using data from nearly 3,000 schools will be released in November 2021. The report says that international student enrollment has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, with 90% of the institutes that took part in the survey saying that many international students are choosing to defer their studies.






Participating institutes report that over 40,000 international students have chosen to defer enrollment to a future term.


The survey also found that 99% of the institutes that responded are either holding classes online, or splitting courses between online and in-person learning.




It said that 20% of international students are now studying online from abroad — while in autumn 2019, less than one percent did so.




Among new international students, 51% began their studies online outside the US in autumn 2020, with 49% starting in the country.


留学新入生は51%がアメリカ以外に在住でオンライン受講を始めたー2020年秋に。 49%アメリカ国内在住では49%が始めた。




According to NAFSA: Association of International Educators, international students were worth $38.7 billion to the US economy in the 2019 to 2020 school year.


留学生はアメリカ経済に$38.7 billion 貢献している。


But the pandemic hasn't stopped higher education institutes in the US from trying to get international students to enroll. More than 80% of the institutes included in the survey reported increasing virtual recruitment, using online events and virtual campus visits to attract more students.




