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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:Stop Deforestation in the Amazon with This App



2020/11/24 level 7


Stop Deforestation in the Amazon with This App



Software and data company Sas has created an app that allows users to help stop deforestation from home.

ソフトウェア、データ、会社SAS が,森林開発・伐採を止めることをユーザーが家から援助できるアプリを作った。


The app, which can be accessed on the company's website, gives people satellite images of the Amazon rainforest, and asks them which ones show deforestation.

会社のウエブサイトにアクセスできるアプリは、人に アマゾン熱帯雨林の映像を映す衛星を与える。そしてユーザーに尋ねるーー どの画像が森林開発.伐採を示しているかを。


This helps train artificial intelligence (AI) to be able to do the same.




Sas is working with research organization *the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis(IIASA) to develop the AI.


Sas はリサーチ団体,IIASA とともにAIを開発に取り組んでいる。

* ルクセンブルクにある国際的なシステム分析研究所



On the app, users are given an image of 81 square kilometers of the Amazon that's divided into nine sections.

ユーザーはアマゾンの土地 81 square kilometersの映像が与えられるーーその画像は9個の画像に区切られている。


They're asked to select the sections that show human-made changes, like roads or farms.





This information is then used to teach the AI what deforestation looks like, so it can identify human changes more quickly by itself.


ユーザーからの情報はAIに教えるために使われるーー森林破壊がどのように見えるかを。 教えられることによって、人がもたらす変化をもっと素早くAI自身で識別できる。


"You don't have to be a climate scientist, you don't have to be a data scientist, you just have to be a citizen that is concerned about the issue of deforestation," Elliot Inman, a researcher at Sas, told The Huffington Post.


気候学者になる必要はない データ学者にも。 住民にならなければー森林破壊の問題を心配する住民に。



Data from the app can be used to show governments and conservation organizations where deforestation is happening.


アプリから得たデータは 政府や保護団体にしめすことができるーー どこで森林破壊が起こっているかを





The AI could also work out where deforestation is most likely to happen next, so conservation teams can be sent to the area.




Since April, when the app was released, users have checked more than 43,000 images, but there are about 40,000 images covering about 445,000 square kilometers that still need checking.


アプリがリリースされたときユーザーは43000画像をチェックしたが、まだ445000 square kilometers の40,000画像があるーーチェックが必要とする


According to the World Wildlife Federation, the Amazon has lost at least 17% of its forest in the last 50 years. The group says 27% of the rainforest could be without trees by 2030 if the current rate of deforestation continues.




