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DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ:UK Government Wins Court Ruling Against Climate Protestors

2021/10/3 level 8

M25 highway に対する画像結果




多くの国が二酸化炭素排出制限の目標に達していない。UKのみでなく、気候変動対策を求める、若者の抗議活動は世界の都市で行われているけど、交通を遮断するのはどうかな。人々に迷惑をかけないでする方法でしなければね。<brイギリスの冬は寒そうだけど、。ガスセントラルヒーティングという暖房設備が一般的でガス代が異常にかかるらしい。 そのガス代が払えず、 poorly insulated homes are causing ill-health and early death ってことになるのでしょうか。


UK Government Wins Court Ruling Against Climate Protestors




The British government has won a court ruling/ to prevent climate protestors/ from blocking the entrance to the Port of Dover— Europe's busiest ferry port.





The ruling comes /after vehicles were stuck in long lines /as more than 40 protesters from the climate group Insulate Britain blocked the main road into the Port of Dover on September 24.

輸送車両が長い列で停滞したーーそれは、気候変動にまつわるグループ Insulate Britain のメンバーが、ドーバー港へのメインストリートを遮断したから。このことを受けて判決が下った。



Police said they arrested 39 people.


Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said

the government was committed to protecting the right /to peaceful protest/ but found it unacceptable that/ people couldn't go about their daily business or that critical supplies might not get through in time because of the actions of a few protesters.


政府は 、全力で守ってきたーー穏やかに抗議をする・主張する 権利を。しかし、容認できないことがわかった。 それは、人々が日常の仕事に行けないことで、その間、重要な生活必需品が道路を通過できないことになるー数人の抗議活動者の行動の為。




Insulate Britain has blocked the M25 highway five times this September and apologized for the disruption.




However, they also said that protesting was the only way to draw attention to how poorly insulated homes are causing ill-health and early death for many thousands of people in Britain.

彼らが言うには、デモはたった一つの注意を惹きつける方法であり、どれほど 遮断性/断熱性の乏しい住宅が、不健康で、短命の原因になっているか、数千人もの人々にとって。



The group, which is an offshoot of Extinction Rebellion, wants better insulation in UK homes to reduce carbon emissions and energy costs.


そのグループはExtinction Rebellionの分派で、二酸化炭素の排出や エネルギーコストを減らすため、より断熱できる家が必要。



Like other European countries, Britain is dealing with an increase in natural gas prices that is likely to cause home heating prices to rise rapidly as the UK moves into winter.





The British government already had a court ruling against the highway protesters, but the new ruling means the group's members can be put in jail if they block the M25 again. 





The Dover protest comes in the middle of a disruption to supplies across the UK,

mostly due to a shortage of truck drivers. Supermarkets have reported a shortage of some goods, and some gas stations have closed. The government has asked people not to panic-buy.






