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Paris Commuter Gondola to Be Built by 2025:DMM英会話DailyNews予習復習メモ

パリにGondola ゴンドラを開通させるという記事です。ゴンドラとは日本で言う、ゲレンデのロープウェイ。これに乗って、雪山ではなく、パリの市街を眺めながら通学、通勤するですよ。学校や会社務めも楽しくなりますよね。毎日観光気分じゃないですか。 そして、住宅地を通過するときは窓ガラスが不透明に変り、プライバシー保護も万全。 フランスはやっぱり、オシャレで粋だね。観光手段としての狙いもあるのかもしれないですね。パンデミックが落ち着いたら、日本人ツアー客で満員だったりして。。。。


2022/5/24 level 8

Paris Commuter Gondola to Be Built by 2025



Plans for Paris' first public transport gondola have been confirmed, with the project set to be completed in 2025.




The new transport system will be called Cable 1 and will connect the suburb of Creteil and surrounding areas to the Paris Metro Line. It will also allow fast and easy travel between workplaces, schools, universities and hospitals in the area.

Cable 1と呼ばれる新交通システムはCreteil の郊外と周辺地域を、パリメトロライン(地下鉄8番線の最終駅)とつなぐ。



With five stations along the way, the 4.5 kilometer long line will be more than twice as fast as traveling the same route on a bus, taking just 17 minutes.



The idea for the gondola was first put forward in-提案する 2008 and offers-を提案する an alternative to adding more on-the-ground-地上の transport networks to Creteil, which is hilly and already has a motorway and train tracks going through it.




The cable car avoids the need for bridges and tunnels, making it less complicated and expensive. And unlike a new rail network, the gondola will just need ground space for station sites and supporting pillars, keeping the estimated costs for the project at around $145 million.

このケーブルカー(ゴンドラ)は橋、トンネルの必要ないから、面倒もなくことなく、コストも高くつかない。地上の駅のスペースと支柱のみが必要。そのプロジェクトでかかる費用$145 millionほどで安定している。



Complaints have been raised by some members of the public-一般市民 who feel the gondola may impact the privacy of locals whose houses are close to the cable car route. However, there are plans to use special windows in the cable cars that turn opaque-不透明に while traveling past residential areas — a technology that has already been used for a gondola in Brest, western France.





画像:citylab Brest in France

Authorities estimate that the Paris gondola will carry around 12,000 passengers an hour in each direction and may even reduce the number of cars in the city. It also runs on electricity, so its supporters say that it could help to reduce pollution in Paris.



There are plans for five further cable car networks currently being looked at for the wider Paris region, so Cable 1 may only be the beginning of widespread gondola transport in the city.

更にケーブルカーを5ラインをパリから更に拡張する計画があるーCable 1はパリのゴンドラ普及の第一歩かもしれない。


