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DMM英会話予習復習メモ:Airbus Reveals Plans for Zero-Emission Planes

水から電気分解して水素を取り出しす方法ならば、排出されるのは水なので環境にやさしい。 一方化石燃料を使用して水素を生成すると多量の二酸化炭素と硫黄分を排出する。 水素燃料で大空を飛ぶ旅客機。大空を汚さない夢のような旅客機。




total time 50350minutes 2020.10.31 level 9






  Airbus Reveals Plans for Zero-Emission Planes




European aircraft manufacturer Airbus has revealed plans for the world's first zero-emission commercial aircraft. In late September, the company released three concept designs for what it's calling its "ZEROe" aircraft, which it says it hopes to have in service by 2035.

世界初ゼロ排出ガス旅客機の計画を発表した。2035年までに 運航を始めたい。



The planes would use hydrogen to fuel their engines, and hydrogen fuel cells to generate electricity.



Two of the three designs look much like today's commercial aircraft. One is a larger plane with two jet engines, able to carry up to 200 passengers about 3,700 kilometers.



The other is a smaller propeller plane able to carry up to 100 passengers about 1,800 kilometers. The third plane, however, uses a more unique "blended wing" design. The entire aircraft is shaped like a triangular wing, with the passengers, crew, cargo and fuel all carried inside.




blended wing body  胴体を一体的に設計することで 空気抵抗 低減による 揚抗比 改善





It will also be able to carry up to 200 passengers about 3,700 kilometers. However, Airbus will not be able to operate hydrogen-powered aircraft without cooperation from governments and the rest of the aircraft industry.







Airports would need new equipment to store hydrogen and refuel aircraft, and governments would need to invest in infrastructure to help make it cheaper to produce and transport hydrogen.







Hydrogen is a promising fuel for aviation because it can hold about three times more energy than traditional kerosene-based jet fuel by weight. However, it takes up about four times more space and needs to be kept very cold — at minus 253 degrees Celsius.


航空業界では水素は有望な/期待している燃料 で重量で言えば、基本的であるガソリンジェット燃料の3倍の勢い/パワーを持続できる。しかし4倍の場所を取る/要するし、低温度を保つ必要がある。





The main exhaust from hydrogen engines is water, with no emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), unlike today's kerosene ˈkerəsiːn  engines. Hydrogen fuel will release some nitrogen oxides, but 90% less than kerosene engines.








However, most hydrogen fuel production requires fossil fuels, which means making it in the first place generates CO2.


しかし、水素燃料製造には化石燃料(石炭 石油 天然ガスが必要です。そもそも(化石燃料を使うので)二酸化炭素を発生させるということなる。




It is possible to make "green hydrogen," where electricity from renewable sources is used to make hydrogen out of water, but only about 0.1% of the world's hydrogen is made this way today.



グリーン水素を作ることは可能である。 (方法は)再生可能の資源から作られた電力(電気分解によって)水から水素を作るために使われている。


しかし 世界中の水素のたった0.1 % がこの方法で作られている。



グリーン水素とは、水を電気分解して水素を製造する際、二酸化炭素排出量が40パーセント以下となるものを指します。 水素は、化石燃料の代わりに発電することができる。 再生可能なエネルギーから製造した水素のこと。





