DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Argentine Soccer Legend Maradona Dies at 60
講師はNeoh とFranky。 二人ともマラドーナも”神の手”の件もご存じなかったです。フィリピンはサッカーよりバスケットが人気。サッカーは広大なコートが必要で、暑い国で走りまわるのは酷ですね。
total time 51100 minutes 2020/11/27 level 7
Argentine Soccer Legend Maradona Dies at 60
アルゼンチン伝説のサッカー選手 マラドーナ死去
Argentine soccer player Diego Maradona has died aged 60. Maradona's spokesman said he died November 25 of a heart attack, two weeks after leaving hospital following brain surgery.
One of the most famous moments in soccer history, the "Hand of God", happened when Maradona punched the ball into England’s goal during Argentina's 2-1 victory over in England in the 1986 World Cup quarter final.
最も有名なサッカーの歴史上の瞬間 のひとつ,
”神の手” は、起こった。-マラドーナがボールを手でパンチしイングランドのゴールに入れた時に。2-1で勝利
Maradona said different things about the incident over the years, at one point saying the goal was scored by "the hand of God."
He admitted years later he hit the ball with his hand.
Maradona played soccer from an early age and said he was given a soccer ball as soon he could run. "I was 3 years old and I slept hugging that ball all night," he said.
彼は幼少からサッカーをプレーした。 彼が走れるようになると、すぐにサッカーボールが与えられた。
He played in the early 1980s for Argentinos Juniors and Boca Juniors before moving on to FC Barcelona in Spain and Napoli in Italy. His best achievement came when Argentina won the 1986 World Cup when he was the captain.
Maradona struggled with addiction throughout this life. He was addicted to cocaine and failed a drug test in 1991, and another during the 1994 World Cup.
人生を通して中毒と格闘した。 コカイン中毒で薬物テストに引っ掛かり、ワールドカップ選出に落ちた。
After a two-decade career, Maradona retired from professional soccer in 1997, at 37.
経歴20年 その後引退した。
Maradona also had many health problems. He was hospitalized near death several times due to problems blamed on cocaine, and later on eating and drinking too much.
He returned to Argentina's team in 2008 as coach. He won his first three matches but then lost 6-1 to Bolivia in a World Cup qualification match, Argentina’s worst-ever loss.
代表選考試合では 過去最悪の敗北
In 2001, FIFA named Maradona one of the two greatest in the sport’s history, along with Brazilian soccer player Pelé. FIFA also called one of Maradona's 1984 World Cup goals the greatest goal in World Cup history.
歴史に残る名声をたたえた ーーペレに加えてマラドーナのゴールはワールドカップ歴史上最高だ。
⇓11月12日の記事です。 こんなに元気そうなのに残念です。
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