アメリカ国家安全保障局: National Security Agency:NSAとは、アメリカ国防総省の情報機関で、合衆国政府が自国民をスパイするのは違法行為だが、他国へ諜報活動するのは違法ではない。
しかし、実際には携帯電話、SMSから、自国民の情報を得ていたことを暴露したのが、Edward Snowden エドワードスノーデン。
2022/6/6/ level 9
Privacy and Mass Surveillance: Who Is Edward Snowden?
In May 2013, a man boarded-乗り込んだ a plane from Hawaii to Hong Kong with four laptops containing top-secret documents from the US National Security Agency (NSA).
Just over two weeks later, The Guardian-UKの新聞 reported that the US government was spying on its own citizens.
その後たった2週間で、The Guardianが、US政府がスパイをおこなっていたーUS市民をと、報道した。
After a few days, the source revealed himself: Edward Snowden, now known as one of the world's most famous whistleblowers.
Snowden worked as a computer intelligence contractor for the NSA between 2009 and 2013, during which time he began secretly gathering information about the NSA's mass surveillance activities.
He found, and then revealed, that the NSA was collecting the phone records of millions of Americans from telecommunications company Verizon-US最大の携帯電話事業者.
He also told the media about the existence of PRISM-NSAが運営する極秘監視プログラム, a surveillance program that reportedly gave the NSA, the FBI and the UK's Government Communications Headquarters direct access to the systems of nine major internet firms, including Facebook, Apple and Google.
According to reports published in The Guardian and The Washington Post, PRISM could be used to access users' search histories, emails, file transfers, chats and more.
The Guardian や The Washington Postの報道では、PRISMは、ユーザーの履歴、メール、ファイル転送、チャットも監視可能だったようだ。
Explaining his actions to The Guardian in June 2013, Snowden said, "I do not want to live in a world where everything I do and say is recorded."
The Guardianに彼が取った行動の説明の中で、
Later that same month, Der Spiegel reported that the US was also spying on European Union offices in the US and Europe. Snowden later shared a document indicating that the NSA had also tapped the phone-盗聴電話 of Angela Merkel, then chancellor of Germany.
その6月の末に、Der Spiegelが報告したーUS政府はUS内及びヨーロッパのEU事務所も探りを入れていると。
Snowden has been branded a traitor-売国奴の烙印を押した by some, with claims that his actions were a threat to US national security. But others think of him as a hero for making them aware that their privacy was being violated.
The US charged Snowden with espionage and revoked-無効にする his passport. However, he was given asylum -亡命 in Russia, and was granted permanent residency-永住権 there in October 2020.
Snowden's American girlfriend, Lindsay Mills, joined him in Russia in 2014, and they married in 2017. They announced the birth of their second child in May 2022.